
  • 网络locomotive tractive effort;locomotive tractive force;locomotive teractive effort
  1. 机车牵引力与制动力的分析

    Analysis on the Haulage Force and Brake Force of Mine Locomotive

  2. 机车牵引力的在线实时计算

    On - line Real-time Computation of Locomotive Traction

  3. 计算速度是非常重要的.的计算。机车牵引力的在线实时计算

    On-line Real-time Computation of Locomotive Traction

  4. 丝束牵切成条纺纱法发动机牵引力,机车牵引力

    Tow-to-sliver break spinning engine tractive force

  5. 在系统设计中,机车牵引力通过牵引电动机电压、电流、效率以及机车速度进行计算。

    In this system , Traction force can be gained through the motor voltage , current , efficiency and velocity of train .

  6. 分析表明,机车牵引力相同时,坡道对机车轴重转移的影响很少,在工程上可不予考虑。

    It shows that under the same locomotive traction , the ramp has little effect on the axle load transfer not to be considered .

  7. 轮轨间的粘着是机车的牵引力或制动力形成的最重要的要素,只有有效地利用轮轨间的粘着力才能保证列车安全稳定地运行,进而更好地发挥机车功率。

    The adhesion in the wheel-rail contact is the most important formation factor of traction or braking force , only which is used effectively , the safe and stable running of locomotive can be ensured , and then locomotive can play more better power .

  8. 研究粘着控制方法,对预防和抑制机车的空转、提高机车牵引力的利用率有重要的工程应用价值。

    Thus , it is important to study the adhesion control , and find ways to prevent or suppress the idling of the locomotive , and also improve the utilization of the locomotive traction .