
  • 网络graz;Graz, Austria;Glatz;gratz
  1. 据说BT投资公司是一家投资基金,而CB家庭办公服务公司则是一家位于格拉茨的咨询公司。

    BT Invest is said to be an investment fund , while CB Family Office Services is a consultancy based in Graz .

  2. 我在奥地利的格拉茨长大。

    I grew up in Graz , in Austria .

  3. 2007年堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)上市时,(公司投资总监)迈克•诺沃格拉茨和这家对冲基金的其他负责人立即成为了亿万富翁。

    Mike Novogratz and the other principals of hedge fund fortress investment group ( fig ) became instant billionaires when the company went public in 2007 .

  4. 这两款车将建立独立的汽车制造商麦格纳斯太尔在奥地利格拉茨。

    Both vehicles will be built by independent vehicle manufacturer Magna Steyr in Graz , Austria .

  5. 格拉茨是奥地利的第二大城市,是在东南地区。

    Graz is Austria 's second largest city and is in the south east of the country .

  6. 随后,他进行的战区在格拉茨,在柏林和其他一些地方。

    Subsequently , he conducted at the theater in Graz , in Berlin and a few other places .

  7. 很难想象从健美选手到电影明星再到政治家的施瓦辛格曾经只是出生在奥地利格拉茨小镇的一个小男孩。

    It 's hard to imagine that this muscleman-turned-actor-turned-politician extraordinaire was ever a little boy in tiny Graz , Austria .

  8. 为了找召集约会对象,尧克和他的同事在社交媒体上和格拉茨大学网站上寻人。

    To gather their daters , Jauk and company found people on social media and through the University of Graz website .

  9. 在格拉茨与后来在布拉格求学时,特士拉便不停地思索要如何做出不会迸出火花的马达。

    Tesla puzzled incessantly about how to make a spark-free motor as he pursued his studies in Graz and then in Prague .

  10. 该公寓是对在格拉茨,是由建筑师设计的东住宅大厦楼上之一。

    The apartment is on one of the upper floors of a residential building in the east of Graz , which was designed by an architect .

  11. 从格拉茨学派与柏林学派之间的异质性张力的视角,考察了意大利格式塔心理学的引进、发展和现状。

    This article makes researches on the introduction , development and present situation of Italian Gestalt psychology from the view of the heterogeneous tension between the Graz school and the Berlin school .

  12. 福涅尔所设计的格拉茨美术馆进行空间文脉的分析,试图找到非欧几何形式中传统空间的影子,来说明建筑师是如何继承前人而又有所创新的。

    This paper analyzes the space context of the Kunsthaus Graz designed by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier , try to find the shadow of traditional space in the shape of non-euclidean geometry .

  13. 澳大利亚格拉茨大学伊曼纽尔·尧克在一项关于闪电约会的研究中发现,人们认为自恋者更有吸引力,也更适合约会。

    And as a new study of speed dating led by Emanuel Jauk of the University of Graz , in Austria , finds , people rate them as more attractive and more dateable .

  14. 诺沃格拉茨表示这样做的目的是向低收入着提供生存必需的服务,不仅仅是当下提供,还要寻求长久的可持续发展机制。

    The goal , Novogratz says , is to find a way to bring these essential services to low income people not just today , but in a way that 's sustainable over time .

  15. 据组织者格劳德•斯坦鲍尔介绍,明年的机器人世界杯赛将于7月份在奥地利南部城市格拉茨举行。一年一度的“机器人世界杯”从1997年起开始举办,是世界上规模最大的机器人技术展示活动之一。

    Held annually since 1997 , the RoboCup , one of the world 's largest demonstrations of robotics , will take place in the southern city of Graz in July 2009 , organiser Gerald Steinbauer said .

  16. 今天节目组采访了杰奎琳•诺沃格拉茨,她的风险慈善公司向小型企业出借种子基金,这些企业以较低的成本给穷人提供干净的水,卫生保健和能源。

    EarthSky spoke to Jacqueline Novogratz , whose organization , Acumen Fund , lends seed money to small businesses that provide clean water , health care , and energy at a low cost to the poor .

  17. 我们觉得,格拉茨的银行是容易得手的抢劫目标,于是我就选了一家。然后,我们偷了辆车,在12月一个周四的下午,我们实施了抢劫计划。

    We thought that a bank in Graz would be an easy target so I checked one out , then we stole a car , and , on a Thursday afternoon in December , we put our plan into practice .

  18. 虽然眼镜蛇特遣部队还未参与类似于以色列总参侦察营的行动,但是他们于1996年成功解救了格拉茨-卡尔劳监狱劫持事件的人质,是唯一在空中制止劫机的反恐小组。

    While EKO-Cobra hasn 't had any sorts of operations like the Sayeret Matkal , they have ended a hostage taking in Graz-Karlau prison in 1996 and are the only counter-terrorist team to end a hijacking while the plane was in mid-flight .