
  • 网络Comparison;comparison testing;compare test
  1. 通过比较测试,表明本论文设计的天线相对于现有极少数较好的TPMS产品,在性能上有较大的提高,系统设计具有能耗低、体积小、稳定性好、开发成本低等特点。

    The comparison test proves that the antenna designed has great improvement in features compared with the few current good TPMS plans . The system design enjoys several advantages , such as low power loss , small volume , good stability , and low cost for development .

  2. 这个吞吐量降低问题发生在一次为期3小时的压力比较测试中。

    This throughput degradation problem occurred in a 3-hour stress comparison test .

  3. 结果:比较测试组和标准组试件材料力学试验测得的弹性模量的结果,无统计学意义(P)0.05)。

    Result : The difference of Young 's modulus between two groups has no statistics signification ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 您可以根据系统的CPU使用量比较测试结果。

    You can compare the results based on how much of the CPU the system used .

  5. 通过仿真和转子启动过程试验振动信号对该降噪方法、EMD降噪方法及小波降噪方法的性能进行了比较测试。

    Simulation numerical signal and experimental signal of rotor running state are used to test and compare the performances of the method and EMD based de-noising method and wavelet de-noising method .

  6. 本文中为了测试通用搜索能力的实时索引性能,对基于Lucene和MySQL的倒排索引实现进行了性能比较测试。

    To evaluate the performance of real-time index system , this paper fulfills a performance test on inverted index module , and makes the compare between the performance of the implementation of Lucene and the implementation based on MySQL .

  7. 为了解我国市场上常用消毒剂对禽流感病毒的杀灭效果,试验用H3N2型流感病毒作为指标病毒,采用悬液定量方法,比较测试了10种消毒剂的杀灭病毒能力。

    In order to study the avian influenza virus inactivation effect of common disinfectants on Chinese market , H 3N 2-type influenza virus as an indicator and suspension quantitative inactivation test were used in this study . The virus inactivation effects of ten kinds of disinfectant were compared .

  8. 地球辐射表的研制(Ⅱ)∶性能比较测试研究

    Development of pyrgeometer (ⅱ): comparing study on properties of pyrgeometer

  9. 显微硬度的常量和相对比较测试方法

    On the testing methods of microhardness by determination of constant & relative comparison

  10. 可以按照与其他操作符相同的格式使用比较测试操作符。

    You use the same format on comparison test operators as other operators .

  11. 统计测试通过比较测试过程中的使用链和测试链的差异程度来解决这个问题。

    Statistical testing solves the problem by comparing testing chain with usage chain .

  12. 可以根据一个给定的用户数量值比较测试结果。

    You can compare the results based on a given user count value .

  13. 对样品实验比较测试与拉曼光谱分析

    Experimental comparison tests and Raman spectra analysis of samples

  14. 几种常用呼吸机的比较测试

    Test and compare several types of ventilators

  15. 质量评价体系含两种评价方法:单项测试法和比较测试法。

    Quality evaluation system contains two types of evaluation methods : a single test and comparison test .

  16. 比较测试法,经常应用在算法升级前后的综合对比。

    Comparison test is often used to compare two versions , which are algorithms before and after the upgrade .

  17. 田间比较测试了5种杀虫剂对地黄跳甲的防治效果及其对天敌的影响。

    Control efficiency of5 pesticides to rehmanniae flea beetle and influence to their natural enemies were compared in field condition .

  18. 可以使用多种不同方法分析和比较测试数据,下面是其中一些

    There are several different ways to analyze and compare the data from these tests , here are some of the ways

  19. 收集了较长时间间隔(2-3年)的虹膜图像进行虹膜识别的比较测试。

    Another is iris recognition on the iris images captured between an interval of long time ( two or three years ) .

  20. 经过比较测试,两种混合蚁群算法的效果都比较好,特别混合方法二的效果最好。

    All the 2 hybrid ant colony algorithms are proved effective and especially the second hybrid algorithm is a best algorithm than others .

  21. 本文将粒子群算法引入分子对接平台,进行综合比较测试。

    In this paper , Particle Swarm Optimization was introduced to incorporate with Molecular docking , and comprehensive experiments were conducted on this platform .

  22. 为了提高农业土壤、作物背景调查分析的质量,农业部环境监测研究所分别组织了土壤参考样品的比较测试。

    In order to improve the analytical quality of the background values in soils and crops , an intercomparison test among 23 laboratories has been organized .

  23. 二氧化钛含量通过比较测试的涂料样品和标准液中钛和溴峰的强度检测出!

    The titanium dioxide content is determined by comparing the ratio of the intensities of titanium and bromine peaks in the test paint and the standard .

  24. 与前一组测试操作符一样,比较测试操作符是执行错误检查或根据另一个值测试值的简便方法。

    Like the previous set of test operators , comparison test operators are a handy way to perform error checking or to test values against another value .

  25. 为了减少发生这样的误报,本研究通过几种不同的分割方法来进行比较测试后,提出了一种基于图像型森林火灾探测技术的相关算法。

    After comparison test from several different segmentation methods , this paper proposed a fire recognition algorithm based on image to reduce the rate of positive error .

  26. 文章给出了算法的实现,在半模拟环境下对算法的性能进行了测试,并将此算法与几种经典的任务调度算法进行了比较测试。

    We give a realization of the algorithm and test it under a half-simulative system . Besides , we also compare our algorithm with several classical task schedule algorithms .

  27. 目的比较测试3种过滤网对香烟烟雾的净化性能,筛选出经济、高效的过滤材质。

    Objective To Test 3 filter screens and compare their capabilities in cleaning cigarettes smoke , and to screen out a filtration material of high performance and economical efficiency .

  28. 通过实现和比较测试证明了多线程I/O技术能有效地提高磁盘阵列的数传率和减少I/O响应时间。

    The test of the result show that the multi thread technology can effectively improve the transmit speed of the RAID and reduce the I / O response time .

  29. 通过比较测试预期目标和测试结果评估了该测试方案并进一步评估整个板卡的性能。

    Through the comparisons between the expected and practical testing results , the testing scheme was validated and furthermore the performance of the whole integrated circuit board was evaluated .

  30. 指出了Linux2.6内核的多核任务调度算法需要改进的地方,提出了改进算法,通过修改Linux2.6内核的任务调度程序源代码实现了改进算法,进行了比较测试实验。

    Pointed out the Linux kernel 2.6 needs to change in the multicore task scheduling , Proposed improved algorithm . According to this algorithm changed Linux kernel 2.6 task scheduling .