
héng xiàng lián hé
  • Lateral union;intersectoral links;horizontal economic tie;lateral economic tie;cooperation between enterprises
横向联合[héng xiàng lián hé]
  1. 加强横向联合,实现信息资源共享;

    Strengthen the crosswise connection to share the informational resources ;

  2. 供应网络横向联合应急战略库存策略研究

    Strategic Research on Joint Inventory for Emergency in Supply Network

  3. 我们的学院与各个大学、个行业的横向联合与研究合作活动持续增加。

    Research collaboration with industry and universities continues to grow .

  4. 简论地震监测预报的横向联合

    Discussion on the crosswise connection of seismic surveillance and prediction

  5. 我们要横向联合起来,发展旅游事业。

    We must join up with parallel enterprises to develop the tourism industry .

  6. 浅论生产者之间的横向联合

    A Brief Analysis of the Horizontal Union among Producers

  7. 加强横向联合,发展海西经济

    Strengthen the horizontal union and develope Haixi economy

  8. 网站平台建设中,通过平台的纵向管理架构和横向联合架构来进行平台的架构建设。

    The construction of website platform passes through vertical management structure and horizontal integration architecture .

  9. 关于科技情报工作的横向联合

    Discussion on cross cooperation of intelligence work

  10. 横向联合&档案和图书及情报一体化建设

    Discussion on the Horizontal Collaboration & the Integrated Construction of Archives , Library and Information Institute

  11. 档案宣传中的横向联合

    Horizontal Ally in Archives Propaganda

  12. 横向联合的新发展及高校科技工作的几点措施

    New Development of Cross Alliance and Some Countermeasures in Scientific and Technical Work in Colleges and Universities

  13. 横向联合,横向一体化超前支护的均一化横观各向同性弹性模型

    Transverse-Isotropic-Elastic Homogenization Model of Pre-Support

  14. 详细论述了电子商务是实施横向联合生产模式的有效战略。

    It discusses in detail that the electronic commerce is the effective strategy of the pattern of horizontal united production .

  15. 本文主要阐明在高等院校中,如何改进科研管理,以促进横向联合。

    This paper mainly expounds how to improve scientific management in colleges and universities so as to promote the cross joint .

  16. 以横向联合方式为主的企业购并是短期内实现规模经济的有效途径。

    The effective way to realize the scale economy in the short run is M & I whose main mode is horizontal integration .

  17. 认真贯彻有关政策,加强横向联合,实行制度创新等,是推进非公有制经济组织建立住房公积金制度的重要措施。

    We should implement the relative policies , strengthen horizontal ties and carry out the creation of system to promote the establishment of it .

  18. 然而,随着酒店业发展的逐步推进,航空公司发展其酒店业务的形式也发生着变化,逐步从紧密型向松散型、垂直整合向横向联合过渡。

    Nevertheless , with the development of hotel industry , airline companies business form had a adjustment to meet the need of their hotel business .

  19. 随着经济全球化的推进,企业间的经济关系走向相互渗透、横向联合、利益共享的新阶段。

    With the development of economic globalization , the economic relation between the enterprises went to a new stage which was mutual penetration , horizontal and benefit-sharing .

  20. 然后详细阐述了中小航空公司可以选择的发展战略&成本领先战略、利基市场战略、密集型成长战略、资本发展战略和横向联合战略。

    Demonstrates the strategies the small and medium size airlines should take such as : advanced cost control , niche , compressing development , capital development and transverse combination .

  21. 应通过加快资产重组、拓宽业务范围、规范经营体制、加强横向联合等措施,促进我国融资租赁业的健康发展。

    We should speed up the rearrangement of capitals , broaden the operating scope , standardize the operating system and strengthen the cooperation of horizontal economic ties to promote its healthy development .

  22. 根据平台的架构进行网站模块的具体设计,首页采用纵向管理架构,具体品页面采用横向联合架构。

    The specific design of the website module based on the architecture of the platform , and home design using vertical management structure , specific " products " page using the horizontal joint architecture .

  23. 在创新风险管理方面,坚持风险控制和风险分摊策略,通过横向联合与合作创新的方式增强了抗风险的能力。

    In innovation risk management aspect , the Key Lab adhere to risk control and risk-sharing strategy , through the horizontal joint and co-operation in new and innovative ways to enhance the ability of risk resistance .

  24. 同时,国家从全局着眼,制定优惠政策,积极推动东部地区与西部地区的横向联合和对口扶贫协作。

    Keeping the overall situation in mind , the state has formulated preferential policies to actively promote a horizontal union between the eastern and western regions , and the aid-the-poor cooperation between similar departments of different institutions .

  25. 分析了海西州实施横向联合发展经济现状,提出了着力改善投资环境等7条措施,实现经济跨越式发展。

    Analyses the situation of Haixi ′ carrying on the horizontal union so as to develope economy , puts forward 7 measures such as improving the environment of investment etc , and realizes the striding development of economy .

  26. 以往狭隘、封闭式的旅游区正逐渐被全方位、新领域、多层次的大旅游圈所取代,旅游业的横向联合、圈式发展已成为旅游经济增长的重要战略。

    The tour circle that should be all directions , new field , multiplayer will gradually take the place of the closing tour region . Lateral integration and round-up development of tourism have become important strategy of tourism economy growth .

  27. 本文从内部调整、外部重组、横向联合三个方面深入分析了信息化建设过程中档案管理工作的改变及其变化发展的主要趋势。

    The paper discusses the change of Archives Management In the Process of Archives Informatization Construction and forecasts the trend of the change , as well as through three aspects which are internal adjustment , external reorganization and transverse joint .

  28. 基本结论是:中国中小航空公司的发展战略应当是一个战略体系,即以利基市场战略和密集型成长战略作为主导战略,以资本发展战略、横向联合战略作为辅助战略。

    Basic conclusion : The developing strategy of the small and medium size airlines should be a complete system . They should mainly use the niche and compressing developing strategies , with the capital development and transverse combination strategies as back up .

  29. 加强科研、生产、经营部门的横向联合,组建科技先导型种子产业集团,促进育繁销一体化;

    Secondly , to strengthen the combination among the scientific research institution , the production department and the management department , to form the industrialization groups based on science and technology , to promote the integration of cultivation , reproduction , and sales .

  30. 横向经济联合发展的不同阶段及其主要特点

    Horizontal Economic Association at Different Stages and Their Chief Characteristics