- see also 样本量

Design of the Excel Template for Optimizing the Sample Data from Grain Quality Determination
In this paper , we develop the response surface equations for the critical value for cointegration test in small sample using Monte Carlo simulation .
The sample proportion of DH to IF2 was bigger ;
Sample Size and Domain of Attraction of Discrete-Time Hopfield Neural Network for Associative Memory
Methods The simplified test of normal distribution ( method A ) and analysis of variance ( method B ) were adopted to judge if the two testing methods have variation .
The increase of heritability and sample size can enhance the power of detecting QTL , but the efficiency decreased .
Comparison among Parameter Estimation Methods Based on Small Sample under Item Response Theory
The consistency of the multi-category classification Boosting algorithms can be obtained by choosing suitable regularization parameters according to the number of the samples .
The associative dimension of seismic data has been applied to many fields suchas hydrocarbon reservoir recognition . However , G-P method for estimating the asso-ciative dimension needs a big sample volume to achieve enough accuracy .
This paper discusses the influence analysis in multivariate linear regression , introduces three measures of data influence based on different sense , and reveals the relationship between the data influence and the sample size : n.
A Method for Determining the Minimal Sample Size of T_2 Generation Required for Large-scale Screening of T-DNA Insertion Mutants
The results indicated that there were differences in the power of detecting major gene among the three affecting factors ( heritability , sample size and dominance ratio ) .
Study on the Sample Size of Quantitative Characteristics in DUS Testing of New Varieties of Maize
PLS has particular predominance when deal with the problems that the sample capacity is small , variable dimension is high or badly multiple correlation is existed .
Proposes mean and range control charts with variable sample size and sampling interval time to signal for x and R charts and combined x and R charts .
This result indicates that the appropriate sample size will be necessary for QTL mapping in low QTL heritability to improve the precision of estimates of QTL position and effects .
The outcomes show that the sampling error of Xp can be reduced by improving the estimation of prior distribution , and this is obvious for samples with small sizes .
The accuracy and precision of estimates of QTL position and effects will be enhanced as the increasing of QTL heritability , sample size and polymorphism information content of molecular marker .
A new method for two-dimensional damped sinusoids estimation in colored Gaussian noise , called two-dimensional fourth-order mixed cumulants based on ESPRIT ( 2d-FOMCESPRIT ), is presented .
Based on the simulation results , we present the response surface functions of the eight percentiles of the t-statistics and the significant test table for the drift in DF test model .
In allusion to the limit by sample size and insufficiency in using related data of Type A evaluation of uncertainty in GUM , the paper introduces Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty based on Bayesian theory ;
Because of its simple calculation , no strict demand on sample content and probit distribution , as well as its higher precision , grey fitting method is proved to be a deserving widely used new method to fit logistic curve .
In this paper , two indexes are proposed to measure the precision and reliability of the estimation , and the problem of the samples capacity is thoroughly discussed based on weak large number theorem .
With the statistic analysis of different soil water content rates in samples with the content of 15 , the variation characteristics of different soil water content rates at 1 m soil layer are obtained .
For instance , the heritability of a QTL was 10 % and the marker density was 15 cM , F 2 population of 300 individuals can ensure the power of detecting QTL high 80 % .
Average production length ( APL ) is introduced as the criterion for measuring control scheme performance . A model is developed with sampling rate and maximum false alarm rate as inputs to determine the optimum subgroup size and control limits as measured by APL .
Based on Wishart probability distribution of multiple statistics , the revised model of the correlation coefficient is derived so that the sample pool doubt disappear and so the correlation coefficient becomes an accurate measure tool . 3 .
Sample size analyses for tests of concrete strength and fatigue life
Quantitative Measurement of Training Sample Capacity for Chinese Statistical Language Model
The Establishment of Sample Content In Parameter 's Test And Estimate