
zá huò diàn
  • grocery;general store
杂货店 [zá huò diàn]
  • [emporium or grocery] 出售杂货的商店

  1. 托尼·柯蒂斯在其首部电影里,扮演了一个食品杂货店店员。

    In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk .

  2. 我在一家杂货店工作,负责为货架上货。

    I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store

  3. 她父亲开了个杂货店。

    Her father kept a grocer 's shop .

  4. 他们经营着杂货店和农场的乳品店。

    They ran the general store and the farm dairy .

  5. 食品杂货店老板说她行窃并要求检查她的手提袋。

    The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag

  6. 杂货店为了招揽顾客不得不推出多种特色产品。

    Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store .

  7. 社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人。

    At the other end of the social scale was the grocer , the village 's only merchant

  8. 放学以后,我接了尼克和特德,然后又去了干洗店和杂货店。

    After school , I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the grocery store

  9. 她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。

    Her mother began operation of a small grocery .

  10. 这家杂货店的咖啡缺货。

    The grocer 's is out of coffee .

  11. 我不一定是去杂货店,但我可以去兜会儿风。

    I don 't really want to go to the grocery store but I 'll go along for the ride .

  12. 另外,从24小时杂货店到从不关门的在线购物网站,我们生活在一种迎合深夜文化的氛围中。

    Plus , we live in a culture that caters to the late-nighter , from 24-hour grocery stores to online shopping sites that never close .

  13. 你不必每天去杂货店采购,也不需要掌握很多技巧。

    You don 't have to hit the grocery store daily , nor do you need an abundance of skill .

  14. 通常的方法是主要在杂货店采购,因为那里有新鲜的农产品、肉类和海鲜以及奶制品。

    The common prescription is to primarily shop the grocery store , since that 's where fresh produce , meat and seafood , and dairy are .

  15. 有一天晚上,我正准备在杂货店掏钱买香蕉时,恐惧突然向我袭来。

    I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night , when fear seized me .

  16. 未来的杂货店可能会储存保质期更久的“食物”,以此腾出货架空间,减少运输和储存要求。

    Grocery stores of the future might stock " food " that lasts years on end , freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements .

  17. 2Facelikethunder火冒三丈我不知道发生了什么事,我只是看到一个火冒三丈的男人正在从杂货店追一个小男孩。

    I don 't know what was happening , I just saw that a man with a face like thunder was chasing a little boy out of the grocer 's shop .

  18. 去杂货店给我买点棒棒糖来。

    Go down to the grocer 's and get some bonbons .

  19. 去杂货店给我买点糖来。

    Go down to the grocer 's and get some sugar .

  20. 购物者离开时要付费。我们在杂货店和餐馆有更多的选择。

    We have more options at the grocery store and at restaurants .

  21. (我要去杂货店买东西。你想跟我一起去吗?)

    I am going to the grocery store . Do you want to come with me ?

  22. 我们可以在去杂货店时把邮件寄出去,这样就能一举两得。

    We can kill two birds with one stone by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery store .

  23. 一家杂货店的老板快要死了,全家人都聚在他的睡房里哀伤的恸哭。

    The owner of a grocery was on his deathbed . The entire family had gathered in his bed room weeping and wailing .

  24. 在整个危机期间,可口可乐将生产重点转移到更大的散装包装上,以吸引呆在家里更久并在杂货店囤货的消费者。

    Throughout the crisis , Coke shifted its production to focus on larger bulk packaging to appeal to consumers who were spending more time at home and stocking up at the grocery store .

  25. chip在这里是指「木屑」那家杂货店的山胡桃屑到下周前都会缺货。

    hickory ( n. ) The grocery store is out of hickory chips till next week .

  26. 她来这里然后告诉lane她和一个男在杂货店接吻了。

    She came in here and told Lane she kissed a boy in the grocery store .

  27. 她新开的Back40Mercantile是一家高级杂货店,客户多为有环保意识的人群。这家商店那天刚刚在一个名为thevillage的小型商业中心开业(店主是金和她的家人)。

    Her new business , Back 40 Mercantile , an upscale general store for the eco-conscious , had opened that day in the small commercial center called the village .

  28. 在装潢仿若50年代法式杂货店的餐厅L’Epicerie,汇集了多种法国、地中海与北非菜式的菜单,主打的就是“丰盛”二字。

    At L'Epicerie - decorated like a 1950s French grocery store - richness rules the Franco-Mediterranean-North-African menu .

  29. 亲爱的,我们认识时你还是个婚礼DJ。顺便说一句,DJ先生,看样子你还得去趟杂货店。

    Honey , when I met you , you were a wedding deejay.By the way , Spinderfella , looks like you still need to hit the grocery store .

  30. 尽管客人们震惊地发现,她的家里连Ajax清洁用品也没有(她的公公看到她用白醋清洗厕所简直吓坏了,赶快跑到杂货店去买来清洁剂),但她看上去宛如脱胎换骨。

    Although houseguests are shocked to find not so much as a canister of Ajax in her house her horrified father-in-law recently raced out to the drugstore to buy toilet cleaner , instead of her white vinegar solution she feels transformed .