
  • 网络Marker vaccine
  1. BP26蛋白的这些特性,为我们进行研究基因标记疫苗研究提供了很好的靶标。

    These characteristics make it a good candidate antigen for gene marker vaccine development .

  2. 总之,RHDV反向遗传研究系统的建立将为深入研究其功能基因组学以及致病和变异的分子机制奠定基础,同时还具备研制新一代基因缺失疫苗和标记疫苗的潜在应用前景。

    In a word , RHDV reverse genetics can be used to study functional genomics , molecular mechanism of pathogenesis and variation of RHDV and show some prospects in research of gene-deleted vaccine and marker vaccine .

  3. 猪瘟病毒C株重组标记疫苗的构建

    Recombinant Marker Vaccine of Classical Swine Fever virus C Strain

  4. 这些分子克隆和嵌合分子克隆为研究HCLV致弱机制和标记疫苗奠定了基础。

    The molecular clone and chimeric clones can be used to study the virulence determinants of HCLV and develop marker vaccines against CSFV .

  5. 猪瘟和猪水泡病基因标记疫苗的研究

    Studies of Genetic Marker Vaccines Against Classical Swine Fever and Swine Vesicular Disease

  6. 标记疫苗是目前猪瘟疫苗发展的趋势。

    The marker vaccine is the development direction of classical swine fever vaccine .

  7. 国外猪瘟病毒实验室诊断、流行病学以及标记疫苗研究进展

    Advance in the research of laboratory diagnosis , epizootiology and marker vaccines of classical swine fever in abroad

  8. 为进一步研究猪瘟病毒的复制机理、毒力及其决定因素、致弱机理、致病机理、基因产物的功能、宿主嗜性及标记疫苗的开发提供理论参考。

    It can provide theoretical references for further studying on replication , virulence and its determinants , cell and host tropism , pathogenesis , functions of products of genes , attenuation and marker vaccine of CSFV .

  9. 这些具有密切联系的生物替代标记可促进EBV疫苗的研究。

    The identification of these biological " surrogate " markers would facilitate EBV vaccine development .

  10. 布病分子标记、毒力缺失疫苗株免疫原性及鉴别诊断研究

    Research on Immunogenicity and Discrimination of the Molecular Marked and Virulence Deleted Vaccine Strain of Brucellosis

  11. 从这个意义上说,我们用癌细胞表面的一些标记物去研制疫苗,来帮助身体去做它应做的事,这个道理很简单。

    How simple it would be for us to take some markers on a cancer cell 's surface and create a vaccine to help the body do what it 's supposed to do .