
  • 网络Chassis Structure
  1. ANSYS动力学仿真技术在航天计算机机箱结构设计中的应用

    Vibration Analysis of the Aerospace Rugged Computer Using ANSYS Dynamic Simulation Technique

  2. 继电保护机箱结构及出线形式的发展

    Development of cabinet structure and outgoing line type for protective relay

  3. PC机机箱结构设计探讨

    Make an Approach to PC Case Structure of Design

  4. 最终设计出满足使用要求的综合数据处理机机箱结构。

    The final design to meet the use requirements of the integrated data processor box structure .

  5. 现代航天计算机机箱结构设计朝着轻质化、高性能及低成本方向发展。

    Modern Aerospace Rugged Computer ( ARC ) is developing toward lightweight , high-performance and low-cost .

  6. 在航天电子产品设计过程中,机箱结构的动力学仿真分析对于提高产品的环境适应性起着举足轻重的作用。

    The dynamic simulation of aerospace rugged computer case plays an important role in product design cycle .

  7. 机械结构设计分为管道、阻尼器、加热部分和机箱结构布局设计等。

    Mechanical design is combined by pipeline design , structure layout design of the case , and so on .

  8. 外表采用机箱结构,压力传递采用杠杆踏板式弹簧加压结构,调节、作、修均方便。

    Of a box structure and a lever-petal type spring-pressuring structure used for pressure transmission , easy to be adjusted , operated and maintained .

  9. 首先建立了某船用设备的局部结构有限元模型,对不同形式的安装机座和机箱结构进行模态分析,考虑了振动模态与结构形式的关系。

    Do the modal analysis for different forms of installation stand and cabinet structure , considering the relationships between the vibration modal and structure forms .

  10. 分析了电子设备机箱结构不同物质材料对辐射防护效果的影响情况,完成了电子设备机箱空间辐射防护模拟软件的初步设计开发。

    It analyses different box material 's effect on the radiation protection , It completes the research box space radiation protection simulation software 's primarily design .

  11. 传统航天计算机机箱结构设计采用的实验法、类比法和归纳法越来越不能满足航天技术发展的需求。

    The traditional research methods of ARC , such as experimental method , analogy and induction , are increasingly unable to meet the needs of the development of space technology .

  12. 针对电脑散热、灰尘的问题,利用虚拟制造技术和热管技术,对台式电脑机箱结构和散热方式进行了设计。

    In the paper by pointing the problems of computer diffusion heat and dust using virtual design technology and heat pipe technology the structure of desktop computer cabinet and dispelling mode are designed .

  13. 基于ADINA的真空干燥机箱体结构有限元分析及改进

    Finite Element Analysis and Improvement for Box Structure of Vacuum Dryer Based on ADINA

  14. 同时,该机箱的结构设计大量参照了国际上通用VITA系列标准,大大增强了机箱的通用性,为将来的国际间技术做了充分考虑。

    At the same time , structure design of the chassis considerably refers the international universal standard of VITA series , greatly enhancing versatility of the chassis , which fully considers the future of the international technology .

  15. 简要介绍了在某型机箱的结构设计中,为满足GJB367A-2001及GJB151A-1997标准对设备电磁兼容性能的要求,在机箱结构上所采用的电磁屏蔽设计方法。

    In order to satisfy the demand of the GJB367A-2001 and GJB151A-1997 standard for the ability of EMC , the paper introduces some EMC methods in the structure design of a certain case .

  16. 木材装载机箱型结构大臂的有限单元法计算

    Finite element calculation of the box-like moving arm of the wood loader

  17. 一种新颖台式机箱的结构设计

    Structure Design of a Novel Frame for Cable

  18. 本文采用三结点三角形单元和杆单元结合的混合单元来计算木材装载机箱型结构大臂,其计算结果与整机实测结果是一致的。

    This paper deals with the way of calculating the box-like moving arm of the wood loader by using the mixed element of the three-node triangle element and the bar element . The result of calculation corresponds with the result measured for the total machine .

  19. 通过对机箱面板结构及特点的分析,确定了其注射模具的总体结构设计方案,并对浇注系统、滑块侧抽机构、斜销机构、顶出系统以及镶块结构的设计进行了详细论述。

    Over analyzing the structure and character of the case panel , the general structure design project of its injection mold is determined , as well as the design of feed system , slide side-drawing mechanism , slanting pin mechanism , ejector system and inserted mechanism are stated in details .

  20. 阐述了进行个人电脑机箱的总体结构设计以及机箱内部结构设计时应注意的几个关键问题。电脑机箱散热性能优化问题的研究

    In this paper , some key problem for PC case collectivity structure and inside structure of design Study of Optimization on Computer Box Cooling Performance

  21. 论文研究提高了起重机主梁结构的设计水平,使得起重机箱形梁结构设计更加合理,对起重机桥架的结构设计具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

    The design of the girder structure crane can be improved through the research in this paper , which makes crane box beam structure design more reasonable , and can provide a meaning design reference for the crane girder .

  22. 全封闭机箱,强力抗震结构。

    Completely closed chassis , strong seismic structure .

  23. 机箱采用加强型结构,集成了励磁调节器需要的所有板件,自成系统。

    Cabinet uses totally increased structure , Integrated all boards which the regulator needs inside , whose self being a system .

  24. 根据台式电脑机箱侧盖的结构特性,确定了级进模与单工序模相结合的工艺方案。

    According to the side cover structure characteristics of table model computer box , determined the progressive die and the single operation die .

  25. 利用机箱内部热源的结构设计与调整散热风扇的转速来维持电池堆工作在适宜的环境温度;

    The feasible working temperature of the cell stack was maintained by utilizing the structure designing in the machine box and the adjusting of rotate speed of the fan .

  26. 其内部结构可简单划分为电子部分和机箱主体部分,而机箱主体部分的结构均采用模具冲制。

    Its internal structure can be simply divided into the main body of electronic parts and chassis parts , chassis structure of the main part of the system are used Punch .

  27. 本文阐述了电子设备机箱设计的准则,提出了机箱设计的模块化、小型化和造型设计理念,详细讨论了几种常用机箱结构设计应注意解决的问题。

    This paper explains the rules for enclosure design of electronic equipment , presents its design ideas of modularization , miniaturization , and modeling design , discusses the considerations during the contruction design of several enclosures used frequently .