
dù zhuàn
  • fabricate;make up;fable;concoct
杜撰 [dù zhuàn]
  • [fabricate;make up] 臆造;虚构

  • 杜默为诗,多不合律,故言事不合格者为杜撰又观俗有杜田、杜园之说,杜之云者,犹言便耳。-- 王懋《野客丛谈》

  • 只恐又是你的杜撰。--《红楼梦》

杜撰[dù zhuàn]
  1. 例如,报纸对重大事件的事实报道即很可能是精确的,因为报道者在正常情况下不会杜撰新闻。

    For example , factual newspaper accounts of significant events are likely to be accurate , because reporters normally do not fabricate news .

  2. 诗序是由诗人亲自完成、以记载个人经历和见闻为主要内容的,绝少虚妄和杜撰的成份,其真实性毋庸怀疑。

    Poem Preface is finished by the poet personally and its primary content is recording individual experiences and knowledge , hardly involving unfounded and fabricate constitutes , so its truthfulness is undoubted .

  3. 我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人。

    My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman

  4. 这很可能是个杜撰的故事。

    This may well be an apocryphal story

  5. 她重新杜撰了自己的生平,略掉了在战争年代有过一个德国情人的经历。

    She reinvented her own life story , skipping over the war years when she had a German lover .

  6. 他讲的是真事,不是杜撰的。

    The story he told is true , not made up .

  7. 专栏作家们杜撰出一个新词“布罗德里克”意思是“动武”、“打架”

    The columnists coined the phrase \\ " to broderick \\ " , meaning to rough up .

  8. 哪怕对冲基金随便杜撰一个故事,例如,为了研发新款苹果轿车,苹果正谋划并购土星(Saturn)汽车,人们也会陷入疯狂

    A hedge fund could float a story that apple is thinking of buying Saturn in order to develop a new brand of Apple cars and people would go nuts

  9. NASS是最近由加州圣巴巴拉市的一个市场调研公司&外设概念公司杜撰出的一种产品类名称。

    NASS is a product category term recently coined by Peripheral Concepts , Inc. Santa Barbara-based market research firm .

  10. 知名作家JK罗琳模仿总统的语气,杜撰了一段有关校园凌霸的评论来揶揄他的推文。

    Acclaimed author JK Rowling has mocked Donald Trump for his posts , likening the president 's way of writing to the speech of a school yard bully .

  11. “不动产选项”是由StewartMyers在1977年杜撰的一个术语,指的是将选择定价理论应用到非金融评估或“不动产”投资中。

    " Real Options " is a term coined by Stewart Myers in1977 and refers to the application of options pricing theory to the valuation of non-financial or " real " investments .

  12. 我曾经解雇了一名实习生,因为他告诉客户,公司的企业治理充斥着局部最优化(sub-optimisation,译者注:此词为自己杜撰)。

    I once fired an intern for telling a client that his company 's corporate governance was riddled with sub-optimisation .

  13. 土耳其总理办公室称,在网络上出现的有关总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)和他儿子涉及腐败的谈话内容的监听录音纯属杜撰。

    The office of Turkey'sprime minister has said that recordings of allegedly wiretapped conversations between the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his son - leaked onto the internet and suggesting corruption - were fabricated .

  14. 据知情人士透露,NBC对威廉姆斯展开了调查,而在过去几个月里,他们在他之前的报道中发现了10至12处存在夸大和杜撰嫌疑的表述。

    NBC opened an investigation into Mr. Williams , and over the last several months it uncovered as many as 10 to 12 instances where he was thought to have exaggerated or fabricated accounts of his reporting , according to people with knowledge of the inquiry .

  15. 此典故正史上没有记载,应为杜撰。

    This allusion is not recorded history , should be coined .

  16. 她的酒杯是杜撰出来的,但是这酒倒是真的。

    Her cup was a fiction , but this is reality .

  17. 所杜撰出来的人事物。

    People and places as we 'd like them to be .

  18. 那是杜撰的故事,而不是真实发生的事情。

    It is more a made-up story than a real occurrence .

  19. 你认为那个候选人会怎么杜撰这个故事?

    How do you think the candidate will spin this story ?

  20. 而事实是,这些并非杜撰。

    The thing is , they turn out not to be apocryphal .

  21. 所有人都以为他是杜撰出来的。

    Everyone thought big bird was just making him up .

  22. 她从自己杜撰的故事中得到了乐趣。

    She got pleasure out of the stories she invented .

  23. 论英语杜撰词的构成方式、修辞特点及翻译

    On English Nonce Words : Formation Ways , Rhetoric Features and Translation

  24. 这个故事一部分是真的,一部分是杜撰的。

    The story was partly true and partly made up .

  25. 他决不杜撰他不知道的事情。

    He would not fake knowledge he didn 't have .

  26. 学者们怀疑,阿基米德的故事可能出于杜撰。

    Scholars suspect the story of Archimedes isn 't even entirely true .

  27. 这个法官行为古怪的名声多半是媒介杜撰的观念。

    His reputation as an eccentric judge is largely a media construct .

  28. 我们的节目不能再继续杜撰下去,或是仍旧坚持老一套。

    Our programmes must not perpetuate myths or reinforce stereotypes .

  29. 反正这些没准也只是民间杜撰的传说而已当我没问过

    It 's probably just stupid folklore anyways.Forget it .

  30. 樱桃树的故事恐怕是人们杜撰的。

    That story about the cherry tree is supposed to be made up .