
  • 网络Walk;Walkpoints
  1. 篮球运动员的重心与步点探析

    On the Center of Weight and the Footing of Basketball Players

  2. 一类含2个离步点的并行多步混合方法

    A class of parallel multistep hybrid methods with two off step points

  3. 步点轨迹与提高跨栏跑成绩的关联

    A research on step locus and promoting hurdling results

  4. 结果表明:跨步动作是产生步点偏差的主要环节;

    The results showed that approach acceleration mainly takes place in the stride step with elevation ;

  5. 传统的步点法是一种用来统计和估测地面植被盖度的方法。(4)输沙量与下垫面特性密切相关,植被盖度越大,输沙量越小;

    The step-piont method was traditionally used to measure the vegetative cover on the land surface . ( 4 ) The total sediment correlated nearly with character of surface conditions and decreased with increased vegetative cover ;

  6. 本文给出了一个带有自学习和双向互选机制的加权网络演化模型.模型有两个参数进行控制。首先是自学习概率p,即在一个时间步每个点以概率p把点权加1;

    In this paper , we propose a self-learning mutual selection model to characterize weighted evolving networks .

  7. 对此,本文基于最小二乘原理提出了一种新的滤波算法&两步Sigma点滤波。

    In view of this , a novel algorithm , referred to as two-step sigma point filter , is proposed based on least-squares principle .

  8. 为提高角点提取与匹配的效率,采用基于Bresenham圆形模板和Moravec算法的两步角点检测与确认方法,并利用稀疏模板与极性约束进行角点匹配。

    A fast two-step corner detection and confirmation algorithm is realized by using the Bresenham Circle template and Moravec filter , sparse filter and corner polar constraint are used for corner matching to reduce computing time .

  9. 第二步有点小问题我没有水晶

    Crystal . Spell . There 's a little problem with number 2 . I don 't have the crystal .

  10. 法勒则每隔一会儿就从那鲸骨的小窠里一步一点地走出来,在舱口对下面的人咆哮一阵,又对那些在上面桅顶上工作的帆手们咆哮一阵,然后又大肆咆哮地回到他那小屋里去。

    Every once in a while Peleg came hobbling out of his whalebone den , roaring at the men down the hatchways , roaring up to the riggers at the mast-head , and then concluded by roaring back into his wigwam .

  11. 两自由度步进滑台点位控制系统设计

    Design of Point-position Control System for Stepping Slide-rail with Two DOFs

  12. 别担心你跨出的第一步看起来有点愚蠢或没有效用。

    Don 't worry that your first steps seem silly or futile .

  13. 剑吟者将获得每走一步得到2点额外临时防御的奖励。

    Bladesinger will receive two point addition to defence for every crossed tile .

  14. 互补问题的一步非内点连续方法

    One-step Non-interior Continuation Method for Complementarity Problems

  15. 第三步有一点困难。

    Phase three gets a little messy .

  16. 第二步重建中心点所在的区域。

    The second step reconstructs center area .

  17. 该方法主要分为两步:噪声点定位与噪声点滤波。

    The method mainly includes two steps : locating the noise points and smoothing the located noise points .

  18. 你可以在第一步走小一点或稍稍加快走步或把球推远推慢一点。

    Try taking a shorter first step or speeding up your footwork a little or pushing your ball away a little later .

  19. 所以,这个时候就该休息一下,站起来,出去走两步,吃点小零食,做些完全与工作无关的事情来为自己充充电。

    So take a break : Get up , go for a walk , have a snack , do something completely different to recharge .

  20. 结果表明,用二次阳极氧化法制备的氧化铝模板均匀有序性较好,可作为下一步制作量子点、量子线的模板。

    The results show that AAO templates prepared by the method are uniform and ordering , and can be used as the template for preparation of quantum wires and quantum dots .

  21. 通过相关系数的比较来决定下一步增加匹配点继续匹配,或者放弃在该位置的匹配,移动模板到新的位置进行新的匹配。

    Through the comparison of correlation coefficients to determine whether to increase the number of matching points or to abandon the current matching position and move to a new position for a new match .

  22. 对传统算法存在的缺陷进行了改进,所做的改进包括分两步求解扫描点,在通过正北基准扫描角计算法面距离扫描的高边基准扫描角时讨论了更多的特殊情况。

    Some improvements of traditional algorithm are made . The improvements include evaluating the scan point through two steps , and considering more special conditions in calculating the high side datum scan angle through north-datum scan angle .

  23. 对于约束值比例于设计变量向量的最优设计问题,用射线步将设计点调整到最严约束边界。

    For the optimal design problems whose constrained values are in proportion to the vector of design variables , the scaling step is used to adjust the design points to the boundary of the most critical constraint .

  24. 采用PLC控制步进电机实现点位控制

    Realization of Point Control Based on Stepper Motor Controlled by PLC

  25. 甚至在这些层中此概念更推进一步,设计决策点和交互模式的架构构建块可以帮助定义该SOA解决方案。

    Even taking it a step further within the layers and architectural building blocks there are design decision points and interaction patterns that help to define thee SOA solution .

  26. 要提高一步,真正学点马克思主义。

    We must raise our level and really learn some Marxism .

  27. 他的右脚所走的圈比较大,因为右脚的每一步都大一点。

    His left foot makes the smaller circle because it is taking larger steps .

  28. 上海中医药大学三所附属医院的发展现状和下一步建设的几点思考

    Some Ideas on Current Situation and Further Construction of Three Hospitals Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  29. 一步测量中图根点观测的自动平差与碎部点数据的自动改正

    Automatic Adjustment of the Points of Minor Control Observations and Automatic Correction of Detail Points Data in One Step Surveying

  30. 为此在自适应模糊多级中值滤波的基础上进行了改进:第1步,确定当前点是否为噪声点。

    For removing the speckle noises more quickly and completely , an improved algorithm based on adaptive fuzzy multilevel median filter method was presented .