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  • nationalists in music
  1. 德沃夏克·安托宁(DvorakAntonin),一个在交响曲、室内乐、清唱剧、歌剧领域都倍受关注的捷克民族乐派的代表人物。

    Antoninus ( Dvorak Antonin ), a symphony , chamber music , oratorios , operas closely watched areas of the Czech national school representatives .

  2. 恩里克·格拉纳多斯(EnriqueGranados,1867-1916)是十九世纪末二十世纪初西班牙民族乐派的代表人物之一,他的钢琴作品在西班牙钢琴音乐史中占有重要的地位。

    Enrique Granados is one of representatives of Spanish folk music during the late 19th century and the early 20th century . His piano works have important impact on the history of Spanish Music .

  3. 爱德华·格里格(EdvardGrieg,1843~1907)这位伟大的挪威民族乐派的奠基人,用他的毕生精力让挪威的民族音乐以独树一帜的风格屹立于世界民族音乐之林。

    Edward ? Grieg ( Edvard Grieg , 1843 ~ 1907 ) and this great Norwegian folk pie with his life , founder of the national music energy let Norway with unique style music stand tall in national forest .

  4. 查理斯·艾夫斯是极具开拓性的美国民族乐派代表性作曲家。

    Charles Ives is a representative pioneering American nationalist composer .

  5. 这是民族乐派创作的共同特点。

    This is the common characteristic in Nationalism music .

  6. 简介西班牙民族乐派。

    The brief introduction of Spanish music schools .

  7. 俄罗斯民族乐派使东方的魅力产生了国际性的影响。

    The glamor of the East was brought to international prominence by the Russion national school .

  8. 19世纪20年代产生的民族乐派音乐,是欧洲浪漫主义音乐的一个重要组成部分。

    Folk music which created in 1920s is an important component of Romanticism music in Europe .

  9. 德沃夏克是十九世纪捷克伟大的作曲家,是民族乐派的典型代表人物。

    Dvorak , the great nineteenth-century Czech composer , is a typical representative of national music school .

  10. 集浪漫乐派与民族乐派之大成于一身的柴科夫斯基,是19世纪俄国最伟大的音乐家之一。

    Tchaikovsky was one of the greatest Russian musicians of the 19th century , whose works embody great achievements of romantic and nationalistic music ;

  11. 通过本曲,可以了解柴科夫斯基在古典主义音乐、浪漫主义音乐和民族乐派中的地位和作用。

    Through this tune , we may understand the status and the function of Tchaikovsky in the classicism music , romanticism music and the nationalism music .

  12. 爱德华·格里格是十九世纪欧洲浪漫主义时期北欧民族乐派的杰出代表之一,是挪威民族乐派的奠基人。

    Edward Grieg was one of the outstanding representatives of Nordic Nationalism during the 19th century European Romanticism , and he was the founder of Norwegian Nationalism .

  13. 安东宁·德沃夏克是欧洲19世纪捷克民族乐派的代表人物之一,同时也是19世纪浪漫主义时期的重要作曲家。

    Antonin Dvorak Czech century in Europe to send representatives of the national music of the Romantic century Europe at the same time period an important composer .

  14. 音乐界同样呈现出繁荣景象,真正独立的捷克民族乐派,亦于19世纪中叶形成,卓有贡献的代表人物即是斯美塔那和德沃夏克。

    Similarly , a flourishing music shows , a truly independent Czech national music school , also formed in the 19th century , contributed representatives is Smetana and Dvorak .

  15. 钢琴家米娜•伊万诺娃擅长的曲目范围广泛,从巴洛克音乐到爵士乐无一不通,其中很大一部分是保加利亚音乐和不同民族乐派的作品。

    Mina Ivanova is a pianist whose repertoire comprises of a wide range of works from baroque to jazz , including Bulgarian music and works of different national schools .

  16. 捷克民族乐派作曲家斯美塔那的交响诗创作使他林立于世界著名标题作曲家之列。

    Smetana , the representative of Czech Nationalistic Music , his works of symphonic poem make him one of the most significant composers in program music cross the world and history .

  17. 彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基是俄罗斯的浪漫乐派作曲家,也是俄罗斯民族乐派的代表人物,是世界最伟大的古典音乐作曲家之一。

    Tchaikovsky is Russian composers of the romantic , and ethnic music in Russia is the representative figure of pie , is one of the greatest composer of classical music in the world .

  18. 沃恩·威廉斯是英国20世纪新民族乐派的领军人物之一,是“英国音乐复兴”运动中最重要的代表人物。

    Content : As one of the leaders in the " New Nationalism Musical School " of Britain in the20 ~ ( th ) century , Vaughan Williams is the most important representative in the " British Renaissance of Music " .

  19. 格拉纳多斯是19世纪末20世纪初西班牙钢琴民族乐派的代表人物,其钢琴作品以其强烈的民族音乐色彩在西班牙乃至世界钢琴发展历史中都具有重要的影响力。

    Enrique Granados is the turn of the century Spain piano folk pie is the representative figure of , the piano works with its strong sense of the national music color in Spain and even the world development history of piano has important influence .

  20. 关于民族器乐理论建设和发展民族器乐草原乐派。

    The theoretical construction of the national instrumental music and the development of the " Grass-land Music Stream " of the instrumental music .

  21. 法国作曲家卡米尔·圣·桑(CamilleSaintSaens,18351921),杰出的钢琴家和管风琴演奏家,是十九世纪晚期的作曲家,法国民族音乐协会最早的成员,法国民族乐派的代表人物之一。

    French composer Camille Saint-Saens ( 1835-1921 ), an outstanding pianist and organist , also is a composer in late 19th-century . He is one of the first French National Music Association members , and one representative of France ethnic music school .