
qiāng zhàn
  • a gun battle;gunfight;firefight;gunplay
枪战 [qiāng zhàn]
  • [gunfight] 两个人之间使用步枪或手枪的战斗

枪战[qiāng zhàn]
  1. 许多家长批评电视节目太多凶杀和枪战。

    Many parents blame that there is too much violence and gunplay in TV programs .

  2. 它有太多的暴力和枪战,影响青少年甚至儿童。

    It has got too much violence and gunplay , which affects young people and even children .

  3. 他的最新影片只不过是老一套——异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。

    His latest movie is just more of the same ─ exotic locations , car chases and a final shoot-out .

  4. 卫兵包围了该市的一所别墅后便发生了枪战。

    Shooting broke out after the guards surrounded a villa in the city .

  5. 今天凌晨在拉各斯的政府大楼周围发生了枪战。

    Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos .

  6. 虽然枪战目前已停止,但造成的破坏是巨大的。

    Although the shooting has stopped for now , the destruction left behind is enormous .

  7. 纽约人在说唱音乐中表现晚会和俱乐部的情景,我则说唱飞车追逐和枪战的情景。

    New Yorkers rap about parties and clubs , I rap about car chases and guns .

  8. 一场造成两名警察死亡的枪战

    a gun battle which culminated in the death of two police officers

  9. 索马里过渡政府称,DNA测试已经证实他于本周初在首都摩加迪沙的枪战中死亡。

    Somalia 's transitional government said DNA tests confirmed his death in a shootout in the capital Mogadishu earlier this week .

  10. 玩家在游戏中会与帝王联盟(MonarchCorporation)展开对抗,喜欢《英雄本色》中子弹时刻的玩家,可以在放大时间因素的枪战中寻找新的战略。

    Fans of Max Payne 's bullet time will see new strategies emerge with gunfights involving time-amplified combat as the player fights against the Monarch Corporation .

  11. 真人CS激光枪战是一种集运动与游戏于一体,紧张刺激的高科技娱乐活动。

    The honorable person CS laser gun battle is one kind transports collectively moves with plays in a body , intense stimulation high tech recreational activity .

  12. 在新泽西州,一场FBI探员与三个银行劫匪的惨烈枪战过后有两人被捕。

    Two people are in custody following a deadly shootout between FBI agents and three suspected bank robbers in New Jersey .

  13. 本周三CBS电视台的罪案剧《疑犯追踪》户外片场被关,起因是纽约警方以为剧中的枪战是真实场景。

    Outdoor filming of the CBS crime drama Person Of Interest was shut down on Wednesday after New York City police thought a scripted gun battle was the real thing .

  14. 例如,片中有好几个高科技场景展示的是在失重条件下的激光枪战游戏,而另一些镜头则是安德通过一个类似iPad的装置,用意念操控电子游戏。

    For example , several scenes feature a high-tech version of laser tag played in a weightless arena , while others show Ender playing a video game on an iPad-like device that he controls with his mind .

  15. 该机降落后,州警与几十名国家调查局(CICPC)的特警间爆发了一场枪战。

    Its arrival was followed by a shoot-out between state police and dozens of cops from the national detective corps , known as the CICPC .

  16. 在20世纪80年代晚期和90年代早期,这个街角与当时那里的azeri餐馆因挑起对立的白人帮派间的血腥枪战而臭名昭著。

    In the late 1980s and early 1990s , the street corner and the Azeri canteen that then stood on it were infamous for the bloody shoot-outs they hosted between rival Caucasian gangs .

  17. 在周四矿工和警察之间爆发的这起骇人听闻的Lonmin铂金矿枪战事件中,几百名警察试图驱散数千名罢工的矿工,致使34人死亡,另外78人受伤。

    A terrible shootout incident between the platinum miners and police erupted on Thursday as several hundred police attempted to disperse several thousand striking miners at the Lonmin 's Marikana mine , leaving 34 people dead and 78 other injured .

  18. 我承认枪战对生意比较有利。

    I admit , a shooting war is better for business .

  19. 发生枪战了,他们的总统很不安。

    Gunfights are occurring , and the president is very uneasy .

  20. 他在与警的枪战中受伤。

    He was wounded in a gun battle with the police .

  21. 好像我们被卷进了枪战呀。

    So it looks like we got into a gun fight .

  22. 他在与警方的枪战中被击毙。

    He was shot and killed in a gunfight with police .

  23. 曼哈顿的枪战有何进展,莱斯利?

    More details have emerged about the shootout in Manhattan . Leslie ?

  24. 点45口径,跟他在电视剧枪战中用的一样。

    A.45 , same kind he uses in all his cheeseball shoot-outs .

  25. 加萨走廊激烈枪战,五名巴勒斯坦人死亡。

    Heavy clashes in gaza ; 5 Palestinians killed overall .

  26. 枪战后只有一个牛仔还活着。

    After the gunfight only one of the Cowboys was left alive .

  27. 结果导致了在拥挤的地铁站里一场枪战。

    Which resulted in a shoot-out in a crowded subway .

  28. 随后发生的枪战持续了5个多小时。

    The ensuing gun battle lasted more than five hours .

  29. 他们以为他会在枪战中被打死。

    They 're figuring he 's gonna go down in the gunfight .

  30. 在警察和毒贩子一番枪战之后

    after a gun battle between police and drug traffickers .