
bù zhòu; bù zóu
  • step;process;procedure;measure;move;stage;slow and fast;pressing or otherwise
步骤 [bù zhòu]
  • (1) [step;move;procedure]∶事情进行的程序

  • 采取强有力的步骤镇压叛乱

  • (2) [pressing or otherwise]∶指缓急

  • (3) [slow and fast]∶快慢

步骤[bù zhòu; bù zóu]
  1. 只有每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才能成立。

    Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted .

  2. 这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果。

    This step involved many fateful consequences .

  3. 我们必须采取积极步骤处理这个问题。

    We must take positive steps to deal with the problem .

  4. 你在论证中似乎略去了好几个步骤。

    You seem to have jumped several steps in the argument .

  5. 照前面的练习一样,重复这五个步骤。

    Repeat these five steps , as in the last exercise .

  6. 对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。

    There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be .

  7. 已采取步骤使某些软毒品合法化。

    There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs .

  8. 他没有给出这些步骤的时间表。

    He gave no timescale for these steps .

  9. 想要完成这个步骤是不可能的。

    It would be unrealistic to expect such a process ever to be completed .

  10. 在本章后面部分,我将提出几个我们需要采取的具体步骤。

    Later in this chapter , I recommend several specific steps we need to take .

  11. 如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。

    The task won 't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small , easy-to-accomplish steps

  12. 下一步骤如何?

    What 's the next step ?

  13. 对应该采取怎样的步骤这一点还不太明确。

    There is some confusion about what the right procedure should be .

  14. 这是疾病防治中一个强有力的步骤。

    This was a drastic step in disease control .

  15. 芭芭拉因:在生产的第一步骤称为凹版印刷。

    Barbara klein : the first step in production is called intaglio printing .

  16. 科学家可使用这个数字对象标识符来公布研究周期的每一个步骤,而不仅仅是最终的文章。

    Scientists can use a DOI to publish each step of the research life cycle , not just the final paper .

  17. 哈里斯表示,美国教育正在遭遇“虚假数学”的泛滥——强调死记硬背公式和步骤,而不是理解数学如何影响我们看待世界的方式。

    Harris says that American education is suffering from an epidemic of " fake math " — an emphasis on rote memorization of formulas and steps , rather than an understanding of how math can influence the ways we see the world .

  18. 弗雷徳里克的主要思想就是炉子、水池和厨房案台一定要放置到位,使得无用的步骤能够完全避免。这个思想促使了玛格丽特·舒特·利赫斯基在20世纪20年代设计了第一个设备齐全的厨房。

    Frederick 's central idea , that " stove , sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely , " inspired the first fully fitted kitchen , designed in the 1920s by Margarete Sch ü tter-Lihotsky .

  19. 我的建议是,不要注意步骤和原料的多少,因为它们可能具有欺骗性。

    My advice is that you not pay attention to the number of steps and ingredients , because they can be deceiving .

  20. 今天的公告是改善获得高质量教育权利的又一重要步骤,是奥巴马总统行动年的一个组成部分。

    Today 's announcement is another important step forward in improving access to a quality education , a component of President Obama 's year of action .

  21. 这些步骤会导致什么?

    What could these steps lead to ?

  22. 不然的话,以下是四个真正有效的步骤!

    If not , here are four steps that really work !

  23. 再次暂停,然后重复此步骤10次。

    Pause again , and then repeat this step 10 times .

  24. 你只需要遵循一些简单的步骤。

    You just need to follow a few easy steps .

  25. 你可以按照这些步骤进行自我反省。

    You can follow the steps to do so self-reflection .

  26. 步骤1将可乐瓶彻底清洗,并让其晾干。

    Step 1 Clean the cola bottle completely and allow it to dry .

  27. 但是,通过几个简单的步骤,我们可以提高写作技巧,学习如何写更好的文章。

    But with a few simple steps , we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles .

  28. 如果你遵循下面的步骤,你就会知道什么是值得一看和值得一做的,这样你就可以充分利用你在博物馆的时间。

    If you follow these steps below , you 'll know what is worth seeing and doing , so that you can make the most of your time at the museum .

  29. 以防万一,保存以前步骤获得的inputs(变量参数值)到一个文件中去

    Just in case , save in a file the inputs obtained at the previous stage .

  30. 加入Intergraph的SmartPlant联盟计划,艾默生优化了PlantWeb工程工作步骤

    Emerson optimizes PlantWeb engineering work processes by joining Intergraph 's SmartPlant alliance program .