
zhī xínɡ diào dēnɡ
  • chandelier
  1. 这里融合了中世纪家具和大理石雕塑。建筑师米歇尔·博南(MicheleBönan)的抢眼设计包括多彩的色调、堂皇的四帷柱床,以及装饰着贝尔贝地毯(Berber)和未来主义枝形吊灯的公共空间。

    The eye-catching design by the architect Michele B ö nan features colorful palettes , stately four-poster beds and common spaces adorned with Berber rugs and a futuristic chandelier .

  2. 在本文发稿时,工人们正准备将弗雷德里克·莫伦绍特(FrederikMolenschot)的铸铜生物形态枝形吊灯悬挂在大厅里(阿姆斯特丹艺术家莫伦绍特还制作了所有实心黄铜制的房间号码)。

    s for planting feathery perennials on the High Line , is in charge of the rooftop garden . And at press time , workers were preparing to hoist Frederik Molenschot 's biomorphic cast-bronze chandelier in the lobby . ( Mr. Molenschot , an Amsterdam artist , also supplied all of the room numbers , which are solid brass . )

  3. CFL现在有了多种形状、大小和颜色,可以用在吊扇和枝形吊灯等多种装置里。

    CFLs now come in many shapes , sizes and colors that can be used in fixtures such as ceiling fans and chandeliers .

  4. 太古地产的销售代表否认Opus公寓样板间的设计是为了迎合中国内地新贵喜欢浮华的品位。样板间装了许多枝形吊灯,厨房则处处银光闪闪。

    Sales representatives of Swire Properties deny that the design of the Opus show flat - plenty of chandeliers and a kitchen featuring lots of silver - is meant to appeal to the flamboyant tastes of nouveau riche mainland Chinese buyers .

  5. 就这样,就像她是一个有趣的枝形吊灯。

    Just that , as if she were a fancy chandelier .

  6. 大鼠海马脑中枝形吊灯样中间神经元的形态与电生理学特征

    Electrophysiological characteristics of morphologically identified chandelier interneurons in rat hippocampal slices

  7. 就那样扛着,好像她是一盏华贵的枝形吊灯。

    Just like that , as if she were a fancy chanelier .

  8. 马拉喀什手工制作的超大圆形黄铜枝形吊灯;

    an oversize round brass chandelier , handmade in Marrakesh ;

  9. 他们头顶上方有一个水晶枝形吊灯。

    There was a crystal chandelier above their heads .

  10. 枝形吊灯啪的一声掉在了地板上。

    The chandelier hit the floor with a crack .

  11. 山姆进入学城图书馆时,那里悬挂着一个枝形吊灯似的奇妙装置。

    This chandelier-looking contraption was hanging in the Citadel library when Sam entered .

  12. 枝形吊灯用梨状玻璃悬吊物

    Drop , pear-shaped , for chandeliers , of glass

  13. 一名妇女被枝形吊灯砸死,另外许多人被砸伤。

    One woman was killed by the chandelier , and many people were hurt .

  14. 几盏枝形吊灯从天花板悬吊下来。

    Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling .

  15. 在住宅或农舍里,马车的轮子还经常被改造成枝形吊灯。

    Inside a house or cottage a wagon wheel is often used as a chandelier .

  16. 即使装饰着丝绸和枝形吊灯。

    Even with Chinese silks and chandeliers .

  17. 这个夜晚到来时,一切还是令人满意的。那枝形吊灯换了新的绳索又回到了它原来的位置。

    The evening began well.The chandelier was now back in place , with new ropes .

  18. 枝形吊灯,贵金属制

    Chandelier , of precious metal

  19. 枝形吊灯的柔和灯影映在她的脸上,墙壁的淡绿的正如他淡绿色的眼眸。

    The chandeliers threw soft shadows across her face , the light green walls matched her light green eyes .

  20. 豪华大套房那种面积巨大又空荡荡、挂着华丽枝形吊灯的模式化形象逐渐过时了。

    The stereotype of the grand suite with vast , empty space and ornate chandeliers is increasingly out of date .

  21. 还可以利用装饰吊线灯,不同形状的彩灯,以及水晶枝形吊灯让平庸的场地变得富丽堂皇。

    Can also use the decorative pendant lamp , different colored lights , and crystal chandeliers let mediocrity venues become magnificent .

  22. 虽然这家酒店是近期新建的,但其内部的砂岩装潢和豪华枝形吊灯都透着印度的旧式奢华。

    Although it opened its doors only recently , with its sandstone interiors and lavish chandeliers it embodies old-school Indian luxury .

  23. 上述结果表明,枝形吊灯样中间神经元在形态和电生理方面均与蓝状中间神经元不同,它属于中间神经元的一个特殊类型。

    These results indicate that the chandelier interneurons differ from basket interneurons in the rat hippocampus with in physiology and in morphology .

  24. 几分钟后,全班同学有一半躲到了桌子底下,纳威在枝形吊灯上荡着。

    within minutes , half the class was sheltering under desks and Neville was swinging from the iron chandelier in the ceiling .

  25. 许多电影院有着古典装饰,水晶枝形吊灯,天鹅绒窗帘、雕像及各种壶,金叶模型等等。

    Many boast classical d é cor , complete with crystal chandeliers , velvet draperies , statues and urns , and gilt-leaf molding .

  26. 一楼门廊是一个巨大的房间,墙上贴着剥落的墙纸,破旧的地毯,煤气灯和一个大蛇形状的蛛网状枝形吊灯和枝形烛台。

    The Entrance Hall is a large room with peeling wallpaper , threadbare carpet , gas lamps , and a serpent-shaped , cobwebby candleabra .

  27. 除了花园,还有一个大堂休息室,那里有石灰岩燃气壁炉、超大枝形吊灯、摩洛哥小地毯和古董家具。

    Besides the garden , there 's a lobby lounge with a limestone gas fireplace , oversize chandeliers , Moroccan rugs and vintage furniture .

  28. 那著名的有着上千盏灯的枝形吊灯,竟然脱离束缚它的绳索坠落在下面的观众席上。

    The famous chandelier , with its thou sand lights , broke away from its ropes and crashed down on to the people below .

  29. 去年12月,宝莉塔和托尼弗洛雷斯在一家殡仪馆举办了婚礼。雅致的圆形大厅里铺着大理石地面,枝形吊灯上泛着微光,喷泉汩汩作响。

    Paulita and Tony Flores took their wedding vows in December in an elegant rotunda with marble floors amid glimmering chandeliers and a bubbling fountain .

  30. 提示:枝形吊灯是埃及捐赠的,蓝色瓷砖来自土耳其,地毯产自伊朗,彩花玻璃则来自摩洛哥。

    Hint : Egypt donated the chandelier , the blue tiles are from Turkey , the carpets are Iranian and the stained glass came from Morocco .