
wèi hūn tónɡ jū
  • live in sin;nonmarital cohabitation
  1. 在意大利,很少有人未婚同居。

    In Italy people hardly ever cohabit

  2. 今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。

    Today , we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together

  3. 尽管同居率呈上升趋势,但自1990年以来,已婚和未婚同居的年轻人的总体比例大幅下降。

    While cohabitation has been on the rise , the overall share of young adults either married or living with an unmarried patner has substantially fallen since 1990 .

  4. BBC表示,想让那些未婚同居、离异后准备再婚的情侣和同性恋情侣参加节目,以“反映现代英国。”

    The corporation says that it wants to see parents who are cohabiting , those remarrying after divorce , and even homosexual couples taking part , to " reflect modern Britain . "

  5. 我一直都很想知道未婚同居是什么样的滋味。

    I had always wondered what living in sin would be like .

  6. 在原籍有婚姻史或未婚同居史的占20.3%;

    20.3 % of them were married or lived together with men without marriage ;

  7. 他们未婚同居。

    They cohabit together without be in married .

  8. 女性未婚同居问题研究初探

    The exploration of female no & marital cohabitation

  9. 这份资料提供了男女未婚同居的最详尽的数据。

    It provides the most detailed data on cohabitation of men and women to date .

  10. 其它婚姻文化衰退的标志还包括无处不在的未婚同居,以及毁灭性的高离婚率。

    Other indicators are widespread non-marital sexual cohabitation and a devastatingly high rate of divorce .

  11. 他认为未婚同居是罪孽。

    He believes it is a sin for two people to live together without being married .

  12. 在大多数国家,已婚人士比那些未婚同居的人们生活幸福感更强烈。

    In most countries married people are happier with their life than those who cohabit with a partner .

  13. 很多伴侣未婚同居,而很多已婚的人也会经常发生外遇。

    Many couples live together without getting married , and those that marry often do not stay married .

  14. 去年,德里一名法官公开指责未婚同居行为,称之为西方文化的无耻产物。

    Last year , a court in Delhi said live-in relationships were immoral and an infamous product of Western culture .

  15. 根据住在温岭的两位年轻基督徒报导,当地许多人流行未婚同居。

    Two young Christians in Wenling wrote into a magazine about the trend among believers to live together before marriage .

  16. 如果这两个人是未婚同居,那与你无关,你还是别管闲事吧!

    If these two people are living in sin it is nothing to do with you , so mind your own business .

  17. 去年,德里一名法官公开指责未婚同居行为,称之为“西方文化的无耻产物”。

    Last year , a court in Delhi said live-in relationships were immoral and an " infamous product of Western culture . "

  18. 在多哥,37%的已婚或未婚同居的男人承认在过去的12个月中有另外一个性伙伴。

    In Togo 37 % of married or cohabiting men say they have had another sexual partner in the past 12 months .

  19. 三分之二的出生于未婚同居家庭的孩子在十岁之前会看到父母分手。

    Two-thirds of American children born to co-habiting parents who later marry will see their parents split up by the time they are ten .

  20. 我母亲对于品行端正非常重视&我想要是我和一个男人未婚同居,她一定会吓坏的。

    My mother is very concerned with propriety & I think she 'd be horrified if I was living with a man that I wasn 't married to .

  21. 根据美国人口普查局最新报告显示,美国未婚同居情侣人数在1960年至2010年间增加了17倍以上。

    The number of unmarried cohabiting couples in the US increased more than 17 fold between 1960 and 2010 , according to a recent US Census Bureau report .

  22. 结果大学生性观念较为开放,对于婚前性行为和未婚同居普遍持认可态度,性行为发生率高达21.06%,男生的性观念比女生开放,性行为发生率也高于女生。

    They generally approved to premarital sex and pre-marital cohabitation . Sexual behavior incidence was up to 21.06 % . The sexual concept of the male was more opened than the female .

  23. 研究人员们对此表示:“睡眠是影响婚姻满意度的一个重要因素。高达三分之一的已婚或未婚同居成人声称,睡眠问题会给彼此关系带来负担。”

    The researchers said : ' Sleep is an important factor that affects marital satisfaction . Up to a third of married or cohabiting adults report that sleeps problems burden their relationship . '

  24. 美国婚姻律师学会的1600名会员处理离婚、子女抚养、分居、婚前协议、监护权争夺、财产评估和分割、未婚同居夫妇权利等案件。

    The 1,600 members of the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers handle separations , prenuptial agreements , custody battles , property evaluation and division , the rights of unmarried couples , as well as divorce and child support .

  25. 友谊的这种影响,似乎源自和一个浪漫的伴侣一起生活,而非法律上的已婚身份,因为它对那些未婚同居的人的影响同样大。

    The effect of friendship seems to be the result of living with a romantic partner , rather than the legal status of being married , because it was as strong for people who lived together but weren 't married .

  26. 据《泰晤士报》报道,从本周起,原本主要用于商业纠纷的仲裁程序将可以用于离婚案件,还可用于子女抚养费纠纷、财产继承纠纷和未婚同居财产纠纷。

    From this week the process of arbitration , previously used mainly for commercial disputes , is being opened up to be able to deal with divorces , as well as financial provision for children , property and inheritance issues , claims between unmarried couples and property disputes , The Times reported .

  27. 她反对未婚男女同居。

    She disapproves of unmarried couples living together .

  28. 调查显示越来越多的未婚男女选择同居。

    The survey shows that more and more unmarried couples are cloosing to live together .

  29. 婚姻状况:已婚42.43%,未婚31.93%,同居20.59%,离异或者丧偶12人。

    Marital Status is 42.43 % married , and 31.93 % unmarried , 20.59 % cohabitation , and 12 people divorced or widowed .

  30. 此外,未婚女性和同居女性意外怀孕后流产的风险比有计划怀孕的女性高。

    Additionally , unmarried women or those living with a partner were also at a greater risk than those who " planned " their pregnancies .