
tiáo lǐ
  • organization;method;order;orderliness;proper arrangement or presentation;proper presentation
条理 [tiáo lǐ]
  • [proper presentation;methods;orderliness] 有秩序的安排、发展或分类;章法

  • 条理甚详。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • 这本书完全缺乏条理性

条理[tiáo lǐ]
  1. 条理性就是井然有序,生活和谐。

    Orderliness is being neat and living with a sense of harmony .

  2. 保存记录与工作条理

    Keeping records and orderliness

  3. 我很欣赏她的论证,言辞清晰且有条理。

    I admire the clear , logical presentation of her arguments .

  4. 乍看起来,这个系统好像条理不清。

    To the casual observer , the system appears confusing .

  5. 她聪慧绝顶,工作却缺乏条理。

    She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization .

  6. 他们慢慢地有条理地整理文件。

    They sorted slowly and methodically through the papers .

  7. 她简直像德国人一样讲究条理。

    She had an almost Germanic regard for order .

  8. 她太缺乏条理了。

    She 's so disorganized .

  9. 有条理的教导有利于学习。

    Structured teaching facilitates learning .

  10. 你需要采用有条理的方法解决问题。

    You need to systematize your approach to problem solving .

  11. 有时她讲话很有条理,有时则讲得漫无边际。

    Sometimes she spoke sensibly ; sometimes she rambled

  12. 一个男人在如此剧痛下还能这般条理清晰,对此他赞叹不已。

    He marvelled that a man in such intense pain could be so coherent .

  13. 这并不能鼓励孩子有条理地分析周围的环境。

    This does not encourage the child to analyse the environment in a formal way

  14. 成功的求职与执行其他任何任务一样,都需要良好的条理性。

    A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task

  15. 我在很多方面都没有条理。

    I 'm untidy in most ways .

  16. 我的老板做事毫无条理可言。

    My boss is completely disorganised .

  17. 如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。

    If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial .

  18. 他在面试中回答问题时非常从容镇静。我希望自己也能那样条理清晰。

    He 's so calm when he answers questions in interviews . I wish I could be that coherent .

  19. 你会收到一份《回归工作》计划,上面条理清晰地告诉你该如何将自己调整到最佳状态重返工作。

    You will be given a Back To Work plan which sets out how you can best help yourself .

  20. 由于在条理上说不过他,她便转而重施故技,抓住他的演讲不放。

    Unable to defeat him by logical discussion , she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech

  21. 他的讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。

    He made a disorganized and rambling speech .

  22. 她花了10分钟把自己的想法组织得更有条理些。

    It took her ten minutes to organize her ideas in a more orderly way .

  23. 他的演讲很有条理。

    His speech is well-organized .

  24. 她工作很有条理。

    She is a methodical worker .

  25. 这篇文章条理不清,使人看了不知所云。

    The article is so poorly-organized that I don 't know what to say after reading it .

  26. 这篇文章条理清楚。

    The article is well-organized .

  27. 她给人以十分有条理的印象。

    She gives the impression of being very well organized .

  28. 他是一个做事有条理的人。

    He is a man of method .

  29. 按条理办事,不要凭运气。

    Use method rather than luck .

  30. 过对文件进行整合和标注,让他人能够理解,这样的努力使科学家们更加有条理和自律,避免日后出现混淆。

    By   making   the   effort   to   organize   and label   files   so   others   can   understand   them ,   scientists   become   more   organized   and   better disciplined   themselves ,   thus   avoiding   confusion   later   on .