
  • 网络transverse strength
  1. 100m甲板货船的横向强度直接计算

    Direct Calculation of Transverse Strength for 100m Deck Cargo Ship

  2. 烟大线火车渡船横向强度有限元计算的初步探讨

    The primary discussion about the YANDA-ferry transverse strength with FEM

  3. 结果表明,高强AlZnMgCu合金薄板合适固溶处理温度为470℃,延长固溶处理时间对其横向强度和延伸率不利。

    The results showed that 470 ℃ is the proper temperature of solution treatment for high strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy sheet , and extending time and slightly elevating temperature of solution treatment can improve the plasticity but reduce the strength of the alloy .

  4. 研究发现,振动力场的加入使m-PE-LLD吹塑薄膜的横向强度增大、纵向强度减小,纵、横向拉伸强度趋于均匀。

    It was observed that the vibration improved the uniformity of the strengths of m-PE-LLD blown films in the longitudinal and transverse directions .

  5. 厄米-高斯光束中带宽对横向强度分布均匀性的影响

    Influence of the Bandwidth on Intensity Uniformity in Pulses with Hermite-Gaussian Transverse Modes

  6. 改善拉挤成型复合材料横向强度的途径

    Ways to elevate the transverse strength of pultrusion Composites

  7. 该种方法保证了船舶横向强度,扩大了作业面。

    This method can guarantee the strength and also enlarge the scope of working .

  8. 提出了一种新的提高测量激光光束横向强度分布的方法。

    A new method of improving the laser beam transverse intensity distribution measurement is presented .

  9. 浮船坞横向强度计算

    Calculation of transverse strength of floating dock

  10. 内河小型货船横向强度计算及加强方案研究

    Research on the strengthen method and transverse strength calculation of the inland river cargo ship

  11. 本文建立了船体总纵强度与横向强度的耦合计算模型。

    This paper discusses the strength of a ship hull with interaction between longitudinals and transverses .

  12. 杂乱装置对针刺合成革基布纵横向强度比影响的研究

    Study for Influence of Random Device on MD / CD Strength Ratio of Needle-Punched Synthetic Leather

  13. 挤压棒材锻造后有利于提高材料的横向强度。

    The isothermal forging process is beneficial to improve the strength in transverse orientations of the extruded billet .

  14. 本文对具有开口肋骨的敞口船体的横向强度,提出了&个新的解法。

    This paper suggests a new method for solving the transverse strength of open-deck barges with transverse frames .

  15. 研究了在生产针刺合成革基布过程中杂乱装置对针刺合成革基布纵横向强度比的影响。

    The influence of random device on MD / CD strength ratio of synthetic leather in the process of producing needle-punched synthetic leather was studied .

  16. 在很多情况下,不但要求横向强度,对于纵向强度、其他方向的强度的均匀性都有很高的要求。

    Not only horizontal intensity is required , but also the strength of longitudinal and the strength uniformity in other directions are all high demanded in many working conditions .

  17. 本文针对船型的特殊性,采用了适宜的载荷预报方法,妥善地解决了该船体的总纵强度、剪切强度及横向强度。

    In accordance with the special characteristics of this type of ship , a proper load predication method is adopted for hull longitudian strength , shear strength and transverse strength .

  18. 利用所得公式通过数值计算详细分析了光束的频带宽度对光束横向强度分布的影响。光纤激光相干阵列远场光强分布的影响分析

    Influences of the bandwidth on the transverse intensity distributions are analyzed in detail from numerical calculations . Study on Far-Field Intensity Distribution of Fiber Laser Used in Coherent Beam Combination

  19. 应用高斯光束圆孔衍射理论详细研究了准直系统数值孔径与远场横向强度分布的关系;准直系统的象差与远场横向强度分布的关系;

    We have studied the relationship between numerical aperture of collimating system and far-field intensity distribution in the transverse direction by the theory of Gaussian beam diffracted by a circular aperture .

  20. 最后,通过建立货舱段三维有限元模型,对构件的横向强度进行计算分析,并对结构优化和重量减轻提出指导性意见。

    At last , the 3-D finite element calculation within the midship area was carried out to analysis the transverse strength of the structural members , and the reference idea of structure optimization and lighting steel weight was submitted .

  21. 一维取向微纤结构赋予了片材纵向方向上高力学性能,而对于横向强度的提高,我们认为是横向拉伸力场使非晶区分子链发生取向的结果。

    The oriented microfibril endowed the great strength increase in the extrusion direction , while to the improvement in the transverse , we thought it was the result of the orientation of the amorphous chains in the transverse elongational flow field .

  22. Ni粘结的Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷的横向断裂强度与断口的分形分析

    Transverse rupture strength of Ni bonded ti ( c , n ) cermet and fractal dimension analysis of its fracture surfaces

  23. 利用扫描电镜(SEM)分析了材料拉伸断面形貌,探讨了混杂纤维增强机制,分析了混杂效应系数的主要影响因素,研究了混杂效应系数与材料横向抗拉强度和应力松弛率之间的关系。

    The enhancement mechanism of hybrid fiber was investigated by observing the SEM photos of cross section . The main factors affecting the hybrid effect coefficient were presented and the relationship among this coefficient , transverse tensile strength and stress relaxation rate of NAFC materials was discussed .

  24. 其纵向、横向拉伸强度同步提高,HDPE的纵向拉伸强度提高了10倍,PP则提高了6倍以上;HDPE的横向拉伸强度可提高50%,PP约提高93%。

    Tensile strength of the self-reinforced extrudates has been improved greatly in both longitudinal and transverse directions , showing a 10-fold and a 6-fold increases for HDPE and PP respectively in longitudinal direction , together with 50 % increase for HDPE and 93 % increase for PP in transverse direction .

  25. 与传统的粗晶硬质合金相比,超细晶WC-Co硬质合金具有更高的硬度、耐磨性、断裂韧性与横向断裂强度,是当今硬质合金行业的重点发展方向。

    Compared to micro-grained alloy , ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline cemented carbides have much higher hardness , wear resistant , fracture toughness and transverse rupture strength . Therefore , the research on the ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline WC-Co cemented carbides becomes an important developing direction in the hardmetal industry .

  26. 合金元素Ni与碳纤维发生互扩散使碳纤维发生一定的石墨化,但使C-Cu界面结合强度明显提高,因此使C/Cu复合材料的强度从650MPa提高到760MPa,横向剪切强度从30MPa提高到70MPa。

    Although Nickel can diffuse into carbon fiber and this results in the graphitization of carbon fiber and the drop of fiber strength , the strength of composite is increased from 650 MPa to 760 MPa as the result of nickel diffusion .

  27. K3DMCPA复合材料剪切强度随纤维体积比的增大而增大,其纵向剪切强度低于纯基体和C3DMCPA复合材料,但其横向剪切强度高于它们。

    The shear strength of K 3D / MCPA increases with increasing of the fibre volume fraction . K 3D / MCPA 's lengthways shear strength is lower than those of MCPA and C 3D / MCPA composites , but it 's transverse shear strength is higher than those .

  28. 热压工艺对碳纤维-铜复合材料横向断裂强度影响

    The Influence of Hot-Pressing on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber-Copper Composite

  29. 复合材料层板中就位横向拉伸强度的研究

    Study of in situ transverse tensile strength of Laminated Composites

  30. 横向拉伸强度先上升然后又下降;

    Transverse tensile strength increases first and then decreases ;