
  • 网络normal mode;normal operation;standard mode
  1. 当你要转换为正常模式时,Flash就会重新格式化脚本,出现一些白色空格,这说明你已经添加上了。

    When you switch to Normal Mode , Flash reformats the script and strips any white space and indentation you 've added .

  2. 要是我们按照正常模式走,JDK7现在就应该已经出来了。

    If we had followed normal release patterns JDK7 would be shipping about now .

  3. 在冗余模式(-verbose)下启动CLPPlus能够打印CLPPlus会话中在正常模式下被抑制的其他消息。

    Starting CLPPlus in verbose mode ( - verbose ) enables the printing of additional messages in the CLPPlus session , which are suppressed in normal mode .

  4. 卫星正常模式姿态确定算法研究

    Normal Mode Attitude Determination Algorithm of a Sun Synchronous Satellite

  5. 文件被删除后,在正常模式重启计算机。

    After the files are deleted , restart the computer in Normal mode .

  6. 如果指定了这样的子树,服务器将无法在正常模式下启动。

    If specified , the server will fail to start in the normal mode .

  7. 变为正常模式时,里程数减少到100英里&对绝大多数用途来说,这个数字已经足够了。

    Shifting to normal driving and it dropped to 100 miles & still ample for most uses .

  8. 并结合上一章节的正常模式,设计利用扫描统计监测帐户资金流动异常的算法。

    In conjunction with the previous normal pattern model , we design a scan statistics based monitoring algorithm .

  9. 启动计数值是一个界限值,用来界定分析仪由启动模式到正常模式的转换。

    The starting count value is the threshold value where the analyzer switches from starting mode to normal mode .

  10. 在安全模式不能启用系统环源。请用正常模式重启动您的机器,然后再试一次。

    System Restore cannot be enabled in Safe Mode . Please restart your machine in normal mode and try again .

  11. 该模型可以适应连续改变的环境,动态地学习变化的正常模式以及预测新的异常模式。

    This model can adapt to continuously changing environments , dynamically learning the fluid normal patterns and predict new anomaly patterns .

  12. 实际上,从经济模式一路切换到正常模式再到运动模式,驾驶者就能立即获得强烈的推背感。

    By , in effect , downshifting from eco to normal to sport , you get an immediate and gratifying jump forward .

  13. 有了这样一个可用的函数,您可以设置一个正常模式的键映射来调用全部文件的命令,就像这样

    With such a function available , you could set up a Normal-mode keymap to invoke the command on entire files , like so

  14. 异常检测系统中,在建立正常模式时必须尽可能多得对网络行为进行全面的描述,其中包含出现频率高的模式,也包含低频率的模式。

    Normal pattern construction is the key step for anomaly detection systems , which surely includes the low-frequency pattern as well as high-frequency pattern .

  15. 另外,所建立的正常模式或异常模式也不够完善,容易造成误警或漏警,给网络系统造成损失。

    Moreover , the normal pattern or abnormal pattern is not perfect and the false alarm rate and leak alarm rate are very high .

  16. 出现通信故障后,系统由正常模式平滑切换到应急模式,对故障进行隔离并完成系统的重构,完成应急模式下关键负载的正常供电。

    The Problems such as fault-isolation and system reconfiguration were resolved after communication fault , to ensure normal power of critical load on emergency mode .

  17. 亦构之正常模式集讯,此种电气干扰并非发生在电路中而是在电路与电路之间。

    Also known as normal-mode noise , it is electrical interference that is not common to both electrical lines but present between both electrical lines .

  18. 系统还原在安全模式下不能运行。要访问系统还原,用正常模式重启动计算机,然后再试一次。

    System Restore is unavailable in Safe Mode . To access System Restore , restart your machine in the normal mode and then try again .

  19. 网络型异常检测的关键问题在于建立正常模式,将当前的系统或用户行为与建立好的正常模式进行比较,判断其偏离程度。

    The key issue of anomaly NIDS is building normal patterns , comparing current system or user behaviors with history behaviors , and then detecting intrusion .

  20. 是的。它们以不同与正常模式而略为费力的方式最终会建成新的升级建筑并升级生物。

    Yes . In a little different way than normal and with some handicap , but generally it can build the new buildings and upgrade creatures .

  21. 体重增长不仅仅是由饮食决定的,这就是为什么正常模式下婴儿体重增长也有如此大的一个差异的原因。

    Weight gain is determined by more than diet , which is why there is such a wide variation in normal patterns of infant weight gain .

  22. 只要设置一个正常模式作为参考,那么就有可能识别异常的脑电波信号。

    Once there is a standard of healthy patterns to refer to , it then becomes possible to recognize abnormal brain waves that signal something going awry .

  23. 只要没有其他人使用独占或者正常模式打开这个项目,管理人员就可以获取独占访问权。

    The administrator will get exclusive access , as long as there are no other users who have opened the same project with exclusive or normal mode of access .

  24. 但是我们所看到的扩展,都需要用户通过发布一个正常模式命令,或者在插入模式中输入一个特殊的序列,明确地请求行为。

    But all the extensions we have seen have required the user to explicitly request behavior , by issuing a Normal-mode command or typing a particular sequence in Insert mode .

  25. 当汽车通过检验返回公路时,引擎将回到正常模式,释放的一氧化氮量超过了限定值的40倍。

    When the car returns to the road with its passing grade , it switches back to regular mode , releasing up to 40 times the legal limit of nitrogen oxide .

  26. 朱民表示,这种格局的危险在于,速度快得惊人的美国消费增长,可能让新兴经济体得以重返“旧的正常模式”,依赖出口拉动型增长。

    The danger in this , Mr Zhu said , was that surprisingly rapid US consumer growth might allow emerging economies to go back to the " old normal " and rely on export-led growth .

  27. 我们考虑如何通过这些数据建立一个正常模式,然后与当前的系统或用户的行为比较,从而判断出与正常模式的偏离程度。

    We consider that how to establish a normal pattern by using such data , then compare with the current system or users ' behaviors to determine the extent of deviation from the normal mode .

  28. 由此衍生而来的阴性选择算法能有效地识别被检测对象的正常模式(自己)及异常模式(非己),且不需要有异常模式的先验知识。

    Thus , without the transcendent knowledge of abnormal mode , the algorithm of Negative Selection derived from it can recognize the natural ( self ) or none natural ( non-self ) mode of the detected objects efficiently .

  29. 现行的入侵检测系统在利用用户行为特征来建立正常模式或异常模式时,由于没有很好的利用数据挖掘技术,所提取的用户行为特性和入侵模式特征不能很好的反映实际的情况。

    When many current Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) using user behavior profile to build normal patterns or abnormal patterns , since it do not using Data Mining technology , the user behavior profile can 't reflect the fact .

  30. 在硬件方面是主要设计故障注入模块和模拟负载的设计,故障注入主要包括四种模式:信号的正常模式、断路模式、对电源短接模式以及对地短接模式。

    The hardware part design including fault injection unit and simulation load design , and the fault injection unit includes four modes : normal mode for the signal , the open circuit mode , connect to power mode and connect to ground mode .