
  • 网络bundled tube;modular tubes
  1. 超高层建筑束筒结构的简化分析方法研究

    Analysis method of bundled tube structure of super-high building

  2. 高层束筒建筑板块法理论

    On bundled tube buildings using orthotropic plate theory

  3. 超高层建筑束筒结构的半解析静力分析

    Semi-analytical static analysis of bundled-tube structure of super high-rise building

  4. 超高层建筑束筒结构受确定性动力作用的三维半解析分析模型研究

    3-D Semi-analytical Model of Super Tall Building Bundled-tube Structure Effected by Deterministic Dynamic Loadings

  5. 本论文采用半解析常微分方程求解器方法分别对高层建筑空间巨型框架、框架&剪力墙和束筒结构的自由振动问题进行了分析和研究。

    Free vibration of space-mega-frame , frame-shear wall and bundled-tube structures was analyzed and researched by semi-analytical method of ODE ( Ordinary Differential Equation ) Solver in this paper .

  6. 加速器测束法拉第筒及荧光观察器的装置与控制

    Installation and controller of Faraday cup and fluorescent viewer in cyclone 30

  7. 电子束限束筒挡铅后的剂量学效应

    Effect of blocking on electrons beams applicator absorbed dose

  8. 电子束限光筒大小、射线能量和矩形照射野大小对3种方法计算的矩形照射野输出因子有一定影响。

    The electron cone size , beam energy and rectangular inserts size all had some effect on the value of output factor calculated by the three algorithms .

  9. 电子束环形限光筒剂量学特性的测量

    Dosimetric Characteristics of Electron Circular Applicators

  10. 因此我们认为:用不规则野电子束治疗时,应选用原限束筒的剂量学参数,不宜用等效方野公式推算所得相应限束筒的剂量学参数。

    Conclusion : When treated by the irregularly electrons beams using original dose parameters of electrons beams applicator , donot use the dose parameters of electrons beams applicator which calculate by equivalent squares equation .