
  1. Shuori村民或许都已到山上去采摘蘑菇:杜鲁商讨葡萄园租赁事宜时,还得力阻村民采摘漫山遍野的蘑菇。

    Perhaps the Shuorians were all off gathering mushrooms : Dulou has to vie with the profusion of funghi in these mountains when trying to recruit for the vineyards .

  2. 例如我个人就不喜欢在杜松或别的园木上刻画的图象;

    Wherein I , for my part , do not like images cut out in juniper or other garden stuff ;

  3. 例如我个人就不喜欢在杜松或别的园木上刻画的图象;这一类的东西是为儿童们的。

    Wherein I , for my part , do not like images cut out in juniper or other garden stuff ; they be for children .