
  1. 朝鲜国王光海君频繁遣使,积极外交。

    King of korea Guang hai frequently sent envoys with an active diplomacy .

  2. 同时,朝鲜国王须定期或不定期地派使节到北京朝贡。

    At the same time , the kings in Korea Dynasty must send the diplomatics to Beijing to contribution .

  3. 在迎接过程中,赏赐朝鲜国王礼物,同时也接受朝鲜的赠礼和其他人情物件。

    During the process of welcoming , reward gifts to the king , and accept the gifts and other things from Chosun .

  4. 依据宗藩体制,朝鲜国王、世子、王妃均须得到清帝册封;

    According to the patriarchal-vassal system , Korean king , prince and empress all must be observed order from emperors of Qing Dynasty .

  5. 他在1882年曾随清军前往朝鲜,协助国王李熙平定壬午兵变,并与该国士大夫结交。

    In 1882 , he had been to Korea with the Qing army , helping the Korean Emperor Li Xi to put down Muting in 1882 , which resulted in his association with Korean literati .