
  • 网络Charlie Munger
  1. 就像沃伦·E·巴菲特(WarrenE.Buffett)的控股公司伯克希尔-哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)的副董事长查理·芒格(CharlieMunger)曾经说过的,“要得到自己想要的东西,最稳妥的办法就是努力让自己变成值得拥有那一切的人。”

    As Charlie Munger , the vice chairman of Warren E. Buffett 's holding company , Berkshire Hathaway , has said , " The safest way to get what you want is to try and deserve what you want . "

  2. 在达沃斯会议上,摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(JamieDimon)的发言听起来像是巴菲特或查理·芒格(或珍妮塔·瓦科利),他表示:美国的商业银行和投资银行做了一些的确很愚蠢的事情。

    At the Davos conference , Jamie Dimon , JPMorgan chief executive , sounded like Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger ( or Janet Tavakoli ) when he remarked : Some really stupid things were done by American banks and American investment banks .

  3. 但是巴菲特的成功很大一部分归因于一位不知名的朋友——查理·芒格。

    But a big part in Buffett 's success story belongs to his little-known friend , Charlie Munger .

  4. 查理·芒格先生说,如果你有意识地使自己在思想上成熟,你可以胜过比你聪明的人。

    Charlie Munger said , if you consciously make himself in thought mature , you can overcome that are smarter than you .

  5. 查理·芒格先生喜欢阅读,从遗传学,到凯恩斯的学术文章,到建筑学,再到哲学和传记。

    Charlie Munger likes reading , from genetics , to Keynes 's academic articles , to architecture , and then to the philosophy and biography .