
  • 网络Campus network;can;lan;CMCC-EDU
  1. 基于校园网与远程教育网络课程Web技术的研究

    Research on Web Technology Based on the Campus Network & Distance Education Network Courses

  2. 基于XML和计费集成自动发现校园网布线拓扑方法

    Auto-discovery method of campus network cabling topology based on XML and billing integration

  3. 高校校园网除有Internet的基本功能外,还应有其独特功能。

    University Network has some other functions besides the basic function of Internet .

  4. 用基于对象的Java中间件实现校园网网格计算

    To realize grid computing in campus network by object-oriented Java Middleware

  5. 校园网IP查询系统的设计

    Campus Net the IP Query System 's Design

  6. 利用ASP构建基于校园网的期刊信息检索数据库

    Constructing Periodical Information Database Based on Campus Network with ASP Technology

  7. 对校园网中千兆位以太网的QoS分析

    The QoS Analysis of Gigabit Ethernet in Campus Network

  8. 千兆以太网加ATM网技术在校园网设计方案中的应用

    The Application of Gigabit Ethernet and ATM Among Campus Network Design Project

  9. 使用PB开发基于校园网的高校科研管理系统

    Development of Universities and Colleges'Scientific Research Management System Based on Campus Network Using PB

  10. 浅论运用SAN技术构建高校校园网

    Construct the Campus Area Network on SAN Technology

  11. 基于SAN技术的高校校园网的构建

    Building of Campus Area Network Based on SAN

  12. IPv6校园网信息资源和应用系统的升级技术的研究

    IPv6 Campus Network Information Resources and Application System Upgrade Technology Research

  13. 基于校园网环境下CAI课件的构建模式

    The construction model of CAI course work based on the environment of campus network

  14. Apache虚拟主机在校园网中的应用

    The Application of Apache Virtual Host on Campus Network

  15. 基于WLAN技术的多校区校园网设计

    Based on WLAN Technology Multi-schools Area Campus Network Design

  16. 地方高校校园网IPv6升级途径探讨

    An Exploration of the Way of Upgrading for Campus Network IPv6 in Local Universities

  17. 基于SNMP协议的校园网用户监视系统模型

    A monitor system for users in campus network based on SNMP protocols

  18. 现代HFC网与校园网互联

    Interconnection of Modernistic HFC Network and Campus - Wide Information System

  19. 基于CDF的Web广播技术及其在校园网中的应用

    Webcasting Technology Based on the Channel DefinitionFormat ( CDF ) and Its Applicationin Campus Network

  20. 然而,校园网DNS服务器时常出现一些异常情况。

    However , the DNS server in our campus sometimes works exceptionally .

  21. 同时使用一些扩展IP地址的技术较好地解决了校园网用户的不断增加,网络教室需求增加以及资源有限之间的矛盾。

    At the same time , solving the conflicts between the increasing demand of campus network users and nework classrooms and the limited resources .

  22. 根据校园网的特点,本文采用了基于Web的分布式网络管理模型,并且参照西南交大校园网的实际拓扑结构,设计并实现了一个网络故障管理系统。

    According to the network character of Southwest Jiaotong University , a network fault management system has been designed and implemented with a distributed network management model based on Web .

  23. 本文介绍了一个基于Web技术的校园网的设计方案,较为详细的阐述了校园网系统的设计方法与技巧,系统的功能与特点。

    It introduces a campus network layout based on Web technology . The design methods and tactics , the systemic functions and identities of campus network system are expounded in detail .

  24. 校园网ARP病毒攻击的防范及解决方案

    Precaution of the ARP Attack against the Campus Network and Solutions

  25. 而校园网DNS服务器主要负责完成域名解析工作。

    The DNS server in the campus mainly take responsibility for the domain name resolution .

  26. 基于ISA的虚拟校园网构建及应用

    Implementation of Virtual Campus Network Base on ISA

  27. Solaris环境下校园网DNS配置

    Domain Name System Configuration of Campus Network in Solaris

  28. 大庆师范学院校园网VLAN设计

    Design of Campus Net VLAN in Daqing Normal School

  29. VoIP技术与校园网

    VoIP Technology and School Network

  30. 在Linux上构建基于802.1x的端点准入校园网

    Structure Campus Network with the Mechanism of " Endpoint Admission " Based on 802.1X on Linux