
  • 网络Future Wars;La Guerre Future
  1. 隐身飞机在未来的战争中有重要的战略作用。

    Stealth airplanes play a very important strategic role in the future war .

  2. 未来的战争是什么样?

    What will be the Future War Like ?

  3. 在未来的战争中还有使用大型战舰的必要吗?

    Will there be any further use for big battleship in the future war ?

  4. 从某种角度讲,未来的战争,要求作战力量能有机的结合为一个系统,如同一个生物。

    The future war requires combat forces should be an organic union system , like a same organism .

  5. 用惊吓,恐怖,破坏,暗杀等手段削弱敌人,这才是未来的战争。

    Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise , terror , sabotage , assassination . This is the war of the future .

  6. 未来的战争主要是爆发在高技术信息化条件下的局部战争,先进的武器装备使战斗的非接触性和高效性大大加强。

    The future war is mainly local war based on high information technology , advanced weaponry enforce the non-contact ability and efficiency greatly .

  7. 水手和海军陆战队员们不仅将引领未来的战争,而且还将在未来数十年引领我们国家的安全。

    the sailors and Marines who will not only lead that fight , but who will lead our country for decades to come .

  8. 范奥斯塔延认为,历史学家、人权观察者、可能还有未来的战争罪检察官应该使用这类原始材料。

    Mr Van Ostaeyen sees such videos as source materials to be used by historians , human rights watchers and possibly future war crimes prosecutors .

  9. 随着未来的战争朝着局部化、小型化的常规战争的方向发展,子母弹的应用更加广泛,更加被各国所重视。

    Along with the future war becomes to local and miniature conventional warfare , cluster munitions will be used more extensively and catch more national attention .

  10. 21世纪,随着信息技术的发展,未来的战争是以联合作战和网络中心战为主的信息化战争。

    With the development of information technique in the21th century , the future warfare becomes informational war that mainly consists of combined operations and network-center warfare .

  11. 未来的战争形式将是体系对体系的全方位作战,开展航空装备体系信息一体化技术的研究对于提升我国空中力量、维护国家安全具有重要意义。

    The system conflict features the future air fight , development of air equipments integration system is important significance of enhancing our air fight capability and defending nation .

  12. 正如斯大林讲过的,石油是生命攸关的问题,因为谁拥有更多的石油,谁就能在未来的战争中占指挥地位。

    As Stalin said , oil is the vital problem about life , because who owns more oil , who can be the dominant of the future war .

  13. 在未来的战争中,信息化技术将扮演决定性的角色,围绕信息处理和信息应用也迎来一个蓬勃发展的新时期。

    In the future war , information technology will play a decisive role , around information processing and information application also ushered in a new period of vigorous development .

  14. 二是预见到空中力量将在未来的战争中起决定性作用,提出了空权论。

    Second , Mitchell proposed the " right on the air " theory because he speculated that the air force would play a decisive role in the future war .

  15. 未来的战争是信息化的战争,一体化联合作战取代协同性联合作战成为今后信息化战争发展的新趋势。

    The future war is the informationized war , the integrative combined operation replacing the cooperative combined operation has become the new tendency of the informationized war in the future .

  16. 由近些年的一些局部战争可以看出,未来的战争将不再是单纯的武力对抗,而是系统与系统、体系与体系之间的对抗,信息战和电子战将贯穿战争的始终。

    Through the local wars in recent years we can see that future wars will no longer be the simple force confrontation , but system to system . And information warfare and electronic war will go through the whole war .

  17. 想到未来的核子战争,人人心惊肉跳。

    The prospect of nuclear war terrifies everyone .

  18. 美国人民将发现难于避免卷入未来的欧洲战争。

    The American people would find it difficult to avoid involvement in a future European war .

  19. 换句话说,应对今天的网络犯罪潮可能有助于阻止未来的网络战争。

    In other words , tackling today 's cybercrime wave could help stop tomorrow 's cyberwar .

  20. 在未来的地面战争中,它仍然是夺取胜利的主要武器。

    In the future ground war , tank is still the main weapon to gain the victory .

  21. 《蝇王》描写了一群英国男孩由于一场未来的核战争而被失事飞机降落到荒岛上的经历。

    Lord of the Flies is a story about a group of English boys who are sent to an isolated island by the shipwrecked airplane in a mimic future nuclear war .

  22. 根据本文所提出的方法计算可以得出工事在未来的核战争中受核爆炸冲击波作用时处于弹性状态、塑性状态或是破坏状态的概率,用来预测工事的安全性。

    According to the method presented in this paper , one can gain the probability that structures to blast will be in elastic state , plastic state or failure in future muclear war for forecasting the safety of structures .

  23. 由于地球上海洋的面积占全球面积的70%以上,未来的局部战争在海上作战可能性很大,发展卫星海洋目标监视系统也就越来越重要。

    As the sea takes up more than 70 % of the earth , it is possible that regional wars will break up on the sea in the future . It becomes more and more important to develop the monitor system of satellite sea targets .

  24. 在其序言部分,它预测,冷战后未来的“永久战争”。

    In its preamble , it predicts a post cold war future of " perpetual warfare " .

  25. 在未来的空地一体化战争中,对空防御是影响战争胜负的重要环节。

    In the future " Open space integration " war , air defense is the crucial link to affect the outcome of the war .

  26. 《饥饿游戏》故事背景设定在未来的美洲,战争摧毁了那里的一切,只剩下几个小的人口聚集地(被称之为辖区)。

    The Hunger Games is set in a future America in which wars have wiped out all but small population centers ( known as Districts ) .

  27. 为了是未来发生更少的战争,彼得先生希望吸引聪明和有文化的人参与到军队生涯。

    As well as making future wars less likely , Sir Peter hopes that this will attract bright and culturally sensitive people to an army career .

  28. 进入新世纪,人类战争形态与以往相比发生了重大变化,信息战争将成为未来战争的主要战争样式。

    In the new century , the great change has taken place in the human war , and the information war will become the main style in the future .

  29. 并从军事运输的角度出发,统一量纲,计算出假设战例地域中陆路交通(铁路、公路)的最小阻抗时间和最优路径,为未来可能发生的战争提供决策支持。

    And from the point of view of military transportation , unified dimension , calculated the smallest impedance time and the optimal way choice in the supposition combat example region land traffic ( railway , highway ), for future possible war provide decision support .

  30. 在此次战争中,未来信息化的高技术战争已初现端倪。

    It is right in the war that the pattern of the hi-tech warfare in the future has been seen .