
  • 网络Query tools;SQL;Web Query Tool
  1. 这个平台中包括了多个编辑器、图形编辑器、特性、构建器、一个Web服务向导、数据库访问和查询工具以及其他组件。

    Included in this platform are multiple editors , graphical editors , natures , builders , a Web Service wizard , database access and query tools , and other components .

  2. 如果是在应用程序中编写这个函数,而不是将其定义为UDF,那么SQL查询工具(例如CLP)的用户将不能访问这个函数。

    If you write the function in an application program instead of a UDF , then users of SQL query tools such as CLP will not be able to access your function .

  3. WEB上通用数据库数据查询工具的开发方法

    Development method of data query tool of general database based on WEB

  4. 理想的Web查询工具&Meta-Searcher用于地形匹配雷达高度表的新型数字化搜索跟踪器

    An Ideal Information Search Tool & Meta - Searcher A Novel Digital Searcher - tracker Applied in TERCOM Radar Altimeter

  5. CAD的分析和查询工具可以提高设计的效率、准确性和科学性。

    The tools of analysis and inquiring in CAD can increase the design 's efficiency , accuracy and science .

  6. 您可以使用DB2命令行或其他查询工具执行这些语句来创建视图。

    You can execute the statement to create this view in a DB2 command line or other query tool .

  7. 基于SolidWorks的注塑模设计资料查询工具开发

    Development of Database Query Tool for Injection Mold Design Based on SolidWorks

  8. DataTools项目(DTP)看起来就像是可以传达外置信息,在Eclipse中实现免费的数据库浏览工具和查询工具

    The Data Tools Project ( DTP ) looks like it will deliver an out-of-box , free database browser and query tool in Eclipse

  9. 包因特网查询工具用于通过发送一个Internet控制消息协议回送请求并等待应答来测试一个特定网络目的地是否联机的一种程序。

    Packet Internet Groper A program used to test whether a particular network destination is online , by sending an Internet control message protocol echo request and waiting for a response .

  10. 基本局部匹配查询工具BLAST是用来快速比较序列的生物信息学工具,它是一种启发式的算法。

    Basic local alignment search tool BLAST is a bioinformatics tool used to quickly compare query sequence , and its implementation algorithm is kind of the heuristic .

  11. 基于自索引的DBF压缩查询工具研究

    Self-index compressing and searching tool for DBF tables

  12. SPARQL查询工具:实验作者提供的示例。

    SPARQL query tool : Experiment with this demo provided by the author .

  13. 而本片论文所讨论的跨膜蛋白的预测算法正是用MATLAB语言来开发编写的,旨在为广大的科学工作者提供一个更便捷、规范、易于操作的蛋白质领域跨膜区预测的查询工具。

    The prediction algorithms of transmembrane proteins which discussed in this article are just written out by MATLAB , aiming atto provide a more convenient , normative , tending to operate query tool in proteins transmembrane regions .

  14. 如果语句有两页那么长,就像一个庞然大物,查询工具中的一个称为Annotation的功能可将所有元素转换为一种格式,以便您可以读取它。

    F the statement is two pages long , a huge monstrosity , a feature of our query tool called Annotation puts all the elements into a format so you can read it .

  15. 该方法充分利用了Socket技术的特点和优势,客户端发送需要更新的字段名称,服务器端利用已有的数据库查询工具完成查询操作,返回新的字段内容。

    The method utilizes fully the characteristics and advantages of Socket communication technology . The client sends a section of names to be upgraded and the server finishes the searching operation using the existing database tools and returns the new content .

  16. 网络信息检索是一种基于超文本方式的信息查询工具。

    Internet information searches are a searching tool based on hypertext .

  17. 精确数据的模糊查询工具的设计与实现

    The Design and Reality of Fuzzy Query Tool Based on Exact Data

  18. 为什么当我使用道路查询工具是看不见道路?

    Why am I not seeing routes when using the Route Query ?

  19. 查询工具提供了按不同视图排序的功能。

    The query tool gives me the ability to sort by different views .

  20. 本课程将强调利用区域资料系统和数据库查询工具进行空间分析。

    Emphasis on spatial analysis using geographic information systems and database query tools .

  21. 基于元数据的分布式异构数据库集成查询工具研究与开发

    Research and Exploiture of the Integrated Query Tool for Distributed Heterogeneous Databases Based on Metadata

  22. 我们最后开发出一款十分简单的,词典查询工具,然后回了国。

    And we ended up developing a very very simple dictionary search tool before we left .

  23. 来添加新的查询工具。

    To add the new finder .

  24. 这些产品通常包含一份可视化映像和一个数据库查询工具以定位不同的访问节点。

    These products usually include a visual map and a database query tool for locating various access points .

  25. 那些习惯于用某一查询工具的用户可能要求在不同机构的多个任务中都使用此工具。

    Users who have grown used to a particular query tool may want to use it across multiple assignments with different organizations .

  26. 用户从有效的可替换的文法中选择,这种设计在本质上是一个自我建档的有限的查询工具。

    The user chooses from a grammar of valid alternatives , so the design is in essence a self-documenting , bounded query facility .

  27. 现在的网址导航一般还自身提供常用查询工具,以及邮箱登陆、搜索引擎入口,有的还有热点新闻等功能。

    The modern site navigation generally also provide some common query tools , e-mail , search engine entrance , some hot news and other functions themselves .

  28. 通过对系统中数据建模工具、数据接收工具、数据查询工具的结构设计和功能设计,实现了卫星测试数据管理系统的设计。

    Through the structure design and function design of data modeling tool , data receiving tool and data searching tool within this system , the satellite testing data managing system is achieved .

  29. 公共交通是人们日常生活不可或缺的一个重要组成部分,公交信息查询工具则为人们提供了公交线路查询的功能,帮助使用者了解线路信息,为自己的出行提前做好准备。

    Public transport is an indispensable part of our daily life , while bus information query tools offer the corresponding functions for people to query the bus routes , and to help users understand the route information to prepare for their travel in advance .

  30. 该文简要地分析了研制通用查询工具的可能性和必要性,进而详细地介绍了它的设计方法和实现技术,同时也给出了一般的应用接口。实际工程的应用表明了它的有效性。

    The possibility and necessary of design and implementation of the general-purpose query tool is discussed briefly , and the design method and the implementation technique are introduced as detail as possible . The true reflectance of fluorescent dyes has been calculated by E. Applying .