
  • 网络Campus website
  1. 基于BP神经网络的校园网站评价方法

    The Method of Campus Website Assessment Based on BP Neural Network

  2. 基于MVC架构模式下校园网站建设的研究与探讨

    Research and Discuss on the Building of Campus Website based on MVC Construction

  3. 校园网站采用了先进的B/S开发模式,基于PHP技术和MySQL数据库管理技术。

    The campus website platform adopts advanced B / S development mode , based on the PHP technology and MySQL database management technology .

  4. Mashup技术在校园网站中的应用

    Application of Mashup Technology in Campus Website

  5. 论文还设计和实现了一个Web同志挖掘系统(WLDMS),将Web日志挖掘应用到校园网站,对其Web服务器的日志记录进行挖掘,并将挖掘出的模式应用于智能Web站点的构建。

    We designed and implemented a web log data mining system ( WLDMS ) and applied it to a campus website . We performed data mining on web log and used acquired user behavior patterns to construct an intelligent website .

  6. 有些校园网站与银行合作发放有编码的信用卡或者ID卡,有借记卡的双重作用。有些学校为自己辩护说,这种合作关系可以使学校有一些进项,可以弥补财政预算的减少。

    Many colleges ' webs , actually partner with the banks to issue code-branded credit cards or ID cards that double as debit cards . Some schools defend these partnerships as a way to offset cuts in state funding , Reggie .

  7. 那时它叫“thefacebook”(一个单词,全是小写),只是一个哈佛大学、耶鲁大学(Yale)和斯坦福大学(Stanford)的封闭式校园网站,用户不过几千人。

    It was called " thefacebook " ( onewordalllowercase ) and it was a small , closed college network at Harvard , Yale and Stanford with members numbering in the low thousands .

  8. 校园网站正是在这样的一个背景下孕育而生。

    Campus site in such a context is nurtured and hygiene .

  9. 校园网站的建设与应用

    Construction and Application of the campus Net Station

  10. 校园网站建设与管理初探

    Researches on Campus Website Construction and Management

  11. 高校校园网站建设的关键技术

    Key Technology of University Campus Website Construction

  12. 办好校园网站,丰富信息,增强吸引力;

    And manage to construct campus websites with rich information to enhance the appeal to students ;

  13. 建立健全校园网站;

    Build up sound on-campus websites ;

  14. 如何评价校园网站

    How to Evaluate Campus Network Station

  15. 本文主要介绍了校园网站建设及网页制作的一些方法和技巧。

    This article mainly introduces some methods and skills of how to construct campus web-site and make web-pages .

  16. 大学校园网站评价指标体系构建:现状、依据及内容

    The Construction of Appraisal Index System for Web Station on University Campus : its Current Situation , Basis and Contents

  17. 三是积极引导大学生建设健康的校园网站,加强自身网络道德、法律和法规的教育,并在网络中进行自我教育和自我管理。

    Thirdly , it is to lead the college student to set up healthy website , let them teach themselves in network ethical and network legal and manage themselves in the network .

  18. 以往人们对校园网站的要求只是停留在能用的基础上,或者仅有少部分人从事校园网的一些简单的交互工作。

    In the past , the requirement of the campus network only based on the usability , or a few of people engaged in some work of interaction with the campus website .

  19. 学校网站做为“国之根本”教育的信息化建设也明显的加快了最为突出的就是校园网站设计千姿百态。

    School Web site as " the root of the country ," Information in Education and also significantly accelerated the construction of the most prominent is the campus Web site design different styles .

  20. 当你访问开放课程网站时,你会看到既有深度又有宽度的,并且与你在其他校园网站上,看到的不同的材料。

    When you visit the open course website , what you 'll see is that a depth and a breadth of materials that 's different from what you see on other campus websites .

  21. 提供了一个如何评价校园网站的方案,认为可从整体风格、功能、采编、内容、后台管理等方面来评价校园网站的优劣。

    This article offers a scheme how to evaluate campus network station and thinks evaluating circs of campus network station according to the whole style , function , gathering news and editing , contents and-background management of it .

  22. 高校校园网站是在高等教育发展和网络传播实践的交互作用影响下产生的,它是一种主要为高校师生服务的传播媒介。

    Campus websites of the college and university coming into being by the effect of interaction between higher education development and network communication practice , which are the media mainly servicing the teachers and students in the college and university .

  23. 近几年,网络在教学、科研、管理领域的普遍使用,使学校对信息建设的地位和作用有了一个全新的认识,校园网站建设的速度逐渐加快。

    In recent years , the network in teaching , research , and management of common use , so the school building on the status and role of information have a new understanding of the construction of the campus Web site speed gradually accelerated .

  24. 从软件工程的角度出发,系统分析了校园网站的设计与开发过程,并在系统设计阶段详细介绍了设计网页的注意事项、网页设计工具的选择以及前台界面和后台数据库连接方法。

    This text sets out from software engineering and analyzes the process of design and development of the campus Website , and introduces the notice items of designing Web pages , the selection of design tools in system design and the conjunction method in stage interface with backstage database .

  25. 基于WindowSDNA的校园新闻网站的开发

    Development of campus news publishing system based on Windows DNA

  26. 而为了保证足够的赢利空间,校园SNS网站运营商可以采用以下几种盈利模式:精准化广告、网络游戏服务、软文营销与口碑推广、积极开发网络增值服务、与其他运营商合作。

    In order to ensure adequate profit space , the campus SNS website operators can use the following profit model : accuracy of advertising , online gaming services , software text marketing and word of mouth promotion , and actively develop value-added services network with other operators .

  27. 基于信息构建的校园计算机网站方案研究

    The study on solution of high school website based on Information Architecture

  28. 校园网网站建设和网页制作的方法

    The Methods of Constructing Campus Web - site and Making Web - pages

  29. 校园影视网站的建设和管理

    The Construction and Operation of Movies as well as TV Plays on Campus Website

  30. 加强校园文化网站整合推进电大校园文化建设

    Strengthening the Websites Integration of Campus Culture and Advancing the Construction of Campus Culture in Radio and TV Universities