
  • 网络European Single Market
  1. 欧洲单一市场对欧盟成员国贸易流动和产业区位的影响

    The Impacts of European Single Market on EU Trade Flow and Industrial Location

  2. 尽管欧盟在上周末峰会后发表了意在鼓舞人心的公报,但一场对欧洲单一市场的真正打击正在酝酿之中。

    Despite the deliberately reassuring communiqu é that closed this weekend 's summit , a genuine assault on the European single market is brewing .

  3. 20世纪80年代后期欧洲单一市场建立之初,欧盟已有了一种限制汇率波动的汇率机制(erm)。

    When the single market was built in the late 1980s , the EU already had an exchange-rate mechanism ( ERM ) limiting currency movements .

  4. 欧洲单一市场、影响和机会的对外层面讨论会

    Seminar on the External Dimensions of a Single European Market , Impact and Opportunities

  5. 另外,德国还是欧洲单一市场的主要受益者之一。

    Germany has also been one of the main beneficiaries of the single European market .

  6. 他说,以损害欧洲单一市场的方式摆脱危机将是危险的。

    It would be dangerous to emerge from the crisis having damaged Europe 's single market .

  7. 欧洲单一市场计划从一开始就是自由主义和集权主义的权衡。

    Europe 's single-market project was , from the outset , a trade-off between liberal and statist forces .

  8. 欧盟在建立欧洲单一市场的同时,也统一了技术标准。

    At the time of completing the single European market , European Union also harmonized its technical regulations .

  9. 摘要本文主要探讨金融自由化与欧洲单一市场,对单一市场银行业之冲击与其因应。

    This paper studies the impacts of fincial liberalization and European financial market integration on the European banking industry .

  10. 作为欧洲单一市场保障的重要因素,标准化在欧盟东扩中发挥着重要作用。

    As an important element to ensure the smooth operation of the internal market , standardization plays an essential role in EU 's enlargement .

  11. 它意味着在单一经济市场中执行单一的货币政策,因而是对目前欧洲单一市场的必然补充。

    EMU means a single monetary policy operating within a single economic market and is therefore the logical complement to the single market in Europe today .

  12. 这是监管权力停留在国家层面的主要理论依据,即使在欧洲单一市场内部,也是这种情况。因为税收权力停留在国家层面。

    This has been the main rationale for supervisory powers remaining at national level , where taxation powers lie , even within the European single market .

  13. 经过近40年的努力,欧洲单一保险市场已经初具规模,对欧洲消费者福利的增进产生了积极作用。

    With 40 years effort , the European Single Insurance Market ( SIM ) has been set up , and improves welfare of European customers .

  14. 第一个流派的思想相当于是一种猜想&认为支持欧元区赎回,英国便可以在欧洲的单一市场上搭一把便车。

    The first amounts to a hunch that by holding the euro zone to ransom Britain can be a free rider on Europe 's single market .

  15. 此外,欧洲企业在单一市场内运营。

    In addition , its businesses operate within a single market .

  16. 欧洲的单一金融服务市场还相当不完善。

    We have a rather incomplete single market for financial services .

  17. 另外,虽然从技术上讲,欧盟对福利几乎没有管辖权,但是其作用却越来越大,而且欧洲法院通过对单一市场、歧视和就业事务的裁决,正在施加越来越大和意想不到的影响。

    In addition , while the European Union technically has few competences in welfare , its role is growing and the European Court of justice is having an increasing and unexpected impact via its rulings on single-market , discrimination and employment issues .

  18. 最严重的危险在于,欧元区危机将造就一个“双速欧洲”,撕裂欧洲单一市场。

    The biggest danger is that the euro crisis will lead to a two-speed Europe that fractures the single market .

  19. 预计波兰担任欧盟轮值主席的一个当务之急是,对欧洲进行更深入的经济整合,强化欧洲的单一市场。

    One of the top priorities for the Polish EU presidency is expected to be deeper economic integration , and strengthening Europe 's single market .