
zhènɡ shǒu jī qiú
  • forehand stroke;forehand hit
  1. 她正手击球强劲有力。

    She has a strong forehand .

  2. 正手击球应该保证动作流畅和平稳。

    The forehand stroke should be fluid and well balanced .

  3. 阿加西看到了机会,再次以一个闪电式的正手击球拿到了赛点。

    Agassi saw his chance and , with another lightning forehand , reached match point .

  4. 网球正手击球教学顺序的实验研究

    Experimental Research On The Order Of Forehand Stroke In Tennis Teaching

  5. 优势眼与正手击球线路有关;

    The dominant eye related to the line of forehand drive .

  6. 我的意思是不只正手击球和反手击球。

    I mean it 's not only forehand , backhand .

  7. 看上去你得练练正手击球。

    Looks like you need some work on your forehand .

  8. 网球正手击球技术的生物力学分析与评价

    Biomechanical Analysis on Technique of Forehand Shot in Tennis

  9. 格拉芙一个正手击球,把球击落在界内而取得了比赛的胜利。

    Graf drove a forehand shot down the line to win the match .

  10. 快速力量对网球正手击球动作速度影响的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Fast Strength Affects to the Tennis Forehand Stroke Movement Speed

  11. 她正手击球强而有力。

    She has a strong forehand drive .

  12. 网球大力正手击球技术

    Forehand Batting Technique on Tennis Vigorously

  13. 失分技术主要集中在接发球、正手击球、反手击球,这是共性特征。

    Losing technology focused on return of serve , forehand , backhand , which is common feature .

  14. 表象练习对提高网球选修课学生正手击球成功率的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of Accuracy on Imagery Exercise in Improve of Student 's Forehand Stroke in Tennis Elective

  15. 从生物力学的角度,对网球正手击球的动作效果进行分析与评价。

    From the angle of Biomechanics , this paper makes analysis on action effect of forehand shot in tennis .

  16. 并且当他正手击球犯了很低级的失误时,他的反手有可能打出很稳定的第二次击球。

    And while his forehand is a punishing stroke , his backhand might be the more solid of the two shots .

  17. 目的:网球基本技术中最重要的技术是正手击球,同时正手击球也是最主要的得分手段。

    Objectives : Forehead is not only the most important technique but also the uppermost means to gain scores among the basic tennis skills .

  18. 网球封闭式和开放式站位正手击球技术的比较研究图书馆开放型一站式服务模式的实施及对策

    A Comparative Study of the Open-type and Close-style Standing Right Hand Ball-hitting Techniques in Tennis ; Implement of Open One-stop Service Mode in Library

  19. 本课程主要训练球拍的握法、击球、步法、正手击球、反手击球、发球,以及单打和双打的技能。

    This course practices the skill on grip , strokes , footwork , forehand drive , backhand drive , serve , and playing single and doubles .

  20. 研究结果表明:亲子同练的教学方法对于提高正反手抽击球技术规范度和正手击球效果有一定帮助。

    Research results show that : a kiss a child with the practice of teaching model to improve the forehand technical specification of help . 3 .

  21. 结论:1.起始阶段对运动员正手击球臂进行表面肌电测试,表明:放电时间最早和放电持续时间最长的肌肉均为肱桡肌和三角肌前束。

    Beginning of athletes forehand arm methods of electrical test , show that discharge time and discharge the earliest the longest muscle are gong radial muscle and deltoid toe .

  22. 网球的正手击球与乒乓球正手击球技术在动作结构和基本环节上,存在着相同之处,属于正向迁移范畴,但网球与羽毛球的正手击球却是负向迁移。

    Tennis forehand winner and table tennis forehand technology in action structure and basic link , there exist similarities , belong to the positive transfer categories , tennis and badminton forehand winner is negative transfer . 3 .

  23. 网球运动的发球、正手击球和反手击球是网球运动中最基本的击球方式,既是初学者的入门技术,又是多数运动员用以得分取胜的主要手段。

    Tennis serve , forehand and backhand is a tennis ball the most fundamental way , both the beginner entry level of technology is also used to score the majority of athletes , the primary means of winning .

  24. 运用实验法对筛选出来的训练手段进行实验验证,以证明在快速力量素质提高的基础上,对网球正手击球动作速度的关联和影响,并尝试性地进行论证分析。

    The use of experimental method of screening by means of training experiments to prove the power quality in the fast based on the forehand tennis swing speed and impact of correlation , and try to carry out verification of analysis .

  25. 在得失分方面,女子优秀选手的得分手段主要依靠是发球和正手击球;而在失分上,主要集中在接发球和底线的非受迫性失误。

    The aspects of gain and lost point . The excellent women players mainly depend on the service and the forehand to gain points . While the lost points are the result of unforced errors in the receive and the baseline .

  26. 在反手击球、截击、其它技术方面不成显著性差异。3在红土、硬地网球比赛中,发球、接发球、正手击球、反手击球的稳定性红土场地明显大于硬地场地。

    In the backhand , volley , other technologies are not a significant difference . 3 on clay and hard court tennis game , serve , return of serve , forehand , backhand shot stability in the larger than clay site venue hard .

  27. 最后,利用肌电测试系统,获取积分肌电的运动学参数,获取每一个小时肌肉的积分肌电变化值,对正手击球臂相关肌群的疲劳程度进行分析。

    Finally , obtain the integral electromyography kinematics parameters , obtain the minimal detectable change of muscle myoelectricity for each hour and analyze the degree of fatigue muscle for related forehand arm muscle group by making use of the electrical testing system . Conclusion : 1 .

  28. 一记不规则的正手击球让费德勒错失首个赛点,但他随之而来的一记中路发球得分结束了这场比赛。这位欢呼雀跃的瑞士人此刻正眼含热泪,望向看台上的团队和家人,他的妻子米尔卡和四个孩子都在其中。

    A first championship point disappeared with a wayward forehand , but an ace down the middle followed and it was the celebrating Swiss who was now tearful as he looked to his team and family , including wife Mirka and four children , in the stands .

  29. 在中前场击球空间特征表现为以外为主,在后场表现为以正手位击球为主。

    The features of shooting in the mid-front space are mainly outsides , while in the back space are forehand dominated . 4 .