
  1. 顾恺之却把这三根汗毛画得特别突出,裴楷非常满意。

    Gu laid great emphasis on the three hairs , and Pei was very satisfied .

  2. 画出你计划画的羽毛的大致基本外形的轮廓,在把每根羽毛大致画出来。

    Make a rough outline of the basic shapes of the plumage you plan to paint , and roughly sketch up each of the feathers .

  3. 设M(G)是图G的匹配多项式的最大根,由此刻画了2

    Let M ( G ) denote the maximum root of matching polynomial μ( G , x ) of graph G , so the graphs G with the matching maximum root such that 2

  4. 但是油画总是要有根的,无论画成什么样貌,总要有一个强大的理论依据作为依托。

    But the painting always have a root , regardless painted faces , there must be a strong theoretical basis as the basis .

  5. 在图中底部的第四根线是特意画上的,显示图像亮度的扫描点。

    A fourth line has been intentionally drawn across near the bottom of the figure to show where a scan of image brightness was made .