
  • 网络Robocup
  1. 来自40个国家和地区的2500名“选手”参加了本届机器人世界杯15个项目的比赛,它们种类繁多,有电脑控制的足球机器人,医疗组机器人,救援组机器人和会跳舞的机器人。

    During the RoboCup 2500 contestants from 40 countries competed in 15 competitions with various types of computerized soccer robots , healthcare robots , rescue robots and dance robots .

  2. 继2008年“欧洲杯”之后,目前奥地利又在筹办明年的“机器人世界杯”(RoboCup),届时将有500个机器人齐聚绿茵场一展球技。

    After Euro 2008 , now Austria is preparing to host RoboCup , where 500 robots take to the football field hoping to prove their mettle .

  3. 在机器人世界杯足球锦标赛(TheRobotWorldCup,简称RoboCup)中,截球效率直接影响到比赛的结果。

    The efficiency of the interception affects directly on the result of the soccer match in Robot World Cup .

  4. RoboCup即机器人世界杯足球锦标赛,是国际上多智能体理论与算法的标准验证平台。

    RoboCup ( Robot World Cup ) is an international standard test bed of multi-agent system theories and algorithms .

  5. 以RoboCup(机器人世界杯足球锦标赛)中的仿真组作为平台,研究复杂环境中的多智能体的竞争和合作问题。

    RoboCup ( the Robot World Cup ) Simulation is used as a platform to study multi-agent competition and cooperation strategy in a complex environment .

  6. 最终中国队射入第三球,赢得2013年机器人世界杯足球比赛冠军。

    During stoppage time China scored a third goal which won them the Robot World Cup Soccer 2013 .

  7. 这组研究人员也是2014年机器人世界杯锦标赛的服务型机器人冠军“可佳”的背后主创。

    This group of researchers were also the masterminds behind the service robot ' Kejia ' that took home first place at the RoboCup championship in 2014 .

  8. 据组织者格劳德•斯坦鲍尔介绍,明年的机器人世界杯赛将于7月份在奥地利南部城市格拉茨举行。一年一度的“机器人世界杯”从1997年起开始举办,是世界上规模最大的机器人技术展示活动之一。

    Held annually since 1997 , the RoboCup , one of the world 's largest demonstrations of robotics , will take place in the southern city of Graz in July 2009 , organiser Gerald Steinbauer said .

  9. 2013年机器人世界杯足球赛当地时间6月30日在荷兰落幕。经过激烈角逐,中国队以3∶2击败卫冕冠军东道主埃因霍温队夺冠。

    China won the Robot World Cup Soccer 2013 against the Netherlands in a thrilling match that resulted in a 2-3 win for China.The Robot World Cup Soccer was held in Eindhoven , the Netherlands , which defended its Robot World Cup title of last year .

  10. 我们会尽我们所能来进一步建立和维持FIRA杯作为科技机器人足球世界杯。

    We will do our best to further establish and sustain FIRA Cup as a Science and Technology Robot Soccer World Cup .

  11. 在6月30日举办的机器人足球世界杯决赛上,荷兰机器人不敌中国“水之队”。

    In the Robot World Cup Soccer final on June 30th the Dutch robots weren 't up against the Chinese team " Water " from Beijing .

  12. 机器人足球世界杯以多智能体系统和分布式人工智能为主要研究背景。其主要目的是通过提供一个标准的比赛平台,促进机器人学和人工智能的研究与发展。

    Being the main research background of Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence , Robot Soccer World Cup ( RoboCup ) supplies a standard tournament bed in order to foster the research and development of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence .

  13. 中型组机器人足球比赛是机器人足球世界杯(RoboCup)中的一个重要项目,该项目机器人完全自主,最具挑战性。

    Medium-sized group of robot soccer game is an important project of the robot soccer World Cup ( RoboCup ), which completely autonomous robot , the most challenging .

  14. 近年来随着机器人视觉技术、智能控制技术和信息处理技术的快速发展,机器人足球世界杯(RoboCup)中的中型组足球机器人竞赛水平有了较大的提高。

    In recent years with the rapid development of robot vision , intelligent control and information processing technology , the competition level of middle-size soccer robots in robot football World Cup ( RoboCup ) has been greatly improved .

  15. 宏注意到机器人杯。机器人杯是将在2050年举行的国际性比赛,这个比赛是人形智能机器人的世界杯足球赛。

    Hong has his eye on RoboCup , an international competition in2050 , pitting full-sized , autonomous robots against the World Cup soccer champions .