
mín zhòng
  • People;public;mass;the populace;crowd;the common people;the masses of the people;multitude
民众 [mín zhòng]
  • [mass;common people;the populace] 泛指人民大众

  • 唤起民众

民众[mín zhòng]
  1. 根本就是“唤起民众”这一条道理。

    Fundamentally , it is ," arouse the masses of the people " .

  2. “大众传媒”与科普工作&普及民众设计意识;

    " Mass media " and popular science work – popularizing design consciousness for the masses of the people ;

  3. 现在已有大量的民众投诉。

    There have been many complaints from members of the public .

  4. 这些书旨在教化民众。

    The books were intended for the edification of the masses .

  5. 绝大多数民众支持他们继续进行这场战争。

    They had overwhelming public support to prosecute the war .

  6. 部队出发救助战区民众。

    The troops are on a mercy mission in the war zone .

  7. 关闭医院怎么会对民众有利呢?

    Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest ?

  8. 他能左右民众,让大家跟随他的意志。

    He manipulates people and tries to bend them to his will .

  9. 警察和当地民众之间的关系已经得到改善。

    The relationship between the police and the local community has improved .

  10. 民众普遍反对突然的改变。

    The populace at large is / are opposed to sudden change .

  11. 战争把民众的注意力从经济状况上移开了。

    The war diverted people 's attention away from the economic situation .

  12. 政府似乎对全国民众的心情完全懵然不知。

    The government seems totally insensitive to the mood of the country .

  13. 这场运动旨在提高民众对这些问题的认识。

    The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues .

  14. 许多民众加入了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。

    Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy .

  15. 警方告诫民众要留在家里。

    Police are advising people to stay at home .

  16. 这个政党仍得到民众的广泛支持。

    The party still has widespread popular support .

  17. 民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。

    The clamour for her resignation grew louder .

  18. 在这个议题上,民众意见有分歧。

    Popular opinion was divided on the issue .

  19. 民意调查表明民众对总统的支持率为39%。

    The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39 % for the President .

  20. 人们觉得政府已脱离了民众。

    It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people .

  21. 他向聚集在那里的民众布道。

    He preached to the assembled multitude .

  22. 民众感染这种疾病的概率为60%。

    There is a 60 % probability that the population will be infected with the disease .

  23. 由500人参加的问卷调查能真正代表所有民众吗?

    Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole ?

  24. 他称曼德拉先生为鼓舞了数百万民众的英雄。

    He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions .

  25. 已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。

    More than seven million people have been affected by drought .

  26. 首都发生了地震,引发民众恐慌。

    An earthquake hit the capital , causing panic among the population

  27. 政府似乎和民众的意愿是一致的。

    The government seemed to be in tune with the popular mood

  28. 琼斯先生获得了他所在社区民众的热烈支持。

    Mr Jones received loud support from his local community .

  29. 1939至1945年间的世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。

    The 1939-45 world war involved the mass of the population

  30. 这个问题在民众中间引起了强烈的不满。

    This issue has aroused much resentment among the masses .