
  1. 第四章阐述了高校人才柔性引进所取得的成效,并举出具体成功的实例。

    The fourth part sets out the effectiveness of the university flexible employment policy , and also cites specific successful examples .

  2. 第七章结论与展望,简要总结分析了我国高校人才柔性引进的变动趋势。

    The seventh part is the conclusion and outlook , it provides a brief analysis of the long-term tendency on the university flexible employment policy .

  3. 第五章全面客观的分析了目前我国高校人才柔性引进中存在的局限和主要问题,为提出相应对策提供了方向。

    The fifth part gives a comprehensive and objective analysis of the limitation and major problem of this policy , and also provides good direction for the corresponding responses .

  4. 第三章属于本文的理论基础部分,笔者主要通过对现代大学制度理论、人力资源管理理论、人事管理理论在大学的发展和运用的阐述,为大学人才柔性引进提供了理论依据。

    The third part belongs to the theoretical basis of this thesis , in which the author expounds the important theory of the modern university system , human resources management theory and the application of personnel management theory in universities as the theoretical foundation .