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  • 网络Yoko Gake;be hung up transversely on the wall;Yoko-gake
  1. 她的名字显眼地横挂在戏院正面。

    Her name was emblaooned across the front of the theatre .

  2. 在膜材料分子设计中,引入横挂型复合光敏基团,提高了光反应效率。

    A new molecular design contributes to improve photoreaction efficiency .

  3. 我们将油布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。

    We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun-light .

  4. 在力学试验中,采用了倒V型绝缘子串的横担侧挂点固定、导线侧加力的方法。

    In the mechanic testing , the method of backward V insulators with the side fixing of cross-arm and adding force on side of wire was adopted .