
  • 网络ethnomedicine;national medicine;Ethnic drugs;otc
  1. 就LCAPIMS的接口、色谱系统、检测方式及其在天然药和民族药研究中的应用作一综述。

    A review was supplied to introduce LC - API - MS technique including interface , chromatographic system , detection mode , and its application in the study of natural drugs and ethnic drugs .

  2. 进行了相关的药效学实验。贵州民族药飞蛾七的药效学实验研究

    Research on the Pharmacodynamical experiment . Experimental study on pharmacodynamical of Oxalis griffithii , an national medicine in Guizhou

  3. HPLC指纹图谱在中药及民族药品质评价中的应用

    Application of HPLC Fingerprints to Study on Evaluation of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedicine

  4. 贵州民族药提取物A-3抗H(22)肿瘤细胞生长作用机制的初步研究

    Antitumor mechanisms of A-3 extracted from Guizhou Chinese herbs on H_ ( 22 ) cell line

  5. 杯菊(Cyathoclinepurpurea)是云南民间民族药,全株用于治疗各种炎症和肺结核。

    Cyathocline purpurea ( Buch-Ham ex D Don ) O Ktze is a folk drug used to treat inflammations and pulmonary tuberculosis in Yunnan Province .

  6. 濒危民族药重楼种质资源调查及质量评价研究

    Quality Evaluation and Germplasm Survey of Endangered Ethno-medicine of Rhizoma Paridis

  7. 西南民族药金铁锁的研究现状及展望

    Study Actuality and Prospect on Tuniclike Psammosilene Root of Southwestern National Herbs

  8. 民族药资源研究思路与中药资源的可持续利用

    Methods for Studying National Medicinal Resources and Sustainable Utilization of TCM Resources

  9. 民族药青刺尖抗炎活性成分的初步研究

    Study on the anti-inflammatory active constituents of Prinsepia utilis

  10. 民族药岩陀药材中岩白菜素的高效液相色谱定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Bergenin in Ethnodrug Rodgersia by HPLC

  11. 民族药心不甘的生药学研究

    Pharmacognostic study on Ethnic Drug Xing Bu Gang

  12. 民族药杨梅根的生药鉴定

    Pharmacognostic Indentification on Ethnic Drug Yang Mei Gen

  13. 民族药滇产回心草对大鼠实验性心肌缺血的保护作用

    Protective effect of Yunnan folk medicine Rhodobryum roseum on experimental myocardial ischemia of rat

  14. 民族药及中药标本中心的标本简介与教学利用

    A brief introduction to and teaching exploitation of the ethnic and Chinese herbal medicine specimen

  15. 基于代谢组学的民族药灯盏细辛、沙棘有效性评价及作用机制研究

    Metabonomics-Based on Evaluation the Efficacy and Mechanism of Action of Ethnomedicine Herba Erigerontis and Fructus Hippophae

  16. 贵州民族药杨梅叶抗菌作用的实验研究

    A study on inhibiting bacteria effects of Myrica Nana Cheval leaves , the folk medicine in Guizhou

  17. 民族药刺梨根对急性胃粘膜损伤保护作用的动物实验研究

    An Experiment study on Acute Gastric Mucosal Injury Protective Effects of Ethnic Drug Root of Rose Roxburghii Tratt

  18. 目的:了解目前我国民族药资源现状。

    Objective : To examine and have understanding of the present resources of Chinese herbal medicine for nationalities .

  19. 新的生物活性测定法及其在民族药中蛋白质多肽类成分分析的应用进展

    Recent Advance of New Bioassay and Its Application in the Analysis of Proteins , Peptides in Ethnic Medicine

  20. 液相色谱&大气压离子化质谱联用技术及其在天然药和民族药研究中的应用

    LC - API - MS Technique and Its Application in the Study of Natural Medicine and Ethnic Medicine

  21. 叙述了高效液相指纹图谱的特点,认为其在中药及民族药品质评价方面具有优势。

    The article briefed the characteristic of HPLC fingerprints , considered it to be useful to study on evaluation of Chinese traditional medicine and ethnomedicine .

  22. 确保民族中医药文化的安全

    Insure the Safety of National TCM Culture

  23. 并为进一步深入研究奠定了基础,同时对提高我国民族民间药资源的开发和利用具有现实的意义。

    It sets the foundation for further indepth study , and has practical meaning for the development and utilization of ethnic folk drug resources of our country .

  24. 根据土家族医药学理论,常用民族植物药依其功用分为18类:1、败毒药;

    2 , According to the medicinal theories of Tujia branch , the medicinal plant resources were classified into 18 categories by their functions : ( 1 ) Toxin-detoxifying herb ;

  25. 鄂西常用民族植物药432种,来源于618种,含种下等级植物,隶属于117科。

    It summarizes out : 1 , There 432 kinds of commonly used indigenous medicinal plants area in of the west of Hubei They are originating from 618 species and subspecies , belonging to 117 families .

  26. 加入WTO后,中药打入国际市场面临机遇和挑战;风靡全球的回归自然风尚又令民族、民间药和中药等天然药物类成为众望所归。

    After having joined the WTO , the traditional Chinese medicine has confronted many opportunities and challenges in the international market .

  27. 民族迁徙与药,是古羌人医药知识的传播。

    Migration of nationality and medicine , which is the result of acient Qiang people 's migration .

  28. 笔者从民族医药的挖掘整理,基础理论研究、临床科研工作、民族药研究以及人才培养等方面进行了归纳总结。

    The author sums up many aspects of ethnic medicine , such as sorting out ethnic medicine , basic theory research , clinic research , herbs pharmacy and training successor .