
cán jí
  • physical disability;deformity;disability;handicap
残疾 [cán jí]
  • [deformity] 身体某部分或其生理功能上的缺陷

  • 腿上落了点残疾

残疾[cán jí]
  1. 目的分析辅助器具适配在肢体残疾者中的情况。

    Objective To analyze the adaptations of assistive devices to persons with physical disability .

  2. 损伤或残疾的诊断、治疗、监护、缓解或者补偿。

    Diagnosis , treatment , monitoring , remission or compensation of injury or physical disability ;

  3. 为残疾学生提供的服务不够。

    There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students .

  4. 他因身有残疾有资格得到帮助。

    He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability .

  5. 这本小册子对于残疾儿童的父母会很有用。

    The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children .

  6. 残疾在身体方面限制了你的生活。

    Disability is a physical limitation on your life .

  7. 欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。

    Disabled visitors are welcome ; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities .

  8. 那次事故使他落下了残疾。

    The accident left him physically handicapped .

  9. 他天生残疾。

    He was born disabled .

  10. 这将是一家残疾儿童福利院。

    It 's going to be a home for handicapped children .

  11. 这一下大家都知道了特德的残疾,这让母亲非常痛苦。

    This public acknowledgment of Ted 's disability pained my mother

  12. 她冒着生命危险去帮助一个残疾妇女。

    She risked her own life to help a disabled woman

  13. 他注意到她一条腿有残疾。

    He was aware that she was lame in one leg

  14. 你知道,残疾人士也拥有投票权。

    People with disabilities have got a vote as well , you know .

  15. 残疾人士如今做很多事情来丰富他们的生活。

    People with disabilities are now doing many things to enrich their lives .

  16. 医生警告他,如果再次严重摔伤他可能会终身残疾。

    He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life

  17. 内拉往好里说会落下残疾,往坏处说可能会生命不保。

    At best Nella would be an invalid ; at worst she would die

  18. 他们尽量不去看他那张奇丑无比的脸和残疾的身体。

    They tried to avoid looking at his grotesque face and his crippled body .

  19. 我将每周工作两天,教残疾儿童钓鱼。

    I 'm going to work two days a week teaching handicapped kids to fish

  20. 孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾,这表明产科护理有问题。

    For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care .

  21. 他10岁时失去了一条腿,但他学会了克服自己的残疾。

    He lost his leg when he was ten , but learnt to overcome his handicap .

  22. 警方正在询问一名涉嫌袭击一位残疾女性的男子。

    A man is being questioned by police in connection with an attack on a disabled woman .

  23. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾情况以及残疾是否会影响其工作能力。

    The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working .

  24. 有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到轮椅就退缩。

    There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don 't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair .

  25. 谈到自己的残疾时,朱莉的语气一如谈及她的高级证书考试前景般冷静平和。

    When Julie speaks of her disability , she talks in the same calm , level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects .

  26. 她特别关心那名残疾儿童。

    She showed particular concern for the disabled child .

  27. 他的残疾使他完全失去了从事他的职业的能力。

    His deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation .

  28. 该委员会将为建立一所残疾学校而努力。

    The committee will work toward the establishment of a school for the handicapped .

  29. 他有残疾,在一次事故中失去了一条腿。

    He is disabled , he lost a leg in an accident .

  30. 他的腿有残疾,行动不便。

    He has a deformed leg and moves with difficulty .