
lín dài
  • forest belt;tree belt
林带 [lín dài]
  • [forest belt] 为了防风防沙等而培植的带状树林

林带[lín dài]
  1. 海拔800~1500m,山地常绿阔叶林带;

    Evergreen broadleaved forest belt at altitude 800 ~ 1500 m ;

  2. 海拔1900m以上,山顶矮林带。

    Low forest belt on the top of the mountain above alt. 1900m .

  3. 防护林带能减弱风力。

    The shelter belt breaks the force of the wind .

  4. 防护林带挡住了风沙。

    The shelterbelt kept the sand in check .

  5. 两条林带屏蔽着农田。

    Two forest belts screen the farmland from the wind .

  6. 他们营造了大片防护林带,防止风沙侵袭。

    They built a great shelter-belt to check sandstorms .

  7. 杨树、水杉林带枯落物对土壤微生物C、N的影响

    Impacts of litter of Populus and Metasequoia on soil microbial biomass

  8. 经济林带(海拔150~300m)10目,占14.6%;

    Economic forest ( 150 ~ 300 m elevation ) 10 orders , 14 . 6 % .

  9. 应用SWOT分析法分析贵阳二环林带发展所面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁因素,建立二环林带可持续发展的战略矩阵。

    SWOT was utilized to analyze the superior and inferior positions , and opportunity and threat factors that are faced by the Second Ring Forest-belt of Guiyang .

  10. 通过对已建立的两条灌木林带防护效应的观测分析,结果表明:灌木林带使其周围的气流场重新分布,改变了近地表风沙流结构,0.5、2m高处的风速梯度发生显著变化。

    Observational results show that the airflow field nearby shrub shelter belt is redistributed , and the near-surface sand stream is dramatically changed .

  11. 海拔l500~1900m,常绿落叶阔叶混交林带;

    Evergreen and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest belt at alt. 1500 ~ 1900 m ;

  12. 文章通过选取珠三角地区具有代表性的16个树种的纯林样地,设置了10,20,30m的林带宽度进行降噪测试,结果表明:在10m林带宽度时,珊瑚树和高山榕的降噪效果较好;

    The study was to test the Anti-noise effects of 16 representative tree species of pure woods on three different woods-widths which were 10 m , 20 m and 30 m in Zhujiang Delta .

  13. 流沙地0.5、1和1.5m高处日平均气温比灌木带内分别高出0.5、0.9和0.2℃,而相对湿度灌木林带内比流沙地平均高0.4、0.3和0.1%。

    The daily average temperature in dunes at 0.5 , 1.0 and 1.5m heights is 0.5 , 0.9 and 0.2 ℃ higher than in the shrub shelter belt , respectively .

  14. 生土带防火线在防止森林火灾方面虽有些作用,但收效甚微。在生土带上栽种10~15m宽的耐火树种,形成生物防火林带,防火功能更好,而且经济效益显著。

    Plantation of fire protection tree species in immature soil fire line for 10 ~ 15 meters could form a biological fire trace with better fire protection effect and economic benefit .

  15. 在基干林带后沿,立地条件较好,防护要求相对较低的防护林,宜采用带状更新,更新带宽以30m左右为宜,最大不能超过60m。

    Regeneration in strip is suitable for the backward of core forest belt requiring comparatively secondary protection , where site is in good condition , the appropriate width is about 30 m , not exceeding 60 m in maximum .

  16. 在水平方向上,分布在林带区和作物区内各占3971%和6029%,其中作物区内的根量主要集中在40~120cm带距范围内,约占作物区内的747%;

    Horizontally , the amount of the fine root in the wheat zone and the tree land accounted for 60 29 % and 39 71 % of the total respectively ;

  17. 基于林带结构(疏透度)与风速降低的关系,确定了林带主带间距离的主要参数,即,林带结构系数(δ)和以主害风为代表的小气候参数(Lrp)。

    Based on the relationship between windbreak structure ( optical porosity ) and wind reduction , the chief indices for determining spacing interval , i.e. , the windbreak structure index () and the parameter of microclimate , represented by the problem wind ( Lrp ), were determined .

  18. 经观测,洪水期10~20m宽生长茂密、半淹没灌木防护林带,可平息60~70cm高波浪,减少堤坝淘刷29%,减少堤坝水土流失173m3/km。

    Observations show that during flood period , 10 ~ 20 m wide shelterbelts composed of dense shrubs drowned half can level down waves 60 ~ 70 cm high . and decrease in lashing dikes and dams by 29 % and in soil erosion by 173 m3 / km .

  19. 这些珍稀物种主要分布在海拔1200~1800m山地常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林带,珍稀植物种类的物种丰富度在中等海拔高度上最大。

    The main distribution range of the fourteen rare plant species was the mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest at elevation of 1200 ~ 1800m , where species diversity of plant community was the maximum at the moderate elevation .

  20. 结果表明,由于泡桐林带遮光对近林带样点的影响,相对日照总量(KST)降低35.74%,各项生长发育和产量品质指标均受到不同程度的影响。

    Results showed that the sum of relative direct sunlight ( KST ) decreased by 35 . 74 % . The growth , development , yield and fruit quality of the apple trees were all reduced to varying degrees .

  21. 在大量野外调查基础上,用数码相机拍摄林带相片,采用CIAS软件测定林带疏透度,对已有数字图像处理法进行了改进,并对疏透度的变化规律进行了深入研究。

    Based on the lots of investigation on farmland shelterbelts , we used digital camera to take pictures of shelterbelt and apply CIAS software to improve " digital image processing " for determining shelterbelt porosity so as to tho-roughly analyze the rule of porosity in farmland shelterbelts .

  22. 采用排序的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被垂直带如下:(1)山地常绿落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600m以下;

    Using the methods of ordination and analysis of the physiognomy of the communities . which are distributed on the slope of the ridge , the following vertical belts of forest vegetation may be discerned : 1 . Evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest belt at alt. 1600 m ;

  23. EXPLO-500T型拖拉机式地震钻机采用大马力拖拉机底盘、全液压控制,结构紧凑、操作简单、可靠性强、钻井效率高,特别适合林带、丘陵地区施工。

    EXPLO-500T type ′ s tractor-mounted seismic drilling rig uses powerful tractor 's chassis and full-hydraulic controlling that makes it be characteristics of compact structure , easy operation , strong reliability and high drilling efficiency and is especially suitable to construct in forest zone and hill area .

  24. 补充元素技术可有效地促进更新林带的生长;

    Recruiting element technique could accelerate growth of regeneration shelterbelt efficiently .

  25. 林带对空气的湍流交换系数影响

    The effects of shelterbelt on the coefficient of atmospheric turbulent exchange

  26. 防护林带的排水及耗水作用初步分析

    Analysis of the function of Protection Forest Drainage and Water Consumption

  27. 针阔混交林带2000米2500米;

    The needle-leaf and broad-leaf mixed forest zone 2000 & 2500m ;

  28. 关于尽快启动环城生态林带建设的建议

    Suggestions on Starting the Construction of Ecological Forest Belt Around City

  29. 长形地带,林带。

    The cotton belt is the region where cotton is grown .

  30. 克拉玛依农田防护林带的有效防护距离与面积研究

    Efficient Protection Distance and Area of Farmland Protective Forest in Karamay