
  1. 对水汽二相流的质量检测进行了理论分析,提出了利用核辐射传感器连续检测干度的方案。

    The quality detecting for two phase flow of water vapor is analyzed theoretically and the program for detecting continuous quality is designed by using of nuclear radiation sensor .

  2. 有探测核辐射的传感器的卫星。

    A satellite with sensors to detect nuclear explosions .

  3. 关于谷物流量在线测量的研究方法,有光电、冲量法、核辐射及电容传感器等。

    Many methods of measuring grain flow on combines are presented in the literature , such as volumetric method , impact sensor , radiometric method and capacitor sensor , etc.

  4. 活动星系核中黑洞与核球质量关系研究有探测核辐射的传感器的卫星。

    The Mass Relation between the Black Hole and the Bulge for AGN ; a satellite with sensors to detect nuclear explosions .