
  1. 政府需要一大笔贷款来建更多的学校。

    The government needs a big loan to build more schools .

  2. 它甚至花了7年时间来建上海的爱马仕之家。

    It even took seven years to build the Shanghai maison .

  3. 因为他们想要一名中国工程师来建一条中国的铁路。

    Because they wanted a Chinese engineer for a Chinese railroad .

  4. 如果你怀疑我就让摩西来建城吧。

    If you doubt me , let Moses build the city .

  5. 他们拿出部分钱财来建富丽堂皇的市政厅。

    They used some of their wealth to build magnificent town halls .

  6. 这片湿地将会被开发来建机场。

    The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp .

  7. 他就可以腾出一个地方来建他的小花园了。

    He soon had space for a small garden .

  8. 他们需要大量的木材来建房子,是吗?

    They needed large quantities of wood for building houses , did they ?

  9. 它帮助我们筹集了二十万美元的基金来建新楼。

    It helped us to raise a two-hundred-thousand-dollar fund for a new building .

  10. 工人们推倒旧房子来建新房子。

    The workers broke the old house down to build a new one .

  11. 据说这些街道将拓宽来建邮电局。

    It is said that these streets will widen room for a post office .

  12. 他们用石头来建自己的窝。

    They build their nests with them .

  13. 我们用了超过七百五十万美元来建哈佛的硬件设施。

    We have over seven & a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard .

  14. 我们需要你的帮忙,来建个成功的柠檬汽水摊。

    We 're trying to get your help in trying to set up a successful lemonade stand .

  15. 每个网络操纵者都试图根据自己的原则来建公交线路,以最大化自己的利益。

    Each manipulator tries to build the traffic lines so as to magnify its " profit " .

  16. 那你就必须每天到这里来建电影院,每一天。

    And you will have to come here every day to build it , every single day .

  17. 这条横贯大陆的铁路是中国工人修建的,他们被专门引进来建这条铁路,

    The transcontinental railroad was built by Chinese workers brought over specifically to work on the railroad ,

  18. “好,好!我们来建堡垒”另一个男孩爱德华随声附和着。

    " Yes , yes ! Let us build a fort ," responded Edward , the other lad .

  19. 承包商还应注意现场并没有足够的空间来建这些。

    The Contractor should pay attention to the fact that there is not enough space on site for this .

  20. 安地斯山被人类破坏由于人类大量的砍伐树木,很多的安第斯山脉珍惜动物都是靠这些树来建窝。

    The Andes Mountains are hurt by humans because they cut down trees which shelter many unique Andean animals .

  21. 我早就跟你说过应该由我来建网站,你应该先问我!

    I told you I should have set it up the first time ! You should have asked me !

  22. 看着将老博物馆拆除来建新购物中心,真令人伤心。

    It 's sad to see the old museum being taken down to make way for a new shopping center .

  23. 主持人:公共租赁住房肯定是由政府来建,这个钱也是由政府来出。

    Host : Public rental housing is built by the Government , the money is to come out by the Government .

  24. 根据草坪草的生物学原理,可以利用草坪草的匍匐茎和根状茎作为营养体繁殖材料来建植草坪。

    According to the biological principle of lawn grass , the stolon and the rhizome of lawn grass can be used to plant lawn as nutrition reproduction materials .

  25. 提出了一种基于流形的新方法来建一个输入空间和特征空间之间的非线性映射,从而不再孤立的考虑流形的学习和合成。

    A new manifold based method is proposed to construct a nonlinear mapping between the input and the feature space , instead of considering manifold learning and synthesis in isolation .

  26. 由于编程或使用编程语言来建网站和开发应用的能力越来越受欢迎,科技技能不再只是针对IT专业人士的要求。

    As the ability to code , or use programming languages to build sites and apps , becomes more in demand , technical skills are no longer just for IT professionals .

  27. 数学课程的学习要求学生能够把零散的数学概念联系到一起,并根据概念之间的关系来建构成抽象的数学模型。

    The course of mathematics learning requires students to get the scattered math concepts together , and according to the relationship between the concepts of abstraction to construct a mathematical model .

  28. 城市看起来总是找到一条筹集资金的路来建公园,并且有时以需要正面新闻的人的名字来命名,但他们通常没有资金来维护它们。

    Cities seem to always find a way to raise the money to build parks and sometimes name them after someone who needs some good press , but they often fail to provide the money to maintain them .

  29. 文中主要研究如何以GIS软件(AutoCADMap2000)为基础来实现建(构)筑物下压煤边界及压煤量的自动确定。

    In the paper , a research on determining automatically boundary and quantity of protective coal columns under buildings ( structures ) is made on a basis of the software GIS ( AUTOCAD MAP2000 ) .

  30. 工人们这些天来在建一栋大房子。

    The workers are building a big house these days .