
  • 网络Limited Current Density;Limiting current density
  1. 配置不同浓度的NaCl盐溶液,研究了料液浓度和流速对电渗析极限电流密度的影响。

    With different NaCl concentrations , the effects of liquid concentrations and flow velocity on limited current density in electrodialysis are investigated .

  2. 影响电渗析器极限电流密度的因素

    The factors of limited current density of electrodialysis

  3. 结果表明:升高电池温度可提高PEMFC的性能及极限电流密度;

    The experimental results show that the performance and limited current density of the PEMFC are enhanced with increasing operational temperature .

  4. 比较了采用交指型极板与常规极板的PEM燃料电池的局部电流密度和伏安曲线大小,指出交指型极板可提高电池的局部电流密度和极限电流密度,从而改善电池性能;

    The local current density and limit current density can be improved by adopting the interdigitated flow field , thus the PEMFC performance can be modified .

  5. 质子交换膜燃料电池极限电流密度分析

    Analysis on the limited current-density of proton exchange membrane fuel cell

  6. 升高温度,阳极极化曲线中的极限电流密度值随之上升;

    Limited current density in anode polarization curve increases as temperature increases .

  7. 离子交换膜-硫酸铵溶液体系的极限电流密度

    The Limiting Current Density in the System of Ion-exchange Membrane and Ammonium Sulfate Solution

  8. 浓度越高,流速越高,极限电流密度越大。

    Experiment results show that high concentration and high flow velocity are good for the limited current density .

  9. 增加气体扩散层的孔径、孔隙率可增大电池的极限电流密度;

    Increasing the porosity and aperture of diffusion layers can increase the limiting current density of fuel cells .

  10. 可以提高阴极极限电流密度,降低发生浓度极化的几率。

    The ultimate current density of the cathode can be raised and the probability of concentration polarization can be decreased .

  11. 由于屏蔽效应,使被屏蔽部位的电流密度达不到镀层析出所必需的极限电流密度。

    Due to the shielding effect , the current density on the screening area was not easy to reach the limit current density .

  12. 极限电流密度的增大使阴极过电位增大,从而提高合金的形核速率,使沉积层晶粒的尺寸减小、显微硬度升高。

    At the same time , the increase of over-potential results in the nucleating rate and the micro-hardness of deposits increasing , while the grain size deposits decreasing .

  13. 强化的原因是增加了氧阴极还原的总电子数,可使氧阴极还原极化曲线出现代表极限电流密度的平台区段。

    The mechanism of the promotion lies in the increase of total transferred electron number , which makes the linear polarization curves show platform that represent limited current densities .

  14. 由于直流电沉积镍使用极限电流密度小,沉积速度低。本文介绍脉冲喷射电沉积的方法制备镍镀层。

    In view of the weaknesses of direct current nickel electrodeposition such as low limit current density and deposition rate , method of pulse jet-electrodeposition was adopted to prepare nickel deposit .

  15. 同时,根据氢分压对极化电阻、交换电流密度以及极限电流密度的影响估算了氢气氧化反应的表观反应级数。

    The empirical reaction order was estimated from the dependence of electrode polarization resistance , exchange current density , and limiting current density on the hydrogen partial pressure ( PH2 ) .

  16. 结果表明:采用该方法后允许使用的极限电流密度、沉积速率及电流效率均显著增大,沉积速率高达4733μm/min,是一般槽镀的90倍左右。

    The results show that the limit current density , the depositing rate and current efficiency increase remarkably , the depositing rate reaches to 47.33 μ m / min , which is about 90 times as that of conventional deposition .

  17. 在确定极限电流密度的前提下,测定了氨基酸盐溶液在电渗析过程中,不同淡水流速和浓度对脱盐率及氨基酸回收率的影响,得出了最佳操作参数。

    After the determination of the limiting current density , The influences of different flow rate and different concentration on the desalting rate and the recovery of amino acid in the electrodialysis desolation of the amino acid solution were measured , the best operation parameters were determined .

  18. 结果表明:改性离子交换膜的脱盐效果要好于未改性离子交换膜;改性膜的极限电流密度、脱盐率要大于未改性膜,并且消耗的能量要小于未改性膜。

    The conclusions are as follows . The desalination performance of modified ion-exchange membrane is much better than that of non-modified one . The limiting current density and the desalination rate for modified ion-exchange membrane are higher than that of the no-modified , and its dissipation energy is much lower .

  19. 溶解氧对A3钢片腐蚀有较大影响,随着溶解氧浓度的增大,氧的极限扩散电流密度将增大,氧离子化反应的速度也将加快,因而氧去极化腐蚀的速度要随之增大。

    As the dissolved oxygen concentration increases , the limit of oxygen diffusion current density will increase , the reaction rate of oxygen ions will accelerate , and thus the oxygen depolarization rate of corrosion increases . 2 .

  20. 其极限扩散电流密度与本文中定义的碘的未饱和度△m(I2),max成正比,后者是一个与通常所指的碘的不饱和度在意义和数值上都不相同的物理量。

    The diffusion limiting current densities are directly proportional to the △ m_ ( I2 , max ), which is defined as unsaturated extent of iodine , and it is different in the definition and the value from the usual degree of unsaturation of iodine in the electrolyte solution .

  21. 磁场加速铜电极上三价铁离子的阴极扩散过程,随磁场强度增大,阴极极限扩散电流密度增大;

    Magnetic field enhanced the cathodic diffusion of Fe 3 + on copper electrode , and cathodic limiting diffusion current density increased with magnetic field intensity .

  22. 对不同输入燃料浓度的直接甲醇燃料电池性能进行模拟,得到的模拟结果与实验规律一致,输入燃料浓度的增加将使直接甲醇燃料电池的极限输出电流密度成比例增加。

    The simulated results correspond with experimental results , and it can be observed that the increase in fuel concentration leads to the increase in DMFC output current density proportionally .