
  • 网络Death Proof;Dead Proof
  1. 那就是你为什么要伪造死亡证据重新弄一张身份证的原因?

    Which is why you faked your own death and assumed a new identity ?

  2. 虽然那些人应该都已经死了,但却找不到死亡证据,他们的妻子也因此无法获得寡妇身份。

    They were most likely killed , but as there is no proof of death , their wives can 't be declared widows .

  3. 迈克尔的母亲凯瑟琳杰克逊现正尝试从日记获取信息,作为控告杰克逊伦敦演唱会的主办公司AEG致使他异常死亡的证据。

    Lawyers for Michael 's mother Katherine Jackson are now trying to get passages of the diary admitted as evidence to back up a wrongful death suit against London concert promoter AEG .

  4. 莎乐美要他死亡的证据。

    Salome wanted proof that he was dead .

  5. 如果要排除他的嫌疑我们就得找到他死亡的证据

    If we wanna rule him out , we just have to find proof of his death .

  6. 我不需要其他他死亡的证据了我们已经确定他死了但我们不知道

    I don 't need any more proof he 's dead . We knew that already , but we don 't know

  7. 卫生部和世卫组织进行的调查发现发病前两周在她居住的地段家禽死亡的证据。

    Investigations conducted by the Ministry of Health and WHO found evidence of poultry deaths in her neighbourhood in the two weeks prior to onset of illness .

  8. 据澳大利亚新闻网近日报道,一名来自加州的海上救助潜水员为找到拉登死亡的证据,计划在阿拉伯海北部一带搜寻其尸体。

    A California salvage diver is preparing a mission to the north Arabian Sea to recover Osama bin Laden 's body as proof the al-Qaeda leader really is dead .

  9. 即使你拿得出他死亡的证据,可除了她有摆脱他的强烈动机这一事实外,你也拿不出控告这位夫人的证据。

    If you could produce evidence of his death , you could produce no evidence against this lady , beyond the one fact that she had a powerful motive for getting rid of him .

  10. 或是她已死亡的确凿证据

    Or irrefutable proof that she 's actually dead .

  11. 美国军方官员表示,他们进行了多项调查,并未发现美国涉及人员失踪死亡事件的证据。

    US military officials say they have conducted multiple investigations and found no evidence of US involvement in the disappearances and deaths .

  12. 不过,这种药物降低心梗和死亡风险的确凿证据,要到2017年大规模临床试验完成后才可能出现。

    But definitive evidence of the drugs ' effectiveness in reducing heart attacks and deaths will only come after large clinical trials are completed in 2017 .

  13. 这些发现来自于对16个临床试验的分析,这为补充维生素不能防止心脏病、中风以及心血管疾病引起的死亡增加了更多证据。

    The findings , from an analysis of16 clinical trials , add to evidence that vitamin supplements do not prevent heart attacks , strokes or deaths from cardiovascular disease .