
  • 网络Standard Time;GMT
标准时 [biāo zhǔn shí]
  • (1) [standard time]

  • (2) 一个地区或国家所共同使用的时刻

  • (3) 一个标准时区内所共同使用的时刻。一般以该时区的中央子午线的时刻为准

  1. 卫星钟频率漂移引起的卫星钟时间与GPS标准时之间的差值称为卫星钟差。

    The difference between GPS satellite clock time and GPS standard time caused by Satellite clock frequency drift is knew as satellite clock error .

  2. BPM标准时号放大器的研制

    The Development of BPM Standard Time Signal Amplifier

  3. 应当只有在满足以下标准时才交付FixPack

    Delivery of the Fix Pack should be made only if the following criteria are met

  4. 这种情况会在有多个GUI组件匹配给定的搜索标准时发生。

    This happens if more than one GUI component matches the given search criteria .

  5. 编者在准备公共文本建议和国际标准时所遵守的起草规则在附录II中说明。

    Drafting rules for editors to use in the preparation of common text Recommendations | International Standards are specified in Appendix II .

  6. 讨论了应用BSS豁免标准时的某些问题。

    Discuss some problems in the application of BSS exemptions level .

  7. 三相并联有源电力滤波器:考虑谐波和EMI标准时的输出滤波器的研究

    Study on Electric Power Output Filter in a 3-Phase Parallel Connection Circuit with Harmonics and EMI Requirements

  8. 同时,当我们谈到标准时,我们在Web服务的描述上花了大量的笔墨,这可能反而削弱了以上5种显著差异的描述。

    At the same time when we discussed standards , the bulk of the standards we illustrated are focused on Web services that may have diluted the message that there are five distinct differences .

  9. 最早的DHCP标准时在1993年由IETF发布于RFC1531中。

    The earliest DHCP standard was issued by IETF in RFC 1531 in 1993 .

  10. 当缺少官方标准时,不同APM产品提供的跟踪API也全然不同。

    The tracing APIs supplied by different APM products are all different , in the absence of an official standard .

  11. SYSTEM的新型PROFINET适配器带有内置交换机,用户在应用开放式自动化工业以太网标准时就会更加容易。

    WAGO-I / O-SYSTEM new PROFINET coupler with built-in switch , the user in the application of an open Ethernet standard automation industry will be much easier .

  12. SOAP的设计运行方便地添加此类扩展,但这些扩展通常仅在其为受多个框架支持的标准时才有用。

    The design of SOAP allows for the easy addition of such extensions , but these extensions are generally only useful if they 're standards supported by multiple frameworks .

  13. 在适用这些标准时,中国将考虑允许来自WTO成员的生产者平等参与的需要,并考虑最大限度地扩大配额足额使用潜力的需要。

    In applying these criteria , China would consider the need to allow for equitable participation by producers from WTO Members and take into account the need to maximize the potential for quota fill .

  14. 如本文示例所示,W3CXMLSchema语言的设计者们在创建这个标准时考虑了可扩展性。

    As you can see from the examples in this article , the designers of the W3C XML Schema language had extensibility in mind when they created the standard .

  15. 他只是写道,他一直都在说,如果他觉得无法在工作中达到他认为的高标准时,他会卸任苹果CEO一职。

    He wrote only that he had always said he would step down as CEO if he felt he could no longer do the job to his high standards .

  16. 在Modeler中创建流程和业务度量标准时,通常会生成两种类型的监控模型

    When you create processes and business measures in Modeler , you typically end up with two types of monitor model

  17. 当性能或功能未达到您定义的标准时,您可以使用LotusSametime工具包进行提醒。

    You can use the power of the Lotus Sametime toolkit to alert you when performance or function is not up to the standards that you have defined .

  18. 当JSR286成为事实上的portlet标准时,您将仍旧能够使用Pluto测试兼容性。

    When JSR286 becomes the de facto portlet standard , you 'll still be able to use Pluto to test for compliance .

