
shù yǔ
  • term;terminology;lingo;parlance;onomastion;onym
术语 [shù yǔ]
  • [term] 专门学科的专门用语

  • 法律术语

术语[shù yǔ]
  1. “后工业化”这个术语现已广为使用。

    The term ' post-industrial ' now has wide currency .

  2. “语域”是一个术语,通常用以描述语言中用语的正式程度。

    ' Register ' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language .

  3. 你能帮助我用浅显易懂的英语来说明这一法律术语吗?

    Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English ?

  4. 这些术语的使用常常不够精确,而且常常交互使用。

    These terms are often used imprecisely and interchangeably .

  5. 所用的术语相当不准确。

    There is considerable imprecision in the terminology used .

  6. 这篇文章满篇皆是专业术语。

    The article is full of technical terms .

  7. 某些音乐术语是从意大利语引入的。

    Some musical terms are borrowed from Italian .

  8. 芒罗,用登山术语来说,是指超过3000英尺的苏格兰山峰。

    A Munro , in climbing parlance , is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3 000 feet .

  9. Wissenschaft这个术语比英语词science含义更广。

    The term Wissenschaft has a much broader meaning than the English word ' science ' .

  10. 大多数气压计的盘面都刻有天气术语。

    The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms .

  11. 弗雷德喜欢在谈话中时不时蹦几个军事术语。

    Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms .

  12. “消化不良”是个笼统的术语,可以指各种胃部不适。

    Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress .

  13. 人们使用科学术语,但并非很清楚其含义。

    People use scientific terms with no clear idea of their meaning .

  14. 手册里满是有关自修课程的行话术语。

    The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses .

  15. 电子学这个术语涉及电感作用。

    The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action .

  16. 晒斑的专业术语是红斑。

    The technical term for sunburn is erythema

  17. 有一些计算机术语成了社会上的通用词汇,“循环”就是其中一个。

    ' Loop ' is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society .

  18. 有些法律术语有不止一个含义。

    Some legal terms have more than one meaning .

  19. 他不熟悉金融术语。

    He is not familiar with financial terms .

  20. 如果你能谅解我用医学术语的话,那分明是个淋巴瘤。

    It was clearly a lymphoma , if you forgave my medical jargon .

  21. 这些术语一般人是不懂的。

    The terms were unintelligible to ordinary folk .

  22. 如果你用了过多的专门术语,你的论文就不会被人理解。

    Your thesis wouldn 't get across if you used too many technical terms in it .

  23. 因为不讨论算法问题,我们对“有效”这一术语不作具体解释。

    As we shall not deal with algorithmic problems , we leave the term " efficient " undefined .

  24. 候诊室里唯一的杂志是一份全是术语的科学期刊,我看不懂。

    The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head .

  25. 首先需要研究的是赋予术语“一致力场”和“平衡力场”的含意。

    It is desirable first to consider the meaning to be assigned to the terms " consistent force field " and " equilibrium force field " .

  26. 随着科技的发展,尤其是工作电子邮件已经渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,“保持工作生活平衡”几乎成了一个没有意义的术语。

    As technology ( and with it , work emails ) seeps into every aspect of our lives , work-life balance has become an almost meaningless term .

  27. 这是一个简单的术语,它概括了这样一个事实:工作中的关系可以是非亲密的、无关紧要的、不无足轻重的,这些都是合理的,甚至,恕我直言,可以是一次性的或可替代的。

    It 's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate , inconsequential , unimportant and even , dare I say it , disposable or substitutable .

  28. 亚戴尔说道,科学家们需要更具体的语言,或许可以使用像“血统”或“人群”这样的术语,它们也许能更准确地在个体和群体层面上反映出人类与其基因之间的关系。

    Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language , perhaps using terms like " ancestry " or " population " that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes , on both the individual and population level .

  29. 在去年发表的一顼研究中,心理学家创造了一个术语“工作场所远程压力”,来描述员工想要立即回复邮件的强烈欲望,和想要立即回复老板、同事或客户电子邮件的痴迷。

    In a study published last year , psychologists coined the term " workplace telepressure " to describe an employee 's urge to immediately respond to emails and engage in obsessive thoughts about returning an email to one 's boss , colleagues or clients .

  30. 它们也许能够应对一段时间的干旱,而且许多人用“耐旱”的这个术语来描述这种植物,但它们实际上从未停止消耗水的需求,所以法兰特更喜欢称它们为抗旱。

    They may be able to handle a drought of some length , and many people use the term " drought tolerant " to describe such plants , but they never actually stop needing to consume water , so Farrant prefers to call them drought resistant .