
  • 网络localization;Localization Strategy
  1. 跨国公司跨文化管理的本土化策略

    Localization strategy of cross-cultural management in the multinational corporation

  2. 国外知名体育品牌在华实施本土化策略现状分析

    On Implementation of Localization Strategy in China for Some Foreign Companies with Well-known Sports Brands

  3. 在对这些本土化策略进行阐述的同时给出了SAPR/3系统的发展环境。

    At the same time , described the development environment of SAP R / 3 system .

  4. 中国加入WTO和北京成功举办2008年奥运会,许多国际知名企业出于本土化策略,选择我国的体育健儿为其做形象代言。

    As china join in WTO and Beijing 2008 Olympic game to be convened , many world famous enterprise start from local tactics , have to chose Chinese sport stars for their spokesman .

  5. 国际品牌的本土化策略&语言学观点的检视

    Strategies of Localizing the International Brands & On a Linguistic Viewpoint

  6. 电视传播的本土化策略研究

    Study on the Strategies of Localization in Television Broadcasting

  7. 产业集群的本土化策略研究

    Research on " localization " Strategy of Industry Cluster

  8. 基督教在中国北方内陆农村社区的进入方式及其本土化策略,以及它对乡村原有社会文化、社区群体结构及家庭关系的冲击和改造。

    The approach of Christianity entering in China rural communities , and its strategy of localization .

  9. 现代主义建筑的本土化策略&上海闵行生态园接待中心解读

    Strategies of Localization of Modernism : Interpretion of the Reception Center of Minhang Ecological Garden , Shanghai

  10. 然后,根据存在的问题,笔者提出了一系列切实可行的本土化策略和建议。

    Subsequently , the author put forward a series of practical tactics and suggestions for HRM localization .

  11. 品牌全球化战略的成功最终基本都体现在本土化策略的实施上,本土化是企业实施品牌经营全球化战略的关键问题。

    Therefore , localization is the key problem for a company to implement the global strategy for brands management .

  12. 第四章对产品、价格、促销、渠道和品牌等营销组合内容实施全球化策略和本土化策略的条件进行了分析和研究。

    Chapter 4 Analyzes the conditions of products , price , promotion , place and brand etc in the condition of globalization and localizations .

  13. 本文从业务流程重组的原则及其本土化策略两方面论述了我国企业在实施业务流程重组时应注意的一系列问题。

    This article tends to discuss the problems companies should pay attention to the application of BPR by analyzing the principles and localization strategies of BPR .

  14. 为了实现跨国经营目标,跨国公司在中国积极实施研发、制造、营销、品牌及人力资源等方面的本土化策略。

    In order to realize their business aims , the TNCs in China are implementing localization strategies in RD , manufacturing , marketing , brand and human resources .

  15. 第三部分是从定位、内容、经营方式和互动四个方面讨论天津百丽吧的本土化策略,分析其成功经验。

    The third part is from the positioning , content , mode of operation and the interaction of four aspects of Tianjin " Belle " localization strategy , analyses its successful experience .

  16. 跨国公司在产品、传播、品牌建设、分销渠道建设、社会关系等很多方面实行了本土化策略,而且也取得了不错的成绩。

    Multinational companies in the product , spread , brand construction , distribution channels , social relations and so on many convenient implemented localization strategy , and it also get good grades .

  17. 集中策略、替代策略、特色品牌策略、区位优势策略、本土化策略等可供我国国有企业引进投资者时选择。

    Five options are available for China 's state-owned enterprises to introduce strategic investors , which are focus strategy , substitution strategy , unique brand strategy , regional superiority strategy and localization strategy .

  18. 一方面,麦当劳推行本土化策略,另一方面,中国消费者对其代表的西方现代性和美国身份最为关注。

    On one hand , McDonald 's introduced a strategy of localization , on the other hand , Chinese consumers on behalf of their Western modernity and the United States as the most concern .

  19. 根据不同的东道国有不同的跨文化类型,跨文化管理可采用的策略有:本土化策略、跨文化培训策略、文化相容策略、文化创新策略以及文化借用策略等。

    According to different cultural types in various countries , the strategies which can be adopted in intercultural management are : localization , intercultural training , cultural compatibility , cultural innovation and cultural borrowing .

  20. 文章在建筑本体意义上分析了建筑师所采取的本土化策略,从建筑的庭院、组景、室内外空间、材料技术、建构以及地域特征等方面进行了深入的解读。

    This article analyses the localizing strategies the architect used , interpreting the meaning of the courtyard , views , indoor and outdoor spaces , material , construction method , and regional characteristics of the building .

  21. 本文在众多学者研究的基础上,通过定性、定量、市场调研和案例分析相结合的方法,研究了医疗设备跨国公司在中国的本土化策略。

    Based on the research of many scholars , this article reached the localization strategies of medical multinational corporations , by many methods such as qualitative analysis 、 quantitative analysis , marketing research and case analysis .

  22. 实施和而不同的互体互用、体用结合,尊重差异、拓展优长,另辟蹊径、综合创新的本土化策略,理当成为人类建构全球化语境下世界文化新格局的必由之路。

    The domestication strategy gives privilege to mutual benefits , harmony in difference , difference and development of advantages , new frontiers and comprehensive innovations , which is the only way to construct a new pattern of world cultural in the context of globalization .

  23. 中国网络游戏产业本土化发展策略探析

    Analysis on Local Development of China 's Network Game Industry

  24. 对外承包工程企业本土化经营策略

    Marketing Strategy to Make A Contracting Enterprise Localize Overseas

  25. 基于价值链的对外承包企业本土化经营策略

    Localization strategy of overseas contracting enterprise based-on value chain

  26. 然后介绍了之前关于国际广告传播策略的发展,全球化思考本土化执行策略的产生。

    Before then the paper introduces the discussion about international advertisement strategy , namely the about standardization and localization argument .

  27. 在必须坚持外资银行本土化管理策略的同时,中资银行需加强自身的竞争力,积极与外资银行合作才能应对挑战。

    In order to meet the challenge , Chinese banks have to improve their own competence and cooperate actively with foreign banks .

  28. 第五章分析了两个世界著名跨国公司如何在国际市场上成功实施广告传播的全球化思考本土化执行策略,以做到理论与实践的结合。

    The fifth chapter analyzes two world-famous multinational corporations how to implement the strategy successfully in the international market to made the theory and the actual union .

  29. 跨国公司通过运用系统化投资策略、并购投资策略、控股和独资策略、本土化经营策略以及研发策略等,建立和发展其在华的竞争优势。

    Utilizing the strategies of systematic investment , mergers acquisitions , sole proprietorship , localization as well as research development , MNCs have developed their competitive advantages in China .

  30. 最后文章得出结论,城市电视台在面临巨大的竞争压力之下,坚持本土化的策略,并不断创新求变,依然能在自己的地盘上站稳脚跟。

    City TV stations in the face of tremendous competition , adhere to the strategy of localization , and continuously innovation , and finally able to stand firm on their own sites .