  19. 大约6年前,当Facebook管理者意识到,他们的工程技术人员团队超过了这个神奇的150人标准时,他们刻意推出一些政策和仪式来保持公司的凝聚力。

    When Facebook managers realised that their team of engineers was exceeding that magic 150 threshold , some six years ago , they deliberately introduced policies and rituals to keep the company bonded .

  20. 采用IAP标准时所有年龄估计体重不足流行率比世卫组织新标准高1.4倍。

    For all ages combined , the estimated prevalence of underweight was1.4 times higher when IAP standards instead of the new WHO standards were used .

  21. JOEL:尽管在谈到开放标准时,开源通常引领了革新,但是二者之间的确没有完全重叠在一起。

    JOEL : Though Open Source is usually leading innovation when speaking about Open Standards , that 's true there is no complete overlap .

  22. 胎压监测系统(TPMS)是一种当轮胎气压与温度低于正常标准时,能及时提醒驾驶者的系统。

    Tire Pressure Monitoring System ( TPMS ) is a system alerting the driver when the pressure or temperature of the tire drops to an unsafe level .

  23. 例如,实际上可以很容易地配置一个设备(就像AmbientOrb),在代码复杂度有所上升时,或者在违反一定数量的代码标准时,使用该设备改变颜色。

    For example , it 's actually quite easy to configure a device , like the Ambient Orb , to change colors if code complexity increases or even if a certain number of coding standards are violated .

  24. 以50%相对成株率为标准时,8、16、24h浸泡,所适宜的处理浓度分别为0.215%、0.156%、0.115%;

    As alive plant rate of 50 % being the standard , the suitable concentrations were 0.2150 % , 0.156 % and 0.115 % in soaked times of 8 h , 16 h and 24 h , respectively ;

  25. 结果:以SaO2<90%的时间占总睡眠时间的1%为标准时,诊断SAS的灵敏度为91.92%,特异度为63.16%;

    Results : The sensitivity and specificity to diagnose SAS were 91.92 % and 63.16 % , respectively , when time of SaO2 < 90 % accounting for 1 % of the total sleeping time was regarded as the standard time ;

  26. 经热浸锌处理的高强度Cr-Mo钢,在超出NACE制定的在H2S介质中使用的合金钢HRC≤22的标准时,具有优良的抗腐蚀性能。

    The high-strength Cr-Mo steel , after hot-dip galvanizing trea ment , exhibited excellent performance in corrosion resistance , when it was used in replacement of alloy HR ≤ 22 in H2S media as specified in NACE .

  27. 在团队群情激昂地齐声朗诵以下的领导力标准时,我们坚定地看到了KRRP光明的未来。

    The entire team recited below leadership together with great passion , from which we can see the bright and promising future of KRRP without any doubt .

  28. 同时,对轴式为B0-B0的电力机车,给出了当轴重分配达到部颁标准时机车重心纵向偏离所允许的最大范围。

    Also , the maximum and allowable range of the locomotive barycenter longitudinal deviation is given when the axle load distribution accords with the railway ministry standards .

  29. 以施磷产投比2.0和1.0作为土壤缺磷标准时,土壤速效磷严重缺乏和缺乏的指标分别为16.2mg/kg和20.2mg/kg。

    Based on VCR at 2.0 and 1 . 0 level , the soil critical available P was 16.2mg/kg for serious deficiency and 20.2mg/kg for deficiency , respectively .

  30. 授时接收机是实现整个授时系统功能和性能的终端设备,其主要作用是接收授时台站发播的标准时频信息,来实现本地时间信号与标准时间信号UTC(NTSC)的同步。

    Timing receiver is the terminal device which is to achieve the timing system functionality and performance , and has the main function of receiving standard time and frequency information from time ? dissemination station to synchronize local time signal and standard time signal – UTC ( NTSC ) .