
  • Jeremy Lin;Linsanity;Jeremy Shu-How Lin
  1. 这时的林书豪已经41岁,他再次成为了纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)的一员。

    Jeremy Lin was 41 years old , and a New York Knick again .

  2. 当纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)球员林书豪联系Facebook,请教如何最好地利用该网站时,Facebook的公司代表给他做了示范。

    When Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks contacted Facebook for help understanding how best to use the site , the company 's representatives showed him how .

  3. 在林书豪十一岁生日时,他得到了一份会改变他一生的礼物。

    For his eleventh birthday , Lin was given a gift that would shape his life .

  4. 林书豪不是迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)或者科比·布莱恩特(KobeBryant)。

    Lin isn 't Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant .

  5. 林书豪只是第四位能够进入NBA的哈佛学生。

    Lins only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA .

  6. 选秀落选2010年7月21日从哈佛大学毕业后,林书豪参加了2010年NBA选秀,但未得到球队合同。

    After graduating from Harvard University , Lin went undrafted in the 2010 NBA Draft .

  7. 取代姚明的新一代华裔篮球英雄是……JeremyLin(林书豪)?

    Move over Yao Ming , China 's newest basketball hero is ... Jeremy Lin ?

  8. 在周六砍下25分的一球成名战后,林书豪也创下了NBA赛场上哈佛毕业生的得分记录。

    With 25 points Saturday , Lin set the N.B.A. scoring record for a player from Harvard .

  9. 尽管林书豪的NBA生涯暂时告一段落,但对这位NBA总冠军得主而言,代言活动依旧继续。

    And while his NBA career seems to be on pause , endorsements continue for the one-time NBA champion .

  10. 正是在这场发布会上,林书豪表示自己正认真考虑加盟CBA。

    It was here where he revealed he was seriously considering a return to the CBA .

  11. 该赛季结束后,林书豪获得尼克斯队的允许,以自由球员的身份转会到了休斯顿火箭队(HoustonRockets)。

    After the season , the Knicks allowed Mr. Lin to depart to the Houston Rockets via free agency .

  12. 《林书豪旋风》:林书豪在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)作为控球后卫一举成名也就是一年前的事情。

    Linsanity : It was only a year ago that Jeremy Lin shot to fame as point guard for the New York Knicks , and Linsanity seized the public consciousness

  13. 今年春天做完膝盖手术后,林书豪还了这个人情:在病床上与Facebook粉丝在线聊天。

    After Mr. Lin underwent knee surgery this spring , he returned the favor : a live chat for Facebook fans from his hospital bed .

  14. 在31岁的年龄,林书豪来到CBA联盟背负着太多需要证明的东西,同时也有机会去证明。

    At 31 , Lin arrives in the CBA with plenty to prove and an opportunity to do so .

  15. 在今年香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)上,有关篮球明星林书豪(JeremyLin)的纪录片、一部宋朝战争史诗影片和有关武术大师叶问(IPMAN)生平的最新影片成为关注焦点。

    A documentary about basketball sensation Jeremy Lin , a Song Dynasty war epic and the latest incarnation of Ip Man are in focus at this year 's Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  16. 四年前,林书豪以他在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)的一系列如梦如幻般的超凡表现让纽约人和全世界的亚裔为之一振。

    It has been four years since Mr. Lin seemed to inspire New Yorkers and Asians around the world with his mystical , mythical string of performances with the New York Knicks .

  17. 两天后,林书豪获得NBA的第一次首发机会,在对阵犹他爵士队的比赛中砍下28分8助攻。

    Two nights later , he made his first N.B.A. start and produced 28 points and 8 assists in a 99-88 win over the Utah Jazz .

  18. 不过,林书豪出现了,这位台湾裔的美籍运动员已经成为了美国篮球协会(NBA)新星。

    Then along came Jeremy Lin , a Taiwanese-American phenomenon who has been the story of the season in the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) .

  19. 随着姚明的退役,中国球迷(和NBA的商业经营者们)都急切的盼望着一颗冉冉新星来开创新局面,而这颗新星,很可能就是林书豪。

    With Yao Ming in retirement , Chinese fans ( and N.B.A. marketers ) are desperate for a new draw in China , and Lin has potential .

  20. 林书豪成为了过去的一周Twitter上大家讨论最多的话题,但最让我惊讶是那些试图将林书豪和姚明联系的评论。

    He 's dominated Twitter for the past week , but the tweets that strike me the most are the ones attempting to lump Lin and Yao Ming together .

  21. 作为哈佛大学(Harvard)一名亚裔毕业生,林书豪在纽约有着非凡的经历,他崛起的方式不同于那些功成名就的球星。

    As an Asian-American Harvard graduate with a unique story in the spotlight of New York , Lin captured national attention in a way that seasoned stars often never do .

  22. 林书豪的出色表现在整个世界都造成了轰动的影响,各种媒体纷纷把林书豪和其他NBA优秀的组织后卫进行比较。

    The outstanding performance of Jeremy Lin has caused a sensation effect in whole world , various media have brought Jeremy Lin and other NBA outstanding guard comparison .

  23. 北京时间2月20日,林书豪所在的纽约尼克斯队对阵NBA王牌篮球队小牛队。

    On February 20th Chinese time , Mr Lin 's team , the New York Knicks , played a game against reigning NBA champions , the Dallas Mavericks .

  24. 此外,林书豪还参加了自己协办的一年一度的全明星慈善赛,这一点进一步支持了他可能前往CBA打球的猜想。

    Further supporting the belief that Lin could be headed to the CBA was his role in the annual charity All-Star game which he co-organized .

  25. 就在林书豪状态向好之时,尼克斯队的领队卡梅隆·安东尼(CarmeloAnthony)受了伤。

    The team 's leader , Carmelo Anthony , was injured just as Mr. Lin started a turnaround .

  26. 作为NBA唯一一位华裔球员,林书豪代表了一种新的“模范少数族裔”,在亨特学院(HunterCollege)研究城市事务的邝治中(PeterKwong)教授说。

    As the only Chinese-American in the N.B.A. , Mr. Lin represents a new " model minority , " said Peter Kwong , a professor of urban affairs at Hunter College .

  27. 到目前为止林书豪一直在努力复制他在去年取得的成功,在最近接受雅虎体育(YahooSports)采访时他说,他觉得自己在球场被针对都是因为他是亚裔。

    Lin has struggled so far to reproduce the success he experienced last year and said in a recent interview with Yahoo Sports that he felt he was a target on the court because of his race .

  28. 从哈佛毕业后,林书豪并没有收到任何一支NBA球队投来的橄榄枝,这使得他本人成为自1955年以来加盟NBA的常青藤联盟校友第一人。

    After graduating from Harvard , Lin wasn 't drafted by any NBA team , which would have made him the first Ivy League alumni to be drafted since 1955 .

  29. 本月,林书豪为纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)拿下多场比赛,从一名不为人知的二线球员一跃成为明星。林书豪是台湾移民的后裔,自2010年起得到耐克赞助。

    Mr Lin , a son of Taiwanese immigrants who has been sponsored by Nike since 2010 , has gone from second-string obscurity to stardom this month by securing a series of victories for the New York Knicks .

  30. 纽约尼克斯队赤手可热的美籍华裔控卫林书豪的神奇表现再次得到认可,根据NBA官方报道,由于在结束的上一周表现出色,林书豪当选东部周最佳球员。

    New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday , earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12 .