- 网络gross;Grosse;Bill Gross

Apparently , Bill Gross picks movies as well as investments .
Bill Gross of Pimco , the bond fund manager , said that gold was a " decent hedge " in February .
The saw had gone across gross 's left rib cage through the underside of his liver .
Gross ' big screen pick is the great escape .
Winning an age discrimination lawsuit has become much harder since a 2009 United States Supreme Court case , Gross vs. FBL Financial Services .
Mr gross is betting there will be no fresh buyers once the Federal Reserve stops buying Treasury bonds , as is to happen this summer .
But the real problem may have been that Gross knew something about ETFs .
Throughout his visit , former President Jimmy Carter made an effort to expectations about the possible release of jailed American Alan Gross .
Now , like an addict who can 't stop , Gross writes in his Tipping Point blog that QE will run to 2015 .
Top banking executives were stunned , and leading investors such as Bill Gross , Jim Chanos and George Soros didn 't fully anticipate the downturn .
Mr gross said that this risks a temporary void in demand once QE2 ends .
One , Gross is , for some reason , just better at managing bonds in an ETF than a mutual fund .
The family return to visit the colony in Groslocker in the Austrian Alps for two weeks every year .
Steve Gross , a global practice leader at consulting firm Mercer LLC , says some executives are eliminating jobs'as a preventive measure'in anticipation of a long recession .
Fund manager Pimco quickly disassociated itself from " bond king " Bill Gross 's temperamental leadership style after his departure , with a marketing campaign that highlights a reasoned , team-centric approach .
Bill Gross , the manager of the world 's biggest bond fund , has switched gears to make a big bet on mortgage debt , almost tripling his holding of it to more than 60 per cent of the fund .
Elana Lyn Gross writes in the Career Contessa that office rumor-mongers are particularly troublesome , as they spread both true and false information to " undermine " coworkers .
Such a move to cut exposure to government debt would fit with the public comments of Mr Gross , an outspoken critic of both the US deficit spending and quantitative easing measures employed by the Federal Reserve and of other central banks .
But now , with Gross and Pimco 's $ 2 trillion at stake here , maybe we should call it The Gross Bubble .
Bond King Bill Gross admits , ' QE must end . ' Trillions of cheap money ' has distorted incentives and inflated asset prices to artificial levels . ' But now Gross says ' the Fed plan may be too hasty . '
If non-commercial users feel like our voices are not being heard at the meetings , we can 't get people to participate in Icann , Ms Gross said .
Plaintiffs ' attorneys have told us that they will not take age cases anymore because of the Gross decision , says Laurie McCann , an attorney with AARP .
But if you are going to buy stocks , gross says stay away from so-called growth stocks , like say apple ( AAPL ) , and instead buy consistent dividend paying stocks , like Exxon Mobil ( XOM ) .
In Gross v. FBL Financial Services , Jack Gross , a54-year-old former executive at the time he filed , sued his employer , Iowa-based insurance firm FBL Financial , for age discrimination when he was demoted .
Generally , gross , unsurprisingly , likes bonds over stocks .
Bill Gross , serial entrepreneur , always tests before he invests .
Gross has also given Jacobs a bad rap on his recent designs .
Another possibility is that Gross has been cheating .
We just want you to know , Mrs. Gross ... Ms. Lampard .
Criticism of Mr gross has been harsh .