
  • 网络Steven Chu;Stephen Chu;Steve Chu;S.Chu
  1. 我代表朱棣文(StevenChu)部长表达他的遗憾。

    And on behalf of Secretary Steven Chu , I extend his regrets .

  2. 上周美国新任能源部长朱棣文(StevenChu)似乎赞同这一想法。

    Last week Steven Chu , new energy secretary , seemed to endorse this idea .

  3. 奥巴马已任命对解决全球变暖问题充满热情的朱棣文(StevenChu)出任新能源部长。

    Mr Obama has appointed people such as Steven Chu , the new energy secretary , who are passionate about tackling global warming .

  4. 本周,当博德曼的继任者朱棣文(stevenchu)飞往沙特时,他的行程安排表明,两国间关注的重点已转向研究和技术。

    As Steven Chu , his successor , flies to the Kingdom this week , the agenda instead has a heavy focus on research and technology .

  5. 美国能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)去年表示,水力压裂技术可能造成污染,因此联邦监管势在必行。

    Steven Chu , the US energy secretary , said last year that fracking could be linked to pollution , and that federal regulations were inevitable .

  6. 这项协议是在美国能源部长朱棣文的呼吁以及10月和11月的两份报告提出中国应该接纳CCS之后签署的。

    The agreement follows calls from US secretary for energy Steven Chu and two reports , published in October and November , suggesting that China should embrace CCS .

  7. 美国能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)在3月份告诉国会,征收碳边境税会有助于保证美国与碳排放标准比较宽松的国家之间的公平竞争。

    In March , Steven Chu , US energy secretary , told Congress that a carbon border tax would help " level the playing field " with countries with looser carbon standards .

  8. 奥巴马派遣两位华裔美国人能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)和商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)前往北京访问,作为今年一系列旨在构建信任的善意表示的一部分,此举相当英明。

    His dispatch of Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke both Chinese-Americans to Beijing as part of a series of confidence-building overtures this year was a smart move .

  9. 这种新方法是由诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、美籍华裔物理学家、美国斯坦福大学朱棣文教授、M。

    This method was developed by Nobelist Steven Chu , M.

  10. 由于朱棣文演讲超时,学生们最后没有时间提问了。

    Chu 's lengthy speech ran past the allotted time for questions from the students .

  11. 朱棣文的办公室表示,他的出访意在加强美国与沙特的伙伴关系。

    Mr Chu 's office said his visit is meant to strengthen US partnerships in the region .

  12. 骆家辉和朱棣文在中国所引起的关注不禁让人想起赵小兰。

    The attention Locke and Chu have received in China reminds one of Elaine Chao ( Zhao Xiaolan ) .

  13. 美国能源部长朱棣文在北京清华大学对挤满会场的听众们说,气候变化问题日益严峻,而且十分紧迫。

    Energy Secretary Stephen Chu told an overflow audience at Beijing 's Tsinghua University that climate change is a growing and urgent problem .

  14. 不过,朱棣文表示,鉴于日本正在发生的灾难,美国可能需要重新评估国内核反应堆的安全性。

    However , Mr Chu said the US might need to re-evaluate the safety of domestic reactors in light of the unfolding disaster in Japan .

  15. 她同时表示,她对朱棣文印象深刻。美籍华人朱棣文曾经荣获诺贝尔奖,父母都毕业于清华大学。

    At the same time , she says she is impressed with Chu , a Chinese-American Nobel Prize winner whose parents both graduated from Tsinghua University .

  16. “美国拥有巨大的智力马力,(在气候变化问题上),这些马力刚刚要开动起来,”朱棣文又表示。

    " There is tremendous intellectual horsepower in the US , which is just beginning to come alive " on the issues of climate change , Mr Chu added .

  17. 朱棣文于1997年赢得诺贝尔物理奖,他的父亲是一位中国江苏省太仓的学者,早在1940年就移民美国。

    Chu , who won the1997 Nobel Prize for Physics , is the son of Chinese scholars who migrated to the US in the early1940s from Taicang in Jiangsu province .

  18. 美国能源部长朱棣文到场参加了讨论。他说,加勒比海和其他地方的岛国受到全球变暖效应的影响将是最严重的。

    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu was on hand for discussions , and said island nations in the Caribbean and elsewhere would be hardest-hit by the effects of global warming .

  19. 2012年,美国能源部长朱棣文呼吁大力帮扶电池领域,希望科学家能在五年内研究出五倍电量的电池。

    In 2012 US energy secretary Steven Chu called for a big push to improve batteries , challenging scientists to produce a battery with five times the capacity within five years .

  20. 而且我们(美国)新上任的能源部长朱棣文,也希望通过努力发展更多由美中双方的研究人员共同设计执行的专利技术产品。

    And our new Energy Secretary , Dr. Steven Chu , wants to work to help create more intellectual property that would be jointly designed and implemented by Chinese and American researchers .

  21. 从马友友到贝聿铭,从商务部长骆家辉到能源部长朱棣文,美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。

    From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M. Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu , Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business , government , the arts , sciences and sports .

  22. 我们采取这一行动,是由于利比亚及其它国家供应中断导致原油持续减产,威胁到全球经济复苏,朱棣文表示。

    We are taking this action in response to the ongoing loss of crude oil due to supply disruptions in Libya and other countries and their impact on the global economic recovery , Mr Chu said .

  23. 本文简介:得诺贝尔奖后的朱棣文,没有大科学家的架子,有的是亲切的笑容、幽默风趣的谈吐。

    IN THIS ARTICLE : After winning the Nobel prize , Zhu Diwen did not put on the airs of a great scientist , but was full of smiles , and engaged in humorous and witty conversation .

  24. 朱棣文于1997年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,他抵达伦敦后向记者发表了上述讲话。他将在此地出席一个气候变化会议,与会者包括二十多名诺贝尔奖得主以及许多其他专家。

    Mr Chu , who won the Nobel Physics Prize in 1997 , was speaking to journalists after arriving in London for a meeting to discuss climate change with more than 20 fellow Nobel laureates and dozens of other experts .

  25. 该校物理系华裔教授朱棣文因其发明激光冷却原子技术,而与美法的另两位科学家共同荣获今年诺贝尔物理奖。

    Zhu diwen , a professor of Chinese descent in stanford 's Department of physics , along with two other scientists , an American and a frenchman , won the Nobel physics prize this year for their invention of a technique to cool atoms with a laser .