
  • 网络bone setting manipulation
  1. 生物力学;整体观;正骨手法。

    Biomechanics ; Concept of total body ; Bone setting manipulation .

  2. 三步正骨手法整复尺桡骨中下段双骨折的多中心临床研究

    Multi-centre clinical research of middle and inferior fracture of ulna and radius by three pace bone setting manipulation

  3. 方法用ATA-ⅡD型牵引床纵轴牵引加中医正骨手法之一:推拿斜扳复位法。

    Methods ATA -ⅱ D type traction bed and chinese traditional manipulation were applied for treatment .

  4. 正骨手法治疗足踝部软组织损伤

    Bonesetting Massage Technique to Treat the Soft Tissues Injury of Ankle

  5. 方法对40例病人采用腹针配合正骨手法治疗。

    Method 40 cases were treated by abdominal acupunture together with bone knitting .

  6. 正骨手法整复对尺桡骨斜形骨折复位固定疗效观察

    Curative effect of bone setting manipulation on oblique fracture of ulna and radius

  7. 电视教材《中医正骨手法》的编导思路与实现

    Ideas and realization for producing and directing televised teaching material of Bone-setting Skills of TCM

  8. 运用郑氏正骨手法治疗腰椎小关节错缝42例体会

    Mis-sutures in Zheng 's bone-setting manipulation for small vertebral joints : a report of 42 cases

  9. 颈椎退行性骨关节病的X线平片分析龙氏正骨手法治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效研究

    The analysis of X-ray for cervical degenerative osteoarthropathy Study of curative effect on Long 's bone-setting manipulations treating cervicalspondylotic radiculopathy

  10. 基于传统正骨手法,人体力学,工程学,研制出自助式胸椎整复仪。

    Based on traditional bone-setting manipulations , body mechanics and ergonomics , a self-help device for thoracic vertebral restitution has been manufactured .

  11. 方法应用西比灵胶囊口服、静脉滴注复方丹参注射液,配合颈椎牵引、正骨手法综合治疗。

    Methods Application of oral Sibelium capsules , intravenous Salviae Miltiorrhizae Composita injection , with cervical traction , comprehensive treatment approach bonesetting manipulation .

  12. 目的:探讨中医正骨手法配合经皮穿克氏针内固定治疗儿童不稳定型肱骨外髁骨折的治疗疗效及其并发症等的发生率。

    Objective : To analyze the complication rate and curative effect about unstable Lateral Condylar Fractures of the humerus in children with traditional .

  13. 结论三步正骨手法治疗尺桡骨中、下段双骨折有骨折愈合时间短,功能恢复快等优点,并能减少骨折延迟愈合和不愈合等并发症。

    Conclusion The use of three pace bone-setting manipulation restoring ulna and radius benifited functional recovery and reduced the rate of fracture delayed-union and nonunion .

  14. 目的:观察改良折顶正骨手法在儿童及青少年尺桡骨中下段双骨折治疗中的效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of a modified manipulation used in the treatment of double fractures of ulna and radius in children and youth .

  15. 正骨手法配合关节运动疗法治疗骶髂关节损伤13例临床小结

    Clinical Summarization on the Treatment of the Wound of Arthrosis Linked With Rumpbone and Ilium with Manipulation of Bonesetting and Arthrosis Sport : A Report of 13 Cases

  16. 胫骨远端后内侧解剖板结合中医正骨手法、练功疗法治疗伴前方软组织损伤胫骨远端骨折疗效确切,无严重并发症发生。

    The MIPO application of PmAP , traditional chinese medicine bone-setting manipulation and dirigation for the treatment of distal tibial fractures with anterior soft tissue injury are effective and have no severe complications .

  17. 为客观评价模拟中医正骨手法设计的经皮钳固定治疗胫腓骨不稳定型骨折的临床疗效、安全性及规范技术操作。采用标准对照(单侧多功能外固定支架)、多中心临床验证的方法。

    The objective of the paper is to objectively evaluate the clinical therapeutic effect , safety and standard technical operation of percutaneous clamping ( PCC ) for treating unstable tibiofibular fracture ( UTFF ) .

  18. 通过分析现代信息技术与传统中医正骨手法教学的整合经验,探讨和展望信息技术背景下的《中医伤科学》教改思路。

    By analyzing our experience of integrating information technology with the teaching process of bone-setting skills of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), the author discusses the reform prospect of the teaching of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM in the information age .

  19. 中医正骨推拿手法名称标准化英译的研究

    Study to the standardization of English translation of Chinese manipulation nomenclature

  20. 正骨推拿手法:分别采取腰背部肌肉放松手法、腰腿部穴位点揉法和腰部侧位斜扳法。

    Manipulation : take leg ministry muscle relaxation techniques , leg ministry acupoint massage and lumbar lateral oblique pulling method .

  21. 本文采用拔牵、摇挤、顺按、牵正等四步正骨推拿手法并配以中药薰洗治疗62例尺踝部软组织损伤收到良好效果。

    Total of 62 cases suffered from soft tissues injury of foot and ankle were treated by bonesetting massage tech-nique , assisted with traditional Chinese Medicine fuming .

  22. 药物疗法是平乐正骨中与手法整复、器械固定齐名的三大特色之一,在平乐正骨的临床治疗过程中有着十分重要的地位。

    Pharmacotherapy , as one of three characteristics in Pingle Orthopedic , along with the others of the twisted taxis and fixation of Instruments , has a very important positon in the Clinics for therapeutic areas .

  23. 对象:选择2002-10/2003-12空军总医院骨科行手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者30例,正骨疗法中心行手法治疗的腰椎间盘突出症患者15例。

    PARTICIPANTS : Totally 30 patients with lumbosacral disc herniation received operation in the Orthopedic Department of the Air Force General Hospital between October 2002 and December 2003 ; meanwhile , 15 patients with lumbosacral disc herniation received manipulative therapy in the Bone Setting Therapeutic Center of the same hospital .