
běn shēn
  • itself;in itself;per se;identity;oneself;auto-;as such
本身 [běn shēn]
  • [itself;in itself] 自己;自身

本身[běn shēn]
  1. 我们尽可谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。

    We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract .

  2. 村子本身很美,但周围的田野相当单调。

    The village itself is pretty , but the surrounding countryside is rather dull .

  3. 每一幅画都必须根据其本身的价值来评判。

    Each painting must be judged on its own merits .

  4. 公司本身陷入了困境。

    The company has got itself into difficulties .

  5. 准备婚礼要几周,而婚礼仪式本身还不到一小时。

    The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour .

  6. 这种药本身无害,但与酒同服就危险了。

    The drug is not harmful per se , but is dangerous when taken with alcohol .

  7. 她随一支摇滚乐队演唱,但她本身也是爵士乐手。

    She sings with a rock band , but she 's also a jazz musician in her own right .

  8. 该和平计划本身违反了基本人权。

    The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights .

  9. 今天的选举本身并不是很重要。

    Today 's elections are of no great importance in themselves .

  10. 经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。

    Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him

  11. 他辩称杀人犯本身已经丧失了生存的权利。

    He argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life .

  12. 对这些人来说,土地与生活本身有着不可分割的密切关系。

    For these people , land is inextricably interwoven with life itself

  13. 爆炸对办公大楼本身几乎没有造成结构上的损坏。

    The explosion caused little structural damage to the office towers themselves .

  14. 甚至有一段关于谋杀本身的闪回。

    There is even a flashback to the murder itself .

  15. 手术本身耗时短且没有痛苦。

    The operation itself is a brief , painless procedure .

  16. 事实上,工人工作并不是为了满足本身的需要。

    In practice , workers do not work to satisfy their needs .

  17. 必须区分考古学本身和以科学为基础的考古学。

    A distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology .

  18. 死亡本身就是自相矛盾的,既是终结也是开始。

    Death itself is a paradox , the end yet the beginning .

  19. 她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。

    She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself

  20. 选择与你本身的肤色相衬的颜色。

    Choose shades which tone in with your natural colouring .

  21. 宗教对她来说是与生活本身紧密联系在一起的。

    Religion was for her inextricably linked with life itself .

  22. 外交部长的介入本身就是取得进展的一个标志。

    The involvement of the foreign ministers was itself a sign of progress

  23. 任何模型都无法完全模拟自然本身。

    No model can ever be a perfect analogue of nature itself .

  24. 房子本身有三层高,绕着一个庭院而建。

    The house itself is three stories high and arranged around a courtyard

  25. 政府本身几乎不了解工业污染的程度。

    The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution

  26. 昨天的投票本身就是放弃先前所留退路的做法。

    Yesterday 's vote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position .

  27. 这项立法本身就是勉强妥协的产物。

    The legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise .

  28. 这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。

    The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities

  29. 维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制订计划很困难。

    Peacekeeping , by its nature , makes pre-planning difficult

  30. 这些花也许只开一天,但植物本身却很长寿。

    The flowers may only last a day but the plants are long-lived .