
  • 网络service conception
  1. 中国入世与高校图书馆信息服务观念的变革

    WTO Entry of China and the Revolution of University Library 's Information Service Conception

  2. 改善物业公司的服务观念,增加服务项目,提供个性化的服务。

    We must improve service conception , increase service items , and offer individuation service and so on .

  3. WTO与企业服务观念变革

    WTO and the transformation of the business service idea

  4. 首先,要树立适合WTO规则的教育理念,包括教育市场化观念、服务观念、国际标准观念、教育竞争观念等。

    First , we should set the proper conception of instruction adapting the rules of WTO , including the educational market concept , service concept , international standard concept , and compete concept .

  5. 基于网络技术的电梯远程监控系统采用目前高速发展的网络技术和嵌入式系统技术,将普通的电梯接入Internet,使之升级成为信息电梯,带给用户一种全新的产品概念和服务观念。

    The network remote elevator monitoring system based on network technology & embedded system technology has offered us the intelligent information elevator through directly connecting the elevator to Internet . It will satisfy the consumer by displaying a new product conception and service idea .

  6. 随着全面质量管理和服务观念推广到教育领域,越来越多的学校开始关注ISO9000质量管理体系。

    As the overall quality administration and the idea of education service are extended to the education field , more and more schools begin to pay attention to the ISO9000 Quality Administration System .

  7. 转变服务观念创新服务内容

    Transformation of the Service concept and Innovation of the Service Content

  8. 基于网络环境下馆员服务观念要深化和拓展

    Deepening and Expanding the Concept at Library Based on Human Being

  9. 强化服务观念防范医疗纠纷

    Solidify the service concept to prevent the eruption of medical disputes

  10. 确立服务观念,强化服务本领;

    Forth , to establish service attitude and enhance service ability ;

  11. 高校图书馆转变服务观念的现状及思考

    A Reflection on the Present Situation of Changing Service in College Library

  12. 更新服务观念适应市场经济发展

    Renew the Sense of Service to Adapt the Needs of Market Economy

  13. 更新服务观念提高体检质量

    Renewing Service Concept and Improving Quality of Physical Examination

  14. 论区域高校社会服务观念转变

    On the Concept Change of Community Service of the Regional Colleges and Universities

  15. 洋诊所的到来,给人们带来全新的服务观念和现代企业化的管理。

    The coming of foreign clinics brought new service notion and modern enterprise management .

  16. 将普通的电梯接入网络,使之升级为信息电梯,带给用户一种全新的产品概念和服务观念。

    It will satisfy the users by displaying a new product conception and service idea .

  17. 试论医疗卫生改革对医院服务观念的影响及对策

    Discussing the effect and strategies on the health reform to the concept of hospital services

  18. 改变旧的服务观念,让公众了解自己;

    Change the old service sense and let the public have a good idea of us ;

  19. 区域高校必须及时转变社会服务观念以适应社会发展的要求。

    First of all the sense of community service must be further deepened on the concept change .

  20. 医患沟通制的运作方法:加强培训,改变服务观念;

    Then the ways of implementing the system were fixed : improving training and changing service concepts ;

  21. 因此转变服务观念、变革服务模式是当务之急。

    Therefore , it is the urgent affair to change the business service idea and service mode .

  22. 因此,树立读者至上的服务观念,强化多元服务功能,提高馆员的自身素质,是做好读者服务工作的保证。

    So it needs the concept of readers first , reinforcing multi-functions and improving its librarians'quality in its service practice .

  23. 观念创新要树立开放观念、市场观念、经营观念、精品观念、服务观念等观念。

    The sense innovation sets up opening sense , market sense , running sense , plum sense and service sense .

  24. 采用分层建模的方法,设计成可重用的和柔性的组件模型,从根本上改变人们传统的服务观念。

    The system is designed to reused flexible component model using layered mode . The people 's traditional service ideas are changed .

  25. 面对新形势,图书馆要改变传统的信息服务观念,以最新的信息技术和手段,开发全方位、多层次的信息服务。

    Facing the new situation , library should change traditional conception of information service and develop overall and various information services with latest information technology .

  26. 前言:目的转变服务观念,调动护士工作的积极性,增强工作主动性。

    Objective : Building a motivation mechanism to change the service conception , arouse the nurses enthusiasm for work and increase their go-aheadism for work .

  27. 在观念层面上,政府需树立开放、服务观念;企业需树立正确的信息化意识。

    On concept level , the government should establish open , the service conception ; the companies need to establish a correct awareness of information technology .

  28. 这些变化大到国家图书馆事业的重新构建、图书馆服务观念的变更,小到图书馆工作方式或读者需求行为的改变。

    These changes include not only national library industry reorganization and service concept upgrade but library internal working style modification and reader demand update as well .

  29. 德州移动需要进一步转变服务观念,将企业文化通过制度建设落实到员工行为中。

    Also , the concept towards service should be changed . Corporation culture ought to be solidified through system building approach into the performances of employers .

  30. 本文阐释了21世纪高校图书馆在读者服务观念、内容、形式、手段和服务品牌上的创新。

    This paper explains that university library service should innovate theoretically and practically from its concept , content , form , means and fine quality in the 21st century .