
zhèng bù
  • goose step;parade step;positive step
正步 [zhèng bù]
  • [goose step] 队伍行进的一种步法,上身挺直,两腿绷直,两臂高摆。通常用于检阅

正步[zhèng bù]
  1. 他正步入职业生涯的后半程。

    He is getting into the latter years of his career

  2. 正步走!

    [ 口令 ] Parade step , march !

  3. 他们并不是《金牌制作人》(TheProducers)中踢着正步的漫画式人物,而是极度微妙、深刻、真实可信。

    Goose-stepping caricatures à la " The Producers " they are not ; instead , they are frighteningly subtle , poignant and plausible .

  4. 由于加入WTO,进入世界杯和举办奥运会,以及其他许多领域的发展带来的变化,中国正步入一个令人激动、富有挑战的“国际化”阶段。

    With changes due to WTO , the coming World Cup and Olympics and developments in many other arenas , China is entering an exciting and challenging phase of internationalizing .

  5. 中国国际问题研究所(chinainstituteofinternationalstudies)的金林波表示:“中国希望将对话提升到更高层次两国政治关系正步入一个新阶段。”

    Jin LiNbO , of the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing , says : " China wants to elevate the dialogue to a higher level the political relationship is moving into a new phase . "

  6. 当前,中国的经济发展正步入了一个充满机遇与挑战的历史时期:加入WTO,融入全球化的市场环境,经济的全球化和市场化带来生产力要素的快速流动和产业价值链的重新布局;

    Nowadays China is stepping into a new era which is full of opportunities and challenges : The entry to WTO is bringing China into a global market , globalization and marketization make productivity factors flow more faster than before and the industrial value-chain has been redistributed ;

  7. 这项计划似乎正步入正轨,但如果没有更多的旅客签约注册,TSA将不得不相应减少它在机场的Precheck通道数量,皮斯托尔说。

    The program appears on track , but if more travelers don 't sign up TSA will have to scale back the number of Precheck lanes at airports , Mr. Pistole said .

  8. 与以往方法相比,新的算法在预测步中更好的利用了已求解分量的信息,并且给出了新的Armijo搜索准则;在校正步中亦给出了最优步长。

    Compared with previous methods , the new method is better use of the components that have been solved and gives the new Armijo criteria in the prediction step .

  9. 中间的大道长度超过1.5英里,两侧都没有建筑——它像是现代版的亚壁古道(AppianWay),让突击步兵踏着正步,从阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(AlbrechtDürer)笔下的老纽伦堡,一直走向崇敬元首的集会。

    Great Street , more than one-and-a-half miles long , with no structures on either side - a modern Appian Way where the storm troopers strutted between the old Nuremberg of Albrecht D ü rer and the rallies idolizing the F ü hrer .

  10. 上述不尽人意的数据出台之际,日本《每日新闻》(Mainichi)昨日援引日本央行副行长西村清彦(KiyohikoNishimura)的话称,这个全球第二大经济体可能正步入一场技术性衰退。

    The gloomy data came as Kiyohiko Nishimura , deputy governor of the Bank of Japan , was quoted yesterday in the Mainichi newspaper as saying that the world 's second largest economy might be heading for a technical recession .

  11. 而今天,他们正步行去上学。

    But today , they are going to school on foot .

  12. 你什么时候跟着我走过正步?

    When did you ever walk in formation with me before ?

  13. 这也算是正步走?挺起胸来。

    You call that marching ? Stick out your chests .

  14. 中国经济正步入重化工业阶段

    China 's economy Is Entering into A Heavy Industrialized Phase

  15. 中国的人口正步入老龄化阶段,而印度的学校教育腐朽过时。

    China 's population is ageing and india 's schools are rotten .

  16. 我也爱看英挺的军人踏正步。

    I like to watch handsome goose-stepping soldiers , too .

  17. 我们正步入一个程序化货币的时代。

    We 're entering a new era of programmable money .

  18. 21世纪,中国正步入一个前所未有的休闲时代。

    China is entering an unprecedented era of leisure in the 21st century .

  19. 但是,卓别林说,“音乐正步入一个新的阶段”。

    But , says Chaplin , " music is entering a new world " .

  20. 我国汽车美容服务行业正步入阳光时代。

    Car beauty service industry in China is entering the era in the sun .

  21. 他们正步行穿过森林。

    They are walking through the forest .

  22. 当约翰正步行去学校时,他看到树上有只猫。

    While John was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree .

  23. 当他开始围绕着草地正步走的时候,人们排成队列跟在他后面。

    As he began to march around the lawn , people fell in behind him .

  24. 士兵们正步通过市镇。

    The soldiers goosestepped through the town .

  25. 我们正步入用平板电脑的学习时代吗?

    Is learning going to evolve into something we do on an electronic tablet computer ?

  26. 中国正步入老龄化社会。

    China is becoming an ageing society .

  27. 士兵们迈着正步穿过广场。

    The soldiers goosestepped across the square .

  28. 世界正步入知识经济占主导地位的时代。

    The world is stepping into the time which is dominated by the knowledge driven economy .

  29. 据说正步行穿过花园时,甘地被枪击中。

    Mrs Gandhi was thought to have been walking through her gardens when she was shot .

  30. 这可能是因为(处于这个阶段的)女性有的进入了更高层职位,有的正步入婚姻殿堂或者已经有了家庭。

    This could be down to women juggling senior level careers , getting married and having a family